Topic: All Bush's Fault
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Thu 07/19/07 06:24 PM
i don't ride one party. bush has a tough job and i sure as hell wouldn't want it but it's just my opinion that a few things need to change.

Tomokun's photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:25 PM
Erm...I don't want to get too involved into this, but there is a good reason we went to protect our currency.

Currently the agreement that we have requires that all oil purchased over there must be purchased with American currency, that's an agreement that we made.

However, due to...EVERYTHING that has been happening over there, there has been talks/negotiations to also include the Yen or the Euro. The impact that would have on our currency would be devastating. No longer would America be involved in each and every oil transaction that takes place; our money would lose a LOT of value on the world market, which would in turn devastate our economy by causing massive inflation.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:27 PM
Bill ..Cloudy is right..Clinton Had nothing to do with it..every time our planes were shot at..he did nothing....when the Cole was bombed...he did nothing... when our embassy was bombed in Africa..he did nothing....on and on...Clinton did all had to wait till AFTER he was gone to clean up.

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:27 PM
Are you suggesting it's a matter of survival?huh

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:27 PM
thats an interesting theory, der fuhrer. makes sense too.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:28 PM
i haven't had a chance to read up on that tom but i do remember a few members here discussing it at one time or another.

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:28 PM
Hey, I was in school when clinton was the pres, so I had more issues at hand than politics, like acne, dating, and getting to class on time.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:30 PM
you're definitely right about that serchin. clinton didn't do **** when those events happened, nothing major anyway. i'm sure there were some black ops going on but i doubt they did a whole lot and an argument can be made that clintons actions only emboldened them.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:31 PM
well not exactly nothing, he and janet waco burned 81 people alive in texas, and authorised a sniper to kill a woman on her porch while maliciously nursing her baby. so we see that he has reacted a few times with the military... on us.

Tomokun's photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:34 PM
*sigh* Clinton caught a lot of flack after the fact for doing nothing, but at the time if you remember the headlines, he was being accused of zealous behavior to mask the issues he was having with his "lady friends". He is actually quoted as saying, "The next President is going to spend a lot of time dealing with Osama Bin Laden." Fun activity, why don't you look up old articles that reference Bill Clinton being obsessed with Bin Laden:wink:

I think it's hilarious how he is literally being bashed for two opposing viewpoints...I mean, how can you be obsessed with the middle east and then much later yelled at for doing nothing.

Oh, and the plan that we are using, the military technology and tactics...yeah, that's Clinton's military. He had left the plan for good 'ol GW; but that didn't get implemented until 9/12.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:35 PM
our enemies around the world would jump with joy if the clintonistas were back in power. They could then do whatever they want without fear of retaliation. i have a lot of friends in high places in the military and they all say that when clinton was visiting a base he was afforded the most basic of military courtesy, nothing more. they genuinly hated him and his regime who were not military people and who had no clue what to do in a conflict.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:35 PM
Tom..I disagree...although you may be right about having an impact..I don't think it will be major or lasting one..because despite that oil is a very valuble commodity...the oil rich countries invest heavly into our market...along with the Japanese (yen) and euro in short term it may have small impact until all markets adjust...but wether it is in Euro's, Yen, or whatever...we still have the most profitable markets in the world that foreigners invest in (which are converted to dollars)and it will all come out in the wash...

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:45 PM
i think the major bug in his pants about bin laden tom is that he suppossedly had a chance to exterminate binladen but chose to let him go. it's so hard to definitaly accuse any president of anyone thing because alot of these issues don't stop when a new administration takes office. alot of stuff is ongoing and it's hard for them to justify their work with someone elses.

Tomokun's photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:52 PM
Oh, we'll survive, sure. However, look at what the current value of the dollar is, and consider that we have THAT in our back pocket. Oil is a billion dollar market, do you really think that changing the flow of billions of dollars will have little to no effect on our economy? Our deal with the oil is an economic hijacking of sorts, that's one of the reasons we have poor relations with some countries.

And as for the implication that Clinton wouldn't do anything...keep in mind the Legislative Branch that Clinton was dealing with, and how that differs from the Legislative climate that GW is dealing with. Not at the moment of course, but at the time of crisis. Currently GW is getting a taste of what Clinton went through during the incident with the Cole.

