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jasmine3922's photo
Mon 09/19/11 10:04 AM
for selling "kisses" at a bake sale

luv2roknroll's photo
Mon 09/19/11 10:45 AM
For talking me into applying for a job at Hooters,

and ive only got 1 t!t.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

rara777's photo
Mon 09/19/11 12:50 PM

For getting me so stoned in the girls room, on some killer, purp, that I couldnt function!

For taking me to confunction junction. smokin
Whats your function,:banana:

taking letters, and makin words now!:banana:

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Damn, we're old!surprised

WHen did that happen?scared laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

It just snuck up on us Roberta.laugh laugh

For flashing her buns at Hooters.:wink: smooched

Noella101's photo
Mon 09/19/11 02:22 PM
for pimpin the girls