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Topic: Proof of God is easy for the Pantheist.
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Wed 10/26/11 04:05 PM

Here is my proof of God.

I exist. You exist. Everything you see....exists... and is God.

There you have it. Pantheist's Proof of God.

bigsmile :banana:

CowboyGH's photo
Wed 10/26/11 04:53 PM

Here is my proof of God.

I exist. You exist. Everything you see....exists... and is God.

There you have it. Pantheist's Proof of God.

bigsmile :banana:

There's absolutely no proof there other then we exist. We could have been created by Aliens, we could have been made in a science lab by a foreign entity. Heck we could have been created in a big bang. There's no absolutely "proof" of creation in any way shape or form.

no photo
Wed 10/26/11 05:01 PM

Here is my proof of God.

I exist. You exist. Everything you see....exists... and is God.

There you have it. Pantheist's Proof of God.

bigsmile :banana:

There's absolutely no proof there other then we exist. We could have been created by Aliens, we could have been made in a science lab by a foreign entity. Heck we could have been created in a big bang. There's no absolutely "proof" of creation in any way shape or form.

I am not proving "creation."

I am proving existence. tongue2

AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 10/26/11 08:09 PM

Here is my proof of God.

I exist. You exist. Everything you see....exists... and is God.

There you have it. Pantheist's Proof of God.

bigsmile :banana:

There's absolutely no proof there other then we exist. We could have been created by Aliens, we could have been made in a science lab by a foreign entity. Heck we could have been created in a big bang. There's no absolutely "proof" of creation in any way shape or form.

If an alien science did the work (it would have been god that directed it - he walks with them also)

god is universal.

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 07:19 AM
I think the biggest obstacle for people trying to understand Pantheism is the connotations that come with the word 'god'. Consider these two statements:

God is everything


Everything is god

The former allows one to include preconceived notions of what god is and since humans have been fighting over definitions since forever it's probably not a very useful statement.

The latter is much clearer, IMO. It is the definition.

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Thu 10/27/11 09:37 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Thu 10/27/11 09:38 AM

Here is my proof of God.

I exist. You exist. Everything you see....exists... and is God.

There you have it. Pantheist's Proof of God.

bigsmile :banana:

There's absolutely no proof there other then we exist. We could have been created by Aliens, we could have been made in a science lab by a foreign entity. Heck we could have been created in a big bang. There's no absolutely "proof" of creation in any way shape or form.

If an alien science did the work (it would have been god that directed it - he walks with them also)

god is universal.

By saying "he walks with them also" are you implying that God has legs and walks (or looks) like a humanoid? OR that god (as spirit) dwells within them also?

If so, wouldn't "he" also be classified as an "alien?" (non human sentient life form not of this earth.)

By saying "god is universal" what do you mean?

That god is the universe? That god is everywhere in the universe? That god can go anywhere in the universe?

"God is universal" doesn't really say much, or it says too much.

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 09:40 AM

I think the biggest obstacle for people trying to understand Pantheism is the connotations that come with the word 'god'. Consider these two statements:

God is everything


Everything is god

The former allows one to include preconceived notions of what god is and since humans have been fighting over definitions since forever it's probably not a very useful statement.

The latter is much clearer, IMO. It is the definition.

I like "Everything is God."

and from a personal perspective, "I am God."

no photo
Thu 10/27/11 04:51 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Thu 10/27/11 05:15 PM



God is Real


When God

thru the Power


His Holy Spriit




In Our Heart......


God's Holy Spirit



With Our spirit.....

Letting Us KNOW








no photo
Fri 10/28/11 04:54 PM

I like "Everything is God."

and from a personal perspective, "I am God."

Oh Hades Yes drinks

no photo
Fri 10/28/11 07:12 PM

I like "Everything is God."

and from a personal perspective, "I am God."

Oh Hades Yes drinks

A lot of people don't get that. It is not an arrogant "I think I'm God" attitude. It is the subtle realization that I am. I am a manifestation of that.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/28/11 08:01 PM

Here is my proof of God.

I exist. You exist. Everything you see....exists... and is God.

There you have it. Pantheist's Proof of God.

bigsmile :banana:

There's absolutely no proof there other then we exist. We could have been created by Aliens, we could have been made in a science lab by a foreign entity. Heck we could have been created in a big bang. There's no absolutely "proof" of creation in any way shape or form.

If an alien science did the work (it would have been god that directed it - he walks with them also)

god is universal.

By saying "he walks with them also" are you implying that God has legs and walks (or looks) like a humanoid? OR that god (as spirit) dwells within them also?

If so, wouldn't "he" also be classified as an "alien?" (non human sentient life form not of this earth.)

By saying "god is universal" what do you mean?

