Topic: Air Force pursuing antimatter weapons | |
Are you serious? Do you understand what that does? Its basically an EMP cannon. Think like the Matrix when they used the EMP to disable the machines. Its lethal to an aircraft because if its power is shot it falls from the sky. It wont do anything to a building. ![]() I did say 'or something like it. I'm sure they aren't revealing all their new secret weapons. That's why they call it "CLASSIFIED." ![]() ![]() ![]() So what your saying is the only way to attempt to disprove the official story is to pretend there are weapons that most likely don't exist and that the government would use those weapons on themselves. And that at some point they would be unclassified and everyone could track it back to them as they were the only ones with that technology. So not only are they so smart that they have weapons far beyond our technology but they are also dumb to use them when they can only be traced back to one source. thats like a guy using a 1 of a kind gun to commit a murder. Of course everyone knows he is guilty as he is the only person in the world with that gun. |
No that is not what I am saying at all.
As far as I am concerned (and a lot of other people are concerned,) the government's story has already been disproved. I'm not trying to disprove their story. (They have not proved it anyway, so it does not really have to be disproved.) When have they ever provided access to any of their proof? Never. They just spun the story and classified all of the details. They did not prove anything at all to anyone. It is clear and obvious that these advanced weapons do exist. There is a high probability they have a lot more advanced weapons than they are telling anyone about. We (the dumb public) knew about area 51 for 20 years before the government finally admitted that it does exist... (and they still don't admit it officially.) These weapons exist. I think someone is testing them on us. On the world trade center. And someone is trying to hide the truth of that for some reason (unknown to us, the dumbed-down public.) Being so young, you still believe in your government I suppose, and just believe what they say. |
The CPU core voltage (VCORE) is the power supply voltage supplied to the CPU (which is a digital circuit), GPU, or other device containing a processing core. The amount of power a CPU uses, and thus the amount of heat it dissipates, is the product of this voltage and the current it draws. In modern CPUs, which are made using CMOS, the current is almost proportional to the clock speed, the CPU drawing almost no current between clock cycles. (See, however, subthreshold leakage.)
In order to help conserve power and manage heat, many laptop and desktop processors have a power management feature that allows software (usually the operating system) to adjust the clock speed and core voltage dynamically. The trend is towards lower core voltages, which conserve power. This presents the CMOS designer with a challenge, because in CMOS the voltages go only to ground and the supply voltage, the source, gate, and drain terminals of the FETs have only the supply voltage or zero voltage across them. The MOSFET formula: \,I_D = k((V_{GS}-V_{tn})V_{DS}-(V_{DS}/2)^2) says that the current ID supplied by the FET is proportional to the gate-source voltage reduced by a threshold voltage Vtn which is dependent on the geometrical shape of the FET's channel and gate and their physical properties, especially capacitance. In order to reduce Vtn (necessary both in order to reduce the supply voltage and to increase current) one must increase capacitance. But, the load being driven is in fact another FET gate. The current needed to drive it is proportional to capacitance, which thus requires the designer to keep it low. The trend towards lower supply voltage therefore works against the goal of high clock speed. Only improvements in photolithography and reduction in threshold voltage allow both to improve at once. On another note, the formula shown above is for long channel MOSFETs. With the area of the MOSFETs halving every 18-24 months (Moore's law) the distance between the two terminals of the MOSFET switch called the channel length is becoming smaller and smaller. This changes the nature of the relationship between terminal voltages and current. When a processor is overclocked the processor increases the core voltage at the cost of system stability, power consumption and heat dissipation. This is known as overvolting. Overvolting generally involves running a processor out of its specifications, which may damage it or shorten CPU life. A notable overclock with extreme overvolting was performed by Tom's Hardware, where an Intel Pentium 4 processor was run at 5 GHz while cooled with liquid nitrogen. [1] Static Electricity can damage your computer components Whenever you open your computer and expose your components, you run the risk of damaging your computer system with static electricity which has been built up by your body. Your computer components inside your case (especially your hard drive) are prone to being affected by ElectroStatic Discharge. It is very possible for you to be damaging your sensitve electronic components inside your case from ElectroSatic Discharge without knowing it. If you felt a discharge, it possibly was more than 2,000 volts. A discharge as low as 200 volts can destroy your computer chip. It is possible that this damage might not be noticeable immediately. Your components might just start a degradation process that slowly kills your computer parts. You could (for example) start getting intermittent breakdowns until your computer stops functioning properly. If you are hit with a military EMP device. The voltages will instantly burn out the processor causing your computer, navigation devices, or unshielded fly-by-wire controls to stop working ... but the EMP will have no effect on humans, buildings, or machinery that is not computer controlled. |
