Topic: Luv2roknrolls Biotch Club, SIGN UP NOW!!!! - part 3 | |
yes deer... deer? trying to say something there mr? |
Whos the biotchy looking blonde biotch? |
biotchy thank you! Im kinda biotchy fond of it too! It is biotchy royal you know. Maybe thats what biotchy makes it so biotchy special. |
Yes, I'll basnastardly admit, I came here for reasons of pure biotchy voyeurism.............
Yes, I'll basnastardly admit, I came here for reasons of pure biotchy voyeurism............. |
Biotches and Basnastards, My whole biotchy life biotchy sucks right now because of one biotchy person..... and his name does not biotchy begin with biotchy Ujgearhead. Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on! |
I'm biotchy with you
Biotches and Basnastards, My whole biotchy life biotchy sucks right now because of one biotchy person..... and his name does not biotchy begin with biotchy Ujgearhead. Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on! It doesn't? WOOHOO! Now somebody else is in more trouble than I am! |
I hope its not me gearhead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some biotch is so biotchin happy, she could biotchin fall over right biotchin now!
(Biotchin love olde world English with a biotchin southern drawl.) |
Biotches and Basnastards, My whole biotchy life biotchy sucks right now because of one biotchy person..... and his name does not biotchy begin with biotchy Ujgearhead. Carry on Biotches and Basnastards Carry on! I biotchy hope you ain't talkin' about The_Petebasnastard, oh Biotch Queen....... |
Biotchy biotch biotch biotch
Biotchy biotch biotch biotch |
I was biotchy talking about a biotchy guy whos name does not biotchy begin with biotchy Ujgearhead.
I didnt biotchy say it didnt begin with KING! |
I was biotchy talking about a biotchy guy whos name does not biotchy begin with biotchy Ujgearhead. I didnt biotchy say it didnt begin with KING! |
And I repeat Biotchy biotch biotch biotch |
Hello Biotches and Basnastards Well another biotchy day, another biotchy shilling. The biotchy tooth wizard wants all of my shillings, to do half the biotchy work I need done. Biotchy tooth wizards suck! As soon as he biotchy maxes out my biotchy bank account, and I cant biotchy get any more biotchy work done. Im having him biotchy beheaded! Basnastard!!! Carry on BIotches and Basnastards Carry on! |