Topic: Luv2roknrolls Biotch Club, SIGN UP NOW!!!! - part 3 | |
Ohhhhhhhhh my,
this biotchy newbie, just gave me such a good biotchy laugh, I can hardly biotchy believe it. Some basnastards are sooooooooooooooo biotchy stupid! |
Laughing my biotchy arse off. I was in the wrong biotchy thread!!
Mind is filled with biotchin nasty thoughts of that basnastard I biotchin love! |
Biotches and Basnastards I biotchy hate biotchy Photobucket. I spent a long biotchy time, making a biotchy post, only to find, when I was done customizing the biotchy thing, the biotchy image was deleted. Heres the biotchy strange part. Before I biotchy customized the biotchy thing, I took it to the biotchy "Help" section, as I biotchy do ALL Photobuckets biothcy crap, to make sure it was not biotchy deleted. It worked biotchy fine there. So then I took the biotchy image to the biotchy shop, and biotchy customized it to biotchy say what I wanted it to biotchy say, and when I biotchy posted it, it biotchy said it was deleted. I was so biotchy mad, I had just spent an hour on the biotchy thing, making it biotchy perfect! I went back to the biotchy Photobucket section that I got the biotchy image from, one biotchy hour earlier, and the biotchy image was gone. That biotchy means that biotchy Photobucket, HAD TO HAVE BIOTCHY DELETED THAT IMAGE, RIGHT AFTER I DOWNLOADED IT TO MY BIOTCHY ALBUM. I wanted further proof of this biotchy strange happening, so I biotchy went to my biotchy albums, and the biotchy image was biotchy gone. SO NOW I KNOW THAT BIOTCHY PHOTOBUCKET, DELETED THAT PARTICULAR BIOTCHY IMAGE, RIGHT AFTER I BIOTCHY DOWNLOADED IT TO MY BIOTCHY ALBUMS! IS THAT F'N BIOTCHY CRAZY, OR WHAT???? Not to mention, biotchy spooky too! Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on. |
OHHHHH GO biotchin puck a horse
OHHHHH GO biotchin puck a horse |
OHHHHH GO biotchin puck a horse |
will you take turrets for an excuse??
will you take turrets for an excuse?? |
will you take turrets for an excuse?? *Wondering if she's planning of beheading me....* |
Biotchin doubt it. Methinks the Queen likes your biotchin head.
Biotchin doubt it. Methinks the Queen likes your biotchin head. |
will you take turrets for an excuse?? |
Biotchin doubt it. Methinks the Queen likes your biotchin head. |
Biotches and Basnastards, Carry on carry on! Im biotchy outtie! |
S**T !!!
F**K !!! D**K !!! B-I-O-T-C-H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
S**T !!! F**K !!! D**K !!! B-I-O-T-C-H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C*CK SUCKER MUTHA F*CKER AND T!TS. And t!ts doesnt even belong on the list, ya know? -George Carlin (Class Clown) |
S**T !!! F**K !!! D**K !!! B-I-O-T-C-H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C*CK SUCKER MUTHA F*CKER AND T!TS. And t!ts doesnt even belong on the list, ya know? -George Carlin (Class Clown) I'm biotchin' laughin' my basnastard azz off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Edited by
Wed 12/07/11 11:02 AM
S**T !!! F**K !!! D**K !!! B-I-O-T-C-H !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C*CK SUCKER MUTHA F*CKER AND T!TS. And t!ts doesnt even belong on the list, ya know? -George Carlin (Class Clown) I'm biotchin' laughin' my basnastard azz off !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Muuuuuuuuuuahahahah. Maybe I should biotchy be the biotch court jester?? Biotches and Basnastards I have much to biotchy do today, and cant get off of my biotchy azz and do anything. The biotchy queen requests a hearty kick in her biotchy azz, to get her biotchy going today! Any volunteers?? Carry on Biotches and Bastards Carry on! |
im strokin my nicely sized man meat
im strokin my nicely sized man meat |