No that is not what I am saying at all. As far as I am concerned (and a lot of other people are concerned,) the government's story has already been disproved. I'm not trying to disprove their story. (They have not proved it anyway, so it does not really have to be disproved.) When have they ever provided access to any of their proof? Never. They just spun the story and classified all of the details. They did not prove anything at all to anyone. It is clear and obvious that these advanced weapons do exist. There is a high probability they have a lot more advanced weapons than they are telling anyone about. We (the dumb public) knew about area 51 for 20 years before the government finally admitted that it does exist... (and they still don't admit it officially.) These weapons exist. I think someone is testing them on us. On the world trade center. And someone is trying to hide the truth of that for some reason (unknown to us, the dumbed-down public.) Being so young, you still believe in your government I suppose, and just believe what they say. No people "think" they have disproved stuff by saying things defy the laws of physics when in reality they just don't understand them. Then when civil engineers or University's come forward with studies proving things happened how they were explained then they say they are part of the conspiracy. Then when they can't prove other things they make up stories about weapons that don't exist. Again I say its just like the Greeks and Romans. People don't understand something so it must be a "god" doing it. (or future weapon) I am not saying everyone should understand this stuff. It is not necessarily easy stuff to understand. I would, however, think some people would be smart enough to know they don't understand everything and don't jump to conclusions to try to explain things to themselves especially when their conclusions are very illogical. |
No that is not what I am saying at all. As far as I am concerned (and a lot of other people are concerned,) the government's story has already been disproved. I'm not trying to disprove their story. (They have not proved it anyway, so it does not really have to be disproved.) When have they ever provided access to any of their proof? Never. They just spun the story and classified all of the details. They did not prove anything at all to anyone. It is clear and obvious that these advanced weapons do exist. There is a high probability they have a lot more advanced weapons than they are telling anyone about. We (the dumb public) knew about area 51 for 20 years before the government finally admitted that it does exist... (and they still don't admit it officially.) These weapons exist. I think someone is testing them on us. On the world trade center. And someone is trying to hide the truth of that for some reason (unknown to us, the dumbed-down public.) Being so young, you still believe in your government I suppose, and just believe what they say. No people "think" they have disproved stuff by saying things defy the laws of physics when in reality they just don't understand them. Then when civil engineers or University's come forward with studies proving things happened how they were explained then they say they are part of the conspiracy. Then when they can't prove other things they make up stories about weapons that don't exist. Again I say its just like the Greeks and Romans. People don't understand something so it must be a "god" doing it. (or future weapon) I am not saying everyone should understand this stuff. It is not necessarily easy stuff to understand. I would, however, think some people would be smart enough to know they don't understand everything and don't jump to conclusions to try to explain things to themselves especially when their conclusions are very illogical. Chaz, this may help understand how some people think/act. In Internet slang, a troll is someone who posts inflammatory,[2] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum, chat room, or blog, with the primary intent of provoking readers into an emotional response[3] or of otherwise disrupting normal on-topic discussion. If someone says, that they don't believe you are an engineer, when you obviously are, they are seeking an emotional response. |
Edited by
Fri 09/23/11 01:49 PM
JB, your scientific understanding is beyond flawed darling. WCC 911 is not a mystery, or conspiracy, these kinds of threads just leave anyone with good science background or who lost someone with a bad taste in our mouths.
