Topic: All Bush's Fault | |
hey you!!
![]() g'mornin! |
bush sucks.. the bush family should be put into a ship and flown out of here.
... as opposed to what? the Clintons? a scandal a week.... selling military secrets to China.... trashing the white house upon leaving? pardoning a laundry list of criminals includingone that was on the FBIs top ten wanted..... making all the contracts with Cjina to ship our Jobs overseas.... stealing all the stuff in Air Force One? The people who Beought you Janet Reno, Waco, and Ruby Ridge?
..... How quickly they forget. |
Trashing the White House was proven false. It was an internet rumor started by none other tham Matt Drudge. Drudge admitted he made the story up and put it on his web site, to in his own words, "see who bites". Well, not only did Fox News run with it(their obsession with spending 24/7 covering unfounded internet stories is legendary), but the so-called "Liberal Media" spent 24/7 covering the story. If the media is so liberal, why was this on the front page of most major newspapers, and the lead story on a lot of newscasts. However, when Drudge admitted the story was fake, the so-called "Liberal Media" basically ignored it. Those few that did print retractions put them not on the front page, but buried it deep in the papers. Sorry folks, if a story doesn't kiss up to Bush, and instead prints the facts, that doesn't make it "left-leaning".
Good point...
and if you want to talk about indications of misdoings in the White House, I seem to recall a certain and current scandal involving orders from the White House to a certain Mr. Rodriguez - orders which were not ethical or jurisdictionally appropriate ![]() |
Q- how would you feel if your 20 yr old daughter interned at the white house under(no pun intended) Clinton? What about the Bush white house?
well if we want to focus on sexual extravagandas at the white house then we should consider the alleged 19 or so visits of male prostitutes to the Bush white house since he took office...
but hey...we dont want to consider that eh?... and keep the liberal labels away from me ...I'm completely independent |
It's been all over NPR, I'm working so I don't have time to give a cogent review, but here's an article that does a decent job. |
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Tom..I am at a loss..what does an article about Gonzales have to do with a Mr Rodrigez you mention in your post? If you meant Gonzales in the first place then I'll just say this...its just another political witch hunt from the left to keep the "supposed" wrong doings of this admin in the news...there was and is nothing illegal about what Gonzales has been done by every administration. Clinton's Attorney General fired Arkansas 's when he began digging up evidence in the Whitewater scandal(along with a few others) it a good practice? I think I can agree with you that sometimes it may not be the most ethical way, but other times it does help by weeding out ones that are not doing their job...either way it is the discretionary option left to all Atterney Generals to do just what Gonzales have's just that the political climate has reached a point where everything will be scrutinized for political gains.....I hope the Dems realize that someday this may come back to haunt them when and if a Democrat is elected to President again...
![]() And sorry, I'm at work (I shouldn't be typing, but these forums are as interesting as they are addictive). My desire for brevity managed to obfuscate my original point. I'll have to look into White water, but the big problem with this Gonzalez incident was not only the methodology, but the reasoning that was used. Using the Dept. of Justice to swing an election is as unethical as voter-fraud... I agree, partisan politics is only harmful in the long-term, and political scandals have haunted our past two presidents. The real issue here, is not who has had more scandals, but who has been wrongly accused of being involved in those scandals. In my opinion, Bush is by far the worst offender. The things you can pin to Slick Willy, those are not as significant. But then again, Bill is a lot smoother than Dubbya; who has a tendency to not care at all what happens so long as he gets away with it. |
did Bush cause this result in america? |
HAHA! This video is AWESOME!
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i know one thing for sure.... he sure hasnt helped things on this planet!!!