Topic: Looking for Mr. Actually Exists | |
I am new to this site. I have been on others. Guys want to meet me and chicken out or I do meet them and they are so nothing like they are online so toned down and conservative and nowhere near as funny and quick. As they say in the south "boring as milk toast" not that they are smart enough, they just aren't quick with the come backs, etc. There is no fun banter going on. No exchange of ideas. They are so not like they are online. Or I say I will go out with them if they give me enough information to do a very basic identity verification (not a background check) and they either run and hide or send me their websites complete with phone numbers and contractor's licenses, etc. One or the other. Either deceptive or completely overly honest about the identity. My photo was taken on the 13th in the middle of the night with just powder some my face didn't reflect and some lipstick. No smoke and mirrors. I find so many people's pictures are not even close to accurate. Not on here but other sites. So in short, they either aren't, don't look the same, or are afraid to say who they are for some reason. It get sooooooooo old. I am in and out and around the computer and generally don't IM people or talk on the phone but I do email tons and tons and like online leave messages tons and tons because that is not so intrusive and time wasting and you can pick them up at your leisure. Some people appreciate that. Some people don't. Oh and I keep meeting Mr. Doesn't Live in My Area and Doesn't Drive. What's up with that??
But 99% You will find one out of balance 1% on your destiny day to come Bye |
Maybe what you need is a super chicken. Super Chicken was one of my favorite heroes. |
Actually I was quite proud of myself this morning. Instead of telling that lady who was trying to guilt trip the hell out of me, "Lady, I don't need your attitude. I have one of my own." I apologized to her and said, "I am sorry I didn't get your heater setting right as I didn't get a lunch break so I just chewed my fingers off and ate them." I just love working with the demented ones. They make me feel so at home. Life is truly a beach and then you get a sun tan.
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The complaints you mentioned can be alleviated by
reporting suspected scammers. They get deleted, to protect the rest. That is the beauty of the forums. You can get to know people before you date them. Welcome, from the Oregon coast :-) |
You have come to the forum to seek input. As a tottaly impartial someone whom you don't know, may I offer you some compassionate and sincere observations about your situation? Your entire post reads like a veritable laundry list of complaints and disappointments. Obviously, you have had some less than pleasant experiences here that didn't meet your expectations, but I think at least part of what is happening is maybe you focus more on what DOESN'T work instead of what you WANT. Take a moment to think about what type of person(s) that perspective will attract to you.
Naturally, I can only speak for myself, but I have discovered I tend to find whatever I am looking for, be it positive or negative; and when I look hard enough for something, it WILL show up in my life. Because this phenomena works BOTH ways, I have to keep a tight rein over what I allow myself to observe into my reality. Truly, the CHOICE is always OURS; whether we allow ourselves to make the CONSCIOUS decision and focus on solutions instead of problems, is an entirely different matter. Try to remember online dating really is a "numbers" game; and thankfully, almost everyone you meet here won't be your "ONE." You might have to spend some time going thru lots of encounters that don't add up before you happen upon the ones which do....but so does everyone here! It's called "paying our dues." Along the way, I promise you'll meet all sorts of interesting people, make new friends and learn lots of interesting new things about others and yourself. Relax, have fun and don't be tempted to take all this too seriously. More importantly,start focusing more on your successes here than the disappointments. Hope this helps...:-) |
You have come to the forum to seek input. As a tottaly impartial someone whom you don't know, may I offer you some compassionate and sincere observations about your situation? Your entire post reads like a veritable laundry list of complaints and disappointments. Obviously, you have had some less than pleasant experiences here that didn't meet your expectations, but I think at least part of what is happening is maybe you focus more on what DOESN'T work instead of what you WANT. Take a moment to think about what type of person(s) that perspective will attract to you. Naturally, I can only speak for myself, but I have discovered I tend to find whatever I am looking for, be it positive or negative; and when I look hard enough for something, it WILL show up in my life. Because this phenomena works BOTH ways, I have to keep a tight rein over what I allow myself to observe into my reality. Truly, the CHOICE is always OURS; whether we allow ourselves to make the CONSCIOUS decision and focus on solutions instead of problems, is an entirely different matter. Try to remember online dating really is a "numbers" game; and thankfully, almost everyone you meet here won't be your "ONE." You might have to spend some time going thru lots of encounters that don't add up before you happen upon the ones which do....but so does everyone here! It's called "paying our dues." Along the way, I promise you'll meet all sorts of interesting people, make new friends and learn lots of interesting new things about others and yourself. Relax, have fun and don't be tempted to take all this too seriously. More importantly,start focusing more on your successes here than the disappointments. Hope this helps...:-) Well said. I have made some great new friends. ![]() ![]() |
Welcome to the site. Grand luck in your search.
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You have come to the forum to seek input. As a tottaly impartial someone whom you don't know, may I offer you some compassionate and sincere observations about your situation? Your entire post reads like a veritable laundry list of complaints and disappointments. Obviously, you have had some less than pleasant experiences here that didn't meet your expectations, but I think at least part of what is happening is maybe you focus more on what DOESN'T work instead of what you WANT. Take a moment to think about what type of person(s) that perspective will attract to you. Naturally, I can only speak for myself, but I have discovered I tend to find whatever I am looking for, be it positive or negative; and when I look hard enough for something, it WILL show up in my life. Because this phenomena works BOTH ways, I have to keep a tight rein over what I allow myself to observe into my reality. Truly, the CHOICE is always OURS; whether we allow ourselves to make the CONSCIOUS decision and focus on solutions instead of problems, is an entirely different matter. Try to remember online dating really is a "numbers" game; and thankfully, almost everyone you meet here won't be your "ONE." You might have to spend some time going thru lots of encounters that don't add up before you happen upon the ones which do....but so does everyone here! It's called "paying our dues." Along the way, I promise you'll meet all sorts of interesting people, make new friends and learn lots of interesting new things about others and yourself. Relax, have fun and don't be tempted to take all this too seriously. More importantly,start focusing more on your successes here than the disappointments. Hope this helps...:-) ![]() |
Yes, you guys are right. I need to relax. I need to allow others to not rush me too and allow me to relax. It's not like I am running off to Vegas tomorrow. I think the ones I have encountered have pretty much seen internet dating like an auction eBay and that is not what I am here for. I am here to meet people and have fun and if I run into somebody great, if not that's okay too. I have a very full life and it's not as though I need someone to "complete me" kind of thing. I am a QA. I don't know if any of you have read "Quirky Alone - a Manifesto for Uncompromising Romantics". It's not we want to be alone necessarily. It just means we don't want to be in dull lifeless relationships...if that makes sense. But you guys are absolutely right, I need to ease off the gas pedal as I feel I am going towards a brick wall and get out of the car and smell the wild flowers along the freeway (and maybe calm down by breathing some exhaust fumes). That's a bad joke.
My dog actually has a toy that we all call Super Chicken:
"caaaalllllllllll out for super chicken!! BAAQQQWUAK!!" |
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I suppose the answer to this is to just keep looking. I have had the same problem with some of these dating sites. I have also met some nice ladies that I chat with daily and have established some friendships as a result. I suggest that you keep looking and also try out some of the other free sites such as Tagged and Pleantyoffish to see if there is someone out there for you.
Bill |
Yes, you guys are right. I need to relax. I need to allow others to not rush me too and allow me to relax. It's not like I am running off to Vegas tomorrow. I think the ones I have encountered have pretty much seen internet dating like an auction eBay and that is not what I am here for. I am here to meet people and have fun and if I run into somebody great, if not that's okay too. I have a very full life and it's not as though I need someone to "complete me" kind of thing. I am a QA. I don't know if any of you have read "Quirky Alone - a Manifesto for Uncompromising Romantics". It's not we want to be alone necessarily. It just means we don't want to be in dull lifeless relationships...if that makes sense. But you guys are absolutely right, I need to ease off the gas pedal as I feel I am going towards a brick wall and get out of the car and smell the wild flowers along the freeway (and maybe calm down by breathing some exhaust fumes). That's a bad joke. I hope that you get a chance to enjoy our joke section. I know what it is like to have bad jokes and afraid to share them. I had a bad joke that I thought was just too offensive to women so I didn't post it there. There was this prostitute who went in to have a appendectomy but the doctor who shouldn't have been performing surgery because he was intoxicated sewed up the wrong hole. So now she is making money on the side. I am pretty sure she has a good malpractice suit. |
You also need to take into account is that it’s not only convenience as to why people choose to use the internet for dating. Loads of people are more confident and comfortable behind a screen than they are in person. I have personally found that the ones that appear witty and intelligent in print are as dull as dishwater in person.
As you have said, you're not in a hurry to meet someone so it wouldn't hurt to broaden your horizons...try the ones that seem incompatible aesthetically and/or communicatively challenged (in print)because you’ll never know.. |
So you are looking for somebody to entertain you, who has a verifiable background, but not too much of a background, and who looks exactly like his publicity photos? Is that correct?
Have you tried going to a comedy club? |
Edited by
Fri 10/21/11 05:20 AM
LOL!!! I frequent them often!!! And yes when I am writing I talk to myself in Mitch Hedberg RIP pentameter because it helps me concentrate..... And I don't go out with creative types though they often find me attractive because my mother is a writer and I have dated comedians and musicians. I provide too much material. They do not always run it by me first...which is uncool....even when it's funny or's uncool. Nerds are much better. If they find you sexy...they will bastardize a piece of open source software to make your life easier....or try to buy your a girly comic book...but in truth, I love all things Wolverine and not Hugh Jackman but the actual comic book and cartoon character...I think he is a sexy beeeeatch and I love Beast tooo...
Oh look, my posts are approaching 42....I can't wait... I will have to throw myself a little party when that happens.
I saw ur profile. I would like to know more abt u and wanna see u. My self Sandy. Male. 28. Mumbai, India. Looking for good frnds and more if any one wanna be my frnd or more.... |
Hey you know it is what it is....
good luck to you though! ![]() |