That god is the universe? That god is everywhere in the universe? That god can go anywhere in the universe?

"God is universal" doesn't really say much, or it says too much.

Do you really think 'Image of...' means two arms, two legs, humanoid?

That 'Image of' is a much deeper imortal part of us all.

Any theorized 'alien' would be simply another, other, brother, Same God, different Mother, (from which the dust of their forming came).

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 10/28/11 08:06 PM
Lets put the OP a different way.


is this not a truth of the 'word' by Abraham?

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Fri 10/28/11 09:37 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Fri 10/28/11 09:41 PM



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Fri 10/28/11 09:46 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 10/28/11 09:49 PM

Lets put the OP a different way.


is this not a truth of the 'word' by Abraham?

That sentence (I am is God.) doe not make any sense at all.

It is improper English.

It has two verbs.

no photo
Fri 10/28/11 09:48 PM
To add, I believe that Abraham is a fictional character.

no photo
Fri 10/28/11 10:25 PM
Edited by MorningSong on Fri 10/28/11 11:14 PM


in John 8:58

Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham

was, I AM."

Here is more on Jesus as the Great I AM :


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Sat 10/29/11 12:05 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Sat 10/29/11 12:24 AM
I AM is just one of many names and titles of Jesus


Question: "What are the different names and titles of Jesus Christ?"

Answer: There are some 200 names and titles of Christ found in the Bible. Following are some of the more prominent ones, organized in three sections relating to names that reflect the nature of Christ, His position in the tri-unity of God, and His work on earth on our behalf.

The Nature of Christ
Chief Cornerstone: (Ephesians 2:20) – Jesus is the cornerstone of the building which is His church. He cements together Jew and Gentile, male and female—all saints from all ages and places into one structure built on faith in Him which is shared by all.

Firstborn over all creation: (Colossians 1:15) – Not the first thing God created, as some incorrectly claim, because verse 16 says all things were created through and for Christ. Rather, the meaning is that Christ occupies the rank and pre-eminence of the first-born over all things, that He sustains the most exalted rank in the universe; He is pre-eminent above all others; He is at the head of all things.

Head of the Church: (Ephesians 1:22; 4:15; 5:23) – Jesus Christ, not a king or a pope, is the only supreme, sovereign ruler of the Church—those for whom He died and who have placed their faith in Him alone for salvation.

Holy One: (Acts 3:14; Psalm 16:10) – Christ is holy, both in his divine and human nature, and the fountain of holiness to His people. By His death, we are made holy and pure before God.

Judge: (Acts 10:42; 2 Timothy 4:8) – The Lord Jesus was appointed by God to judge the world and to dispense the rewards of eternity.

King of kings and Lord of lords: (1 Timothy 6:15; Revelation 19:16) – Jesus has dominion over all authority on the earth, over all kings and rulers, and none can prevent Him from accomplishing His purposes. He directs them as He pleases.

Light of the World: (John 8:12) – Jesus came into a world darkened by sin and shed the light of life and truth through His work and His words. Those who trust in Him have their eyes opened by Him and walk in the light.

Prince of peace: (Isaiah 9:6) – Jesus came not to bring peace to the world as in the absence of war, but peace between God and man who were separated by sin. He died to reconcile sinners to a holy God.

Son of God: (Luke 1:35; John 1:49) – Jesus is the “only begotten of the Father” (John 1:14). Used 42 times in the New Testament, “Son of God” affirms the deity of Christ.

Son of man: (John 5:27) – Used as a contrast to “Son of God” this phrase affirms the humanity of Christ which exists alongside His divinity.

Word: (John 1:1; 1 John 5:7-8) – The Word is the second Person of the triune God, who said it and it was done, who spoke all things out of nothing in the first creation, who was in the beginning with God the Father, and was God, and by whom all things were created.

Word of God: (Revelation 19:12-13) – This is the name given to Christ that is unknown to all but Himself. It denotes the mystery of His divine person.

Word of Life: (1 John 1:1) – Jesus not only spoke words that lead to eternal life, but according to this verse He is the very words of life, referring to the eternal life of joy and fulfillment which He provides.

His position in the trinity
Alpha and Omega: (Revelation 1:8; 22:13) – Jesus declared Himself to be the beginning and end of all things, a reference to no one but the true God. This statement of eternality could apply only to God.

Emmanuel: (Isaiah 9:6; Matthew 1:23) – Literally “God with us.” Both Isaiah and Matthew affirm that the Christ who would be born in Bethlehem would be God Himself who came to earth in the form of a man to live among His people.

I Am: (John 8:58, with Exodus 3:14) – When Jesus ascribed to Himself this title, the Jews tried to stone Him for blasphemy. They understood that He was declaring Himself to be the eternal God, the unchanging Jehovah of the Old Testament.

