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Only because Van Jones and Obama's people are behind it. I agree that these people are certainly supportive. So am I. Whats' wrong with that? Damage by the Tea Party? I doubt that any of the protestors are even thinking about the Party that enjoys an 18% popularity of the country. They hate the financial services industry. They know what role it has played in the economy. What does Van Jones have to do with that? Why is he even mentioned? It's not like he's the Koch Brothers or Grover Norquist or Rush Limbaugh or Dick Army. Since when is it wrong to be an advocate for a position? Or is this just Fox News' latest conspiracy smear? Is Van Jones financing the protests and shipping the protesters in like Freedom Works? Is he really, really rich like the Koch Brothers?
Instead of just throwing in Van Jones' name because you don't like him and suggesting some kind of grand conspiracy, why don't you tell us what he has actually done, especially with regard to the protest, with some references to support it. It must be really, really special. Educate me. I don't listen to Fox News, so I have never heard of him. Nobody else has seen fit to mention him. Where did you hear about him? How does this big conspiracy work? Isn't that worth a thread of its own? Do you have anything interesting or important to say about him? Tell us about him. What is his pivotal role in the Wall Street protests? How is he important to the country? First thing he did was slap the American people in the face by joining the "Truther" movement. How about his involvement in the revolutionary and anti American STORM movement, or his support of a hardened criminal who brutally murdered a police officer, called Congressional Republican's A$$holes(not professional) or his comments on race relations. The guy is a nightmere which has been typical of Obama's picks for positions. |
You can always check out "Occupy (your city)" on google or Facebook & get involved locally. I hope you do! Look what peaceful protests did for the equal rights movement in the 60's. Without them, change may NEVER have happened. Segregation could have still been in place! the movements that occured in the 60's were movements necessary for the health of our country in the future... The only person I know personally that makes 250 Thousand or better WORKS 16 hours a day or more (so now you want to STEAL his work). How dare you compare this political stunt with those movements. How dare those people that organized these things compare themselves and their 'agenda' to ANY right action... Like the Arab Spring, (to remove a repressive regime(s))... A RIGHT action. We are the US OF A... You got a problem with the governemt? VOTE to change it. Or open an office and RUN FOR Congress to change it. But don't blow no sunshine up my dark places to further a political agenda. ![]() |
You got a problem with the government? VOTE to change it. Or open an office and RUN FOR Congress to change it. when your options are to vote for idiot one or idiot two, voting is meaningless. when you don't have corporations giving you money, you can't successfully run for anything. |
How about his involvement in the revolutionary and anti American STORM movement, or his support of a hardened criminal who brutally murdered a police officer, called Congressional Republican's A$$holes(not professional) or his comments on race relations.
How about it? Is that the big conspiracy? You don't like his opinions, so that means there's some kind of huge conspiracy? I expected something little more substantial. |
Trying to appeal to logic has to happen when a capability for logic is shown, right?
Obama haters have no logic for what they feel. |
You got a problem with the government? VOTE to change it. Or open an office and RUN FOR Congress to change it. when your options are to vote for idiot one or idiot two, voting is meaningless. when you don't have corporations giving you money, you can't successfully run for anything. If you don't vote on election day then you accept the status quo and don't have right to bytch about it. Voting is our voice and if we don't use our voice or power to change things for the better than we obviously like it the way it is. |
As to the movement/protest, more power to them.
If one of their request can be considered they will have accomplished a lot. |
Edited by
Tue 10/04/11 04:53 PM
If you don't vote on election day then you accept the status quo and don't have right to bytch about it. Voting is our voice and if we don't use our voice or power to change things for the better than we obviously like it the way it is. one vote doesn't make a difference. i'm pretty sure vote or no vote you still have the right to ***** about anything. p.s; i never said anything about not voting. |
We DID vote for change...and just LOOK what happened!
DC would be quite a trip for me.
If I still lived back east, maybe I'd go. |
I fly to D.C. tomorrow & begin the occupation there 10/6-10/15...then back to Seattle to participate in my hometown's occupation.
You got a problem with the government? VOTE to change it. Or open an office and RUN FOR Congress to change it. when your options are to vote for idiot one or idiot two, voting is meaningless. when you don't have corporations giving you money, you can't successfully run for anything. If you don't vote on election day then you accept the status quo and don't have right to bytch about it. Voting is our voice and if we don't use our voice or power to change things for the better than we obviously like it the way it is. Not exactly. I didn't vote because my county did not allow me to vote for the candidate that I wanted to vote for. He was running and not on the ballet and they didn't have a write in option. |
Edited by
Tue 10/04/11 05:48 PM
We DID vote for change...and just LOOK what happened! Yea we went in the wrong direction. He changed me from employed to unemployed. Thank you Mr. Obama. |
Wow, no wonder we're in this massive political, financial mess. In case you haven't noticed, ignorance is not creating bliss in America! ![]() Got that right. Be careful in Washington, I'd go if I could but I've got a ton of money invested in my education (and no money in savings)and I will have to pay interest on those school loans,(which I'm happy to do) but every loan I've taken during this recession is at a highter interest rate than the rest of the country is now paying for cars and homes, and boats(and on top of that the interest rate for school loans actually increased not long ago. Can't figure how they get away with it. BUT, without jobs being available, all those loans will be a long time being paid back - I wonder if the government can afford that? Of course sometime in the next 10 years the govnmnt will say we are all a bunch of dead beats for not paying our loans, discontinue the help for future generations, and blame that all on the graduates who graduated with nowhere to go except to jobs that pay less than a living wage. Be careful in the streets Luna. I'm glad that someone can go |
Ya know, a really cool thing about the Wall Street protest is that there is no need to justify ar explain your interest. Just that you know your getting screwed and you know who is doing it. That's why they call it a Tea Party with brains.
Edited by
Tue 10/04/11 08:34 PM
You can always check out "Occupy (your city)" on google or Facebook & get involved locally. I hope you do! Look what peaceful protests did for the equal rights movement in the 60's. Without them, change may NEVER have happened. Segregation could have still been in place! the movements that occured in the 60's were movements necessary for the health of our country in the future... The only person I know personally that makes 250 Thousand or better WORKS 16 hours a day or more (so now you want to STEAL his work). How dare you compare this political stunt with those movements. How dare those people that organized these things compare themselves and their 'agenda' to ANY right action... Like the Arab Spring, (to remove a repressive regime(s))... A RIGHT action. We are the US OF A... You got a problem with the governemt? VOTE to change it. Or open an office and RUN FOR Congress to change it. But don't blow no sunshine up my dark places to further a political agenda. Adventure - who puts the people in front of your face and tells you "THESE ARE THE CADIDATES"? MM? Our vote means nothing except that some mega company provided the funding for the best campaign and marketing propaganda. Of course that's the plan. All those who voted for the person will support the Bull's hit that the mega corporation is has just paid to have their puppet enact. The truth is, Adventure, that if a good portion, say 1/4th of the 99%, decided to promote several blackhorse (virtually unknown) candidates, they would still loose because the media is bought, the "corporate" candidates are bought, the best marketing firms are paid off, and people will believe propaganda and hype when they are exposed to in mega doses. Unfortunately those little lame black-horse candidates will seem like a minimal blurb on a radar or can be made to look like the world's biggest crooks. Do you not know that's what we are all up against. Money is the power behind our governance not the people - that needs to change. |
Edited by
Thu 10/06/11 12:19 AM
You got a problem with the government? VOTE to change it. Or open an office and RUN FOR Congress to change it. when your options are to vote for idiot one or idiot two, voting is meaningless. when you don't have corporations giving you money, you can't successfully run for anything. If you don't vote on election day then you accept the status quo and don't have right to bytch about it. Voting is our voice and if we don't use our voice or power to change things for the better than we obviously like it the way it is. Actually Dragoness, we DO have a right. I think George Carlin put it the best, if you vote for people who screw things up as we do basically every single election, is it YOUR fault for putting them there to start with. It's not the fault of those that don't vote. I personally think the ONLY way things will ever change is if we stop playing their games.The current system is a joke and completely controlled. No matter what happens, they're gonna put in whomever they want. It will come down to us having a choice between puppet #1 and puppet #2 like every other presidential election before it. Given that being the case, my vote really means very little. Until we reach a point where we collectively wake up and stop voting the way we have been for years and years and years, it will remain as such. So I am in total agreement with Bh, I don't see any point in voting under the current system. |
I fly to D.C. tomorrow & begin the occupation there 10/6-10/15...then back to Seattle to participate in my hometown's occupation. |
Edited by
Thu 10/06/11 01:31 AM
We DID vote for change...and just LOOK what happened! This is the rub, every election we vote for what we think will be change, yet it never happens does it? Why do you think that is? This video explains: We need to wake up, the elections are controlled, and the major politicians in them bought and paid for. The Republicans and Democrats in the grand scheme of things are two sides of the same coin. You want change? STOP voting for the same people every election. Simple as that. Until we learn from our past, nothing is going to get better. |