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Topic: Did someone tell you they love you today? - part 10
ujGearhead's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:39 PM

No, but my cat has been staring at me intently for almost 20 minutes. Either she loves me or she's plotting my death.

How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you.....

1. Kneading on you- You may think this is a sign of affection, but your cat is actually checking your internal organs for weaknesses. surprised

2. Excessive shoveling of kitty litter- After using the litter box, your cat needlessly kicks litter around, most of it ending up all over the room. This is practice for burying bodies!devil

3. Staring contests- If you get caught in a staring contest with your cat, do not look away. Looking away will signal to your cat that you are weak and an attack is likely to follow. :cry:

4. Bringing you dead animals- This isn't a gift. It's a warning!scared

5. Throwing up grass- Through this painful feeding and purging process, cats prepare their minds and bodies for combat. ill

6. Hiding in dark places and watching you- Your cat will often hide in order to study you in your natural habitat in order to further fine-tune their plan for your demise. what

7. Sleeping on your electronics- Humans have superior technology. Your cat knows this and will attempt to disrupt all communications to the outside world. Help will NOT be coming... frown

8. Pawing at your face while you sleep- Cats aren't very good at smothering people, but this won't stop them from trying. pitchfork

9. Sprinting at the light of speed out of any room you enter- When your at does this, it's actually a failed ambush. slaphead

laugh OMG! I have to post this on my Facebook. :thumbsup:


machug's photo
Sun 12/04/11 12:51 PM


special delivery to Johnny...

irisheyes79's photo
Sun 12/04/11 01:04 PM


special delivery to Johnny...

bigsmile flowerforyou smooched

ladyliz1417's photo
Sun 12/04/11 03:18 PM

I did Johnny just above this post!!!!!@

ladyliz1417's photo
Sun 12/04/11 03:19 PM

I told you Johnny just above this post!!!!!@

boonedoggy61's photo
Mon 12/05/11 05:47 AM
Nope....I am feeling extra needy today......:cry:

no photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:11 AM

Nope....I am feeling extra needy today......:cry:

Don't be needy Boonie, I luv you!!!:heart: biggrin :heart:


boonedoggy61's photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:13 AM
Edited by boonedoggy61 on Mon 12/05/11 06:14 AM
blushing blushing I love ya to sweetheartflowers

soufiehere's photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:22 AM
At 3am, under falling snow
from Abilene, Texas.

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:23 AM

At 3am, under falling snow
from Abilene, Texas.

That made me smile. :smile:

irisheyes79's photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:31 AM

I did Johnny just above this post!!!!!@

soufiehere's photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:45 AM

At 3am, under falling snow
from Abilene, Texas.

That made me smile. :smile:

I'm a smiling foo' too :-)

irisheyes79's photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:46 AM
my lil one did damn she is a minnie me

no photo
Mon 12/05/11 06:47 AM
yup - actaully it was yesterday

Ash36's photo
Mon 12/05/11 07:47 AM

no photo
Mon 12/05/11 07:50 AM


I:heart: you Ash...

Auntie V.....bigsmile

irisheyes79's photo
Mon 12/05/11 08:14 AM


luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 12/05/11 08:55 AM

No, but my cat has been staring at me intently for almost 20 minutes. Either she loves me or she's plotting my death.

How to tell if your cat is plotting to kill you.....

1. Kneading on you- You may think this is a sign of affection, but your cat is actually checking your internal organs for weaknesses. surprised

2. Excessive shoveling of kitty litter- After using the litter box, your cat needlessly kicks litter around, most of it ending up all over the room. This is practice for burying bodies!devil

3. Staring contests- If you get caught in a staring contest with your cat, do not look away. Looking away will signal to your cat that you are weak and an attack is likely to follow. :cry:

4. Bringing you dead animals- This isn't a gift. It's a warning!scared

5. Throwing up grass- Through this painful feeding and purging process, cats prepare their minds and bodies for combat. ill

6. Hiding in dark places and watching you- Your cat will often hide in order to study you in your natural habitat in order to further fine-tune their plan for your demise. what

7. Sleeping on your electronics- Humans have superior technology. Your cat knows this and will attempt to disrupt all communications to the outside world. Help will NOT be coming... frown

8. Pawing at your face while you sleep- Cats aren't very good at smothering people, but this won't stop them from trying. pitchfork

9. Sprinting at the light of speed out of any room you enter- When your at does this, it's actually a failed ambush. slaphead
Freaken Hilarious!rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 12/05/11 08:58 AM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Mon 12/05/11 08:59 AM

my lil one did damn she is a minnie me
Your ***** can........................surprised

Oh thats right,whoa

nevermind!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

irisheyes79's photo
Mon 12/05/11 09:39 AM

my lil one did damn she is a minnie me
Your ***** can........................surprised

Oh thats right,whoa

nevermind!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
ur badbigsmile

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