Lord of All: (Acts 10:36) – Jesus is the sovereign ruler over the whole world and all things in it, of all the nations of the world, and particularly of the people of God's choosing, Gentiles as well as Jews.

True God: (1 John 5:20) – This is a direct assertion that Jesus, being the true God, is not only divine, but is the Divine. Since the Bible teaches there is only one God, this can only be describing His nature as part of the triune God.

His Work on earth
Author and Perfecter of our Faith: (Hebrews 12:2) – Salvation is accomplished through the faith that is the gift of God (Ephesians 2:8-9) and Jesus is the founder of our faith and the finisher of it as well. From first to last, He is the source and sustainer of the faith that saves us.

Bread of Life: (John 6:35; 6:48) – Just as bread sustains life in the physical sense, Jesus is the Bread that gives and sustains eternal life. God provided manna in the wilderness to feed His people and He provided Jesus to give us eternal life through His body, broken for us.

Bridegroom: (Matthew 9:15) – The picture of Christ as the Bridegroom and the Church as His Bride reveals the special relationship we have with Him. We are bound to each other in a covenant of grace that cannot be broken.

Deliverer: (Romans 11:26) – Just as the Israelites needed God to deliver them from bondage to Egypt, so Christ is our Deliverer from the bondage of sin.

Good Shepherd: (John 10:11,14) – In Bible times, a good shepherd was willing to risk his own life to protect his sheep from predators. Jesus laid down His life for His sheep, and He cares for and nurtures and feeds us.

High Priest: (Hebrews 2:17) – The Jewish high priest entered the Temple once a year to make atonement for the sins of the people. The Lord Jesus performed that function for His people once for all at the cross.

Lamb of God: (John 1:29) – God’s Law called for the sacrifice of a spotless, unblemished Lamb as an atonement for sin. Jesus became that Lamb led meekly to the slaughter, showing His patience in His sufferings and His readiness to die for His own.

Mediator: (1 Timothy 2:5) – A mediator is one who goes between two parties to reconcile them. Christ is the one and only Mediator who reconciles men and God. Praying to Mary or the saints is idolatry because it bypasses this most important role of Christ and ascribes the role of Mediator to another.

Rock: (1 Corinthians 10:4) – As life-giving water flowed from the rock Moses struck in the wilderness, Jesus is the Rock from which flow the living waters of eternal life. He is the Rock upon whom we build our spiritual houses, so that no storm can shake them.

Resurrection and Life: (John 11:25) – Embodied within Jesus is the means to resurrect sinners to eternal life, just as He was resurrected from the grave. Our sin is buried with Him and we are resurrected to walk in newness of life.

Savior: (Matthew 1:21; Luke 2:11) – He saves His people by dying to redeem them, by giving the Holy Spirit to renew them by His power, by enabling them to overcome their spiritual enemies, by sustaining them in trials and in death, and by raising them up at the last day.

True Vine: (John 15:1) – The True Vine supplies all that the branches (believers) need to produce the fruit of the Spirit— the living water of salvation and nourishment from the Word.

Way, Truth, Life: (John 14:6) – Jesus is the ONLY path to God, the only Truth , and the ONLY true source of eternal life. He embodies all three in both a temporal and an eternal sense.



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Sat 10/29/11 12:27 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 10/29/11 12:36 AM


in John 8:58

Jesus said to them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham

was, I AM."

Here is more on Jesus as the Great I AM :


Even if someone did ever say that, it is not a name.

"I am." is a statement. It is not a name.

It is not a name for Jesus or any other God.

It is a statement meaning, "I exist."

If people think that is a name of a god, they they have mistranslated and misunderstood it.

(Your second post has nothing to do with Pantheism by the way. You are injecting Christianity into a thread about Pantheism.)

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Sat 10/29/11 12:33 AM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Sat 10/29/11 12:44 AM
I do understand what the "great I am" means.

And it is not a name for Jesus or any other individual God, especially where the subject of Pantheism is concerned.

The expression is one that reverberates throughout the entire universe in every thing that exists.

That is pantheism.

I can say "I am!"

(Because I am.)


It is simply a declaration of existence and of life.

(I have said this before about the term "God" that no particular religion owns that term. It is the same for "I AM." No religious persuasion owns that statement.)

While to a Christian it might mean "Jesus" to a Pantheist it does NOT MEAN THAT AT ALL.

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Sat 10/29/11 12:50 AM
Edited by MorningSong on Sat 10/29/11 01:16 AM
The many names and titles describe and tell us about who

Jesus is..........

The Whole point of posting here, was basically to

show the difference between christianity and pantheism .

Now that the difference

has been pointed out, this post is where I stop now.

Be Blessed Now.......


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