I would love to see them stop. |
JB, your scientific understanding is beyond flawed darling. WCC 911 is not a mystery, or conspiracy, these kinds of threads just leave anyone with good science background or who lost someone with a bad taste in our mouths. I would love to see them stop. Me too. I think it is disgraceful. |
Edited by
Fri 09/23/11 07:18 PM
My point is there are a lot of things being developed that are CLASSIFIED. I don't think they are sending out memos.
(I think that most people who brag about having college degrees are probably still 20 years behind the science that actually exists today.) Another point is, the government, (OUR government) and our military, has been proven to be liars and propaganda pushers over and over again and quite frankly I can't find any reason to believe them now. They lied about Viet Nam, Iraq, Pearl Harbor, John Kennedy, area 51 -- and many many other things. They INTERFERE with real science. They interfere with independent investigators. They CLASSIFY everything they don't want you to know. These things I KNOW for a fact. They are a matter of historical record. (Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.) They are still fooling people. You may think you are educated and I am an idiot, but you do not know everything that is going on in government and science. You are not privileged to classified projects and neither am I so you can't say what does or does not exist or what weapons are or are not being tested. I doubt if you even know what can or cannot exist. If you watch WTC#7 collapse it simply falls. There is a lot of rubble left for those other buildings. #3, #6, #5. But the twin towers exploded. The pictures prove it exploded. Building #7 did not explode like the twin towers, it collapsed. If you have two eyes- there is your proof. It exploded. Watch it over and over in high definition. I have. You can't tell me that those towers simply collapsed. I see massive explosions. I see steal beams turn to dust and blow away in the cloud of dust. No one has explained scientifically HOW 1400 -1600 vehicles including some fire trucks, were gutted, melted, burned rusted instantly and had no glass remaining or broken glass --and they were blocks away from the event. If you think that my talking about this event is "disgraceful" I wonder why you think that. That statement does not contribute ANYTHING to the truth of what happened. It does not explain how those cars burned to a crisp when paper would not even burn. You have solved nothing. You just keep trying to make it personal by referring to "my lack of scientific understanding." That is IRRELEVANT. I am not stupid. If you know what you know and have something to say that a reasonable person can understand then feel free to share it. Until then, I can and will believe my own eyes when I see building #7 collapse and the twin towers explode and then turn to dust. If you continue to believe the unbelievable fiction that was written by the 9-11 commission, that is your choice. That report was not really "an investigation." It was just a story. They did not even offer any of their actual evidence for anyone to examine. All they did was say that there story was based on reports from the CIA and FBI etc. They don't go into any details or facts about the evidence or witnesses at all. (Try to get the CIA or FBI to answer questions and show evidence see how far you get.) I would love to be convinced that what our government says is the gospel truth, but my "LIAR" bell rings very loudly when I read or listen to any of that ridiculous stuff. Like you, they assume that the general public are idiots and that they will believe any kind of propaganda and spin they put out there. Are you aware of a thing called "spin?" How about "propaganda?" How about bald faced lies? How about "CLASSIFIED" and "NATIONAL SECURITY." Everyone KNOWS that they have a huge amount of control over the Media. That is not "conspiracy" theory. That is obvious. If you work for them, fine. If you just believe them, fine. Just don't expect everyone is going to believe them. Most people don't. Oh well. ![]() |
JB, your scientific understanding is beyond flawed darling. WCC 911 is not a mystery, or conspiracy, these kinds of threads just leave anyone with good science background or who lost someone with a bad taste in our mouths. I would love to see them stop. Me too. I think it is disgraceful. Well said. |
JB, your scientific understanding is beyond flawed darling. WCC 911 is not a mystery, or conspiracy, these kinds of threads just leave anyone with good science background or who lost someone with a bad taste in our mouths. I would love to see them stop. Me too. I think it is disgraceful. Well said. I concur. |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() You guys make me laugh. You are so gullible. |
Edited by
Fri 09/23/11 09:21 PM
With all your "concurring" you still haven't answered any of these questions or solved anything.