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 06:55 PM
yes King...everyone can play Monday morning quarter back...history is the true test of ones policices...the so-called Bush haters who call him and his administration Neo- Cons and Nazi's will someday eat their words if Iraq becomes a peaceful democracy some day...which may take many years...but the enfluence it will have on surrounding countries that will give others hope to get out from under the monarchies that control all their freedoms will someday explode like it did in the Soviet Union....when people are given a taste of freedom and it is close by...they gravitate toward it until it can't be stopped. It's worth the chance and it can only make our world better in the long term.

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:00 PM
But I don't think its right to send off my generation to die for a "maybe peace" in a far away land. I want peace in this country, without death and destruction.

Child of a hippy and proud of it.

no photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:01 PM
I have to agree wit Tomokun. This is about money. I see alot of people going back and forth about staying in touch with current events and history and so on. Well if you watch Fox news you will get one story. If you watch liberal media you will get another side. Please folks dont forget who owns all the media and what their goal is. Their goal is to have you folks doing exactly what you are doing here. Blamming Republicans and Democrats for our woes. Tha is precisely what they want. The people with money like the Morgans,Hatthaways,berkshires and I can go on all day will back a particular candiate if it suits their needs. Dont think for a minute they are party loyal. They started the Federal Reserve years ago and the only thing they want is to keep it going because they make billions of dollars and dont pay a red cent in taxes. Taxes were started in 1913 along with the Federal Reserve. The only reason taxes were started was to pay for the interest we would incur on the borrowed money. Taxes were meant for those "dealing with the Federal Govt ONLY" it carried thruout the years by way of sneaky wording so working people would pay as well. See when you read history you have to go back far enough to find the root of the problem and GW or Clinton were alive when it started but as long as they keep the population at each others throat with this party nit-picking people will stay away from them and federal reserve. Go to youtube and listen to some of what this republican congress man by the name of Ron Paul is saying about the Fed. Res then find listen to a man called Aaron Russo talk about how the Fed resv came about and out tax system and youll know why the US does what it does. Those countries "in trouble" with the US is b/c they want out of the dollar and if the US lets them out of the dollar we are in trouble. Iraq only invaded Kuwait because WAY back when it belonged to Iraq. Read far enough and you will see also that Iraq informed the US it was going to take Kuwait back and the US gave it a green light to later get involved as the savior of Kuwait. See the beauty of de-clasified papers "bush #1" is that you find out lots of the real story and reading foreing news you find out even more b/c like I said the media here is bought and paid for. Am I a democrat? yeap. Am i Republican ? yeap. I vote for the person not the party and this time around I will support Ron Paul because he is the only one asking to have the Federal Reserve be gone and once we dont have to pay to borrow our own money maybe we can begin to fix our economy and dollar which contrary to popular belief is NOT doing well.
Of course just my two cents worth. :-)

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:06 PM
Ok..Tom..first..the reason for the "deals" to use US dollars was because it is was much easier for the oil producing countries...remember this was before the advent of the euro...America was and is the biggest buyer of oil in the world(the chinese are catching up fast) and so instead of the Saudies dealing with Pounds, Francs, Rubles and yen was made simpler to use just one currency,add to that, that the US was the biggest supplier of drilling technology and just made sense at the seem to have a distorted view of shady deal you a conspiracy buff?:wink: could you talk about the "climate" of the Congress back then...they were screaming for him to do something about these incidents..Somolia included but he was too busy defending and lying about Monica to concentrate on the real issues.I don't blame him..I can Imagine the verbal and phycological abuse he took every day from Hillarylaugh laugh laugh

kidatheart70's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:07 PM
Taino, I find it interesting how others can't entertain the idea that there may be at least some truth to what you just wrote.
I guess it's just easier to point fingers and blame someone else for everything that happens.
Those darn Liberals, those darn Democrats.laugh

Serchin4MyRedWine's photo
Thu 07/19/07 07:08 PM
yeah can have the 911 kind of peace just sitting around doing nothing....