Topic: new member
hope3277's photo
Fri 10/21/11 09:28 PM
hi, I am new. anyone want to chat?

boredinaz06's photo
Fri 10/21/11 10:04 PM

Hello and welcome to my sitedrinker Glad you couild meet me, I know this must be very exciting for you

no photo
Fri 10/21/11 11:53 PM

no photo
Sat 10/22/11 02:16 AM
Hi Hope,

Welcome waving

no photo
Sat 10/22/11 07:42 AM
Hi; Welcome to the site. Wishing you luck in your search. drinker

soufiehere's photo
Sat 10/22/11 07:56 AM

Hello and welcome to my sitedrinker
Glad you couild meet me, I know this
must be very exciting for you


Welcome :-)

Benji1010's photo
Sat 10/22/11 08:53 AM
Hello from England, and a very warm welcome to the site. Lovely to meet you. happy