![]() Oh yeh, that's right. You read the 9-11 commission report. Case closed. |
Edited by
Fri 09/23/11 09:33 PM
With all your "concurring" you still haven't answered any of these questions or solved anything. ![]() Oh yeh, that's right. You read the 9-11 commission report. Case closed. |
I don't know what "fantasy" questions you are referring to.
One question is "What happened to the twin towers?" Where is the rubble? It is not even one story high. What happened to the building? Where did it go? It turned to fine dust. How did that happen? No one has answered that question. Also, if you watch the videos, you will see building #7 falling but the towers EXPLODING and turning into fine dust. DUH!!!!! |
I don't know what "fantasy" questions you are referring to. One question is "What happened to the twin towers?" Where is the rubble? It is not even one story high. What happened to the building? Where did it go? It turned to fine dust. How did that happen? No one has answered that question. Also, if you watch the videos, you will see building #7 falling but the towers EXPLODING and turning into fine dust. DUH!!!!! there is no way it "ALL turned to dust", that is just a fantasy you have... there is no answer to that because the question is illogical |
Instead of making this subject personal, why don't you spend some time reading about it and looking at real pictures. No, it is much more illogical that a million tons of WTC material supposedly slammed into its own footprint with no significant damage to the bathtub that supported it. The World Trade Center was built on terra firma protected by an underground "bathtub" or foundation ring down to bedrock seven stories below the surface of lower Manhattan. This sturdy enclosure some call the "slurry wall" shielded the foundation of the Twin Towers as well as WTC buildings 3 & 6. According to Wall Street Journal architecture critic, Ada Louise Huxtable, this structure "…saved lower Manhattan from the waters of the Hudson River" (WSJ 9-28-06, p. D8). Many observers worried about whether the wall would continue to do its job to prevent flooding but "To the relief of the engineers, there is no evidence that the 70-foot-deep retaining wall around the basements has been damaged or breached, although the collapse of the towers left one section perilously unsupported."New York Times
On September 11 the bathtub mysteriously remained without significant damage despite two quarter-mile tall towers allegedly collapsing on it. How did the bathtub avoid significant damage despite a million tons of WTC material supposedly slamming into it? Even if no material directly hit the bathtub, serious seismic impacts on bedrock would have damaged walls, wall corners and tunnels under WTC leading under the Hudson River because of motion similar to that caused by an earthquake. The bathtub was not built to withstand such colossal impact, we may be assured, because New York is not an active seismic zone. Although a disputed number, each tower weighed an estimated 500,000 tons and the official story insists airplane damage and fires caused each tower to collapse symmetrically into its own footprint. <-------Right? BUT No bathtub structure could remain unscathed after a mountain of quarter-mile high material was dropped on it twice. The intact bathtub appears to contradict the official theory of a gravity-driven collapse in which virtually the entire weight of the Twin Towers would crash into the bathtub. ALSO THERE WAS NOT ENOUGH DEBRIS. WHERE DID IT GO? Just because you don't think that there was no way it could have turned to dust, you simply refuse to believe what is right before your eyes... you refuse to believe the actual evidence, why? |
Just because you don't think that there was no way it could have turned to dust, you simply refuse to believe what is right before your eyes... you refuse to believe the actual evidence, why? Because it would mean they'd have to question everything else their government tells them too, and consider that all they've been told is a lie. Rather than be faced with that reality, it's easier for them to believe what they know. |
JB, your scientific understanding is beyond flawed darling. WCC 911 is not a mystery, or conspiracy, these kinds of threads just leave anyone with good science background or who lost someone with a bad taste in our mouths. I would love to see them stop. Me too. I think it is disgraceful. I will say one thing: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Lies are Truth. Nuff said. |
And still you post the same truther crap designed for the most gullible people without the ability to understand any science whatsoever. The explanation of how the buildings fell came from engineers and was repeated by the government. It did not "come from the government" which is just an incredibly stupid lie. |