Topic: Had a visitor today...
muziclvr's photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:55 PM
I seriously cant even be in this thread...spiders freak me out in a bad way!!

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:56 PM

No it's not posionous :smile: Just a common house spider. You think I would stick my fingers up at a spider & get that close if it were? laugh

I doubt we have hardly any dangerous spiders in the UK, if we do, then they've hitched a ride from elsewhere.

By the way, talking to spiders up the wall?... I think you're going up the wall with them :banana: bigsmile

If I see a spider, I've got to catch it or I will keep thinking about it all night.

a spider in your closet and a cricket on your hearth are good luck

just ask my granny

markecephus's photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:57 PM
I hate them, and if you've ever been bitten, you know why i hate them. The beneficial ones, that's ok, but the potential loss of my leg, and the sickness was not funny.

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 07:59 PM

I seriously cant even be in this thread...spiders freak me out in a bad way!!

they are AWESOME

in the early morning their dew covered geometric webs glisten in the sunlight...

and if u look closely u can see the entombed insects of yester eve whose body fluids were sucked out the night before suffocated and rolled up in little blobs

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:00 PM

I hate them, and if you've ever been bitten, you know why i hate them. The beneficial ones, that's ok, but the potential loss of my leg, and the sickness was not funny.

I didn;t see this - sorry - no offense intended -sounds awful

SilentlyScreaming's photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:00 PM
Edited by SilentlyScreaming on Mon 09/26/11 08:00 PM
ugh spiders! -cringes-

I remember i had a brown recluse in my apartment out in Ohio... didnt even know it was a dangerous spider until i saw a picture of the thing i squished hanging up at work (i worked in a hospital). I asked someone about it and said id killed one that morning and they were like "UMMM yeah... they're poisonous... "

no photo
Mon 09/26/11 08:57 PM

I hate them, and if you've ever been bitten, you know why i hate them. The beneficial ones, that's ok, but the potential loss of my leg, and the sickness was not funny.

I was bitten by a spider a couple years ago. I ended up sick with what was like the worst flu I've had in a long time... for about a week.

kelp1961's photo
Mon 09/26/11 09:25 PM
the northern california garden orb weavers (completely harmless) I love them!...I have one out front...we call here Charlotte..I do have to knock her web down now and then as she just keeps getting closer to the front widows I find anywhere near the house are the only ones I kill...the rest I ignore or relocate...btw..spiders and snakes that bite are venumous...they may also be poisoness but you would have to ingest them to find out. I'm just saying.:wink:

kelp1961's photo
Mon 09/26/11 09:57 PM

the northern california garden orb weavers (completely harmless) I love them!...I have one out front...we call here Charlotte..I do have to knock her web down now and then as she just keeps getting closer to the front widows I find anywhere near the house are the only ones I kill...the rest I ignore or relocate...btw..spiders and snakes that bite are venumous...they may also be poisoness but you would have to ingest them to find out. I'm just saying.:wink:

oops ...venomous poisonous..I think I got it right this time...geezz..
sheepishly signing off now..night all.

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 09/26/11 10:12 PM

boredinaz06's photo
Mon 09/26/11 10:13 PM

We got some pretty gnarly ones here, nothing like Australia or Central/South America but still mess you up or kill ya.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 09/27/11 09:55 AM

you know what kind of spider is in that pic? i have lots of them out back in the pasture. black ones with yellow markings and they make webs just like that.

Orb-weaver spider.

Yeah, we call them garden spiders here. They're all over the place, and usually eat grasshoppers. Love them!

I'll swipe their web with a broom if they build over the doors, and they just move higher.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 09/27/11 09:56 AM

I hate them, and if you've ever been bitten, you know why i hate them. The beneficial ones, that's ok, but the potential loss of my leg, and the sickness was not funny.

Recluse bite? Definitely understandable. Dad got bit in the leg, still has a divot where it ate away the muscle and that.

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 09/27/11 10:02 AM
Grrrr. A giant orange spider tried to land on me a week ago, being a light sleeper that i am, I felt the wind of his whisp flying down towards me and grabbed him in the dark and popped his body with my hand. I didnt even mean too. I acted spontaneously when i felt something hitting my forehead at 2am. I heard his body snap when i popped it like a pimple and when i turned the light on, his legs were all curled up on my quilt. GROSS!

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 09/27/11 10:03 AM

I hate them, and if you've ever been bitten, you know why i hate them. The beneficial ones, that's ok, but the potential loss of my leg, and the sickness was not funny.

My neice is terribly allergic, like epi-pen needed. Eyes swollen shut, throat closes. it's terrible.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 09/27/11 10:04 AM

Grrrr. A giant orange spider tried to land on me a week ago, being a light sleeper that i am, I felt the wind of his whisp flying down towards me and grabbed him in the dark and popped his body with my hand. I didnt even mean too. I acted spontaneously when i felt something hitting my forehead at 2am. I heard his body snap when i popped it like a pimple and when i turned the light on, his legs were all curled up on my quilt. GROSS!


I almost did that to a pet rat. She'd gotten out of her cage in the middle of the night, came to burrow in the bed with me, felt her whiskers and almost threw her. Fortunately, didn't happen.

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 09/27/11 10:06 AM
we have really cute lil black fuzzy ones, they look like skunks but they are spiders and they jump...They are so cute. Now that i know they are harmless I am not scared of them. Ive held tarantulas too.

I was terrified of all animals as a child. Now I try and be brave for my own kids. I held a tarantula and a millipede at the Fair one year. I still wont touch a snake though.

soufiehere's photo
Tue 09/27/11 10:06 AM

I almost did that to a pet rat. She'd gotten
out of her cage in the middle of the night,
came to burrow in the bed with me, felt her
whiskers and almost threw her. Fortunately,
didn't happen.

<<< Rat faint.

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 09/27/11 10:10 AM

we have really cute lil black fuzzy ones, they look like skunks but they are spiders and they jump...They are so cute. Now that i know they are harmless I am not scared of them. Ive held tarantulas too.

I was terrified of all animals as a child. Now I try and be brave for my own kids. I held a tarantula and a millipede at the Fair one year. I still wont touch a snake though.

Yeah, those are the ones that stay in the house here. Black fuzzies, though I think wolf spiders or jumping spiders is more accurate. They're funny and have attitude. LOL!

EquusDancer's photo
Tue 09/27/11 10:11 AM

I almost did that to a pet rat. She'd gotten
out of her cage in the middle of the night,
came to burrow in the bed with me, felt her
whiskers and almost threw her. Fortunately,
didn't happen.

<<< Rat faint.

Awww, ratties are sweeties! I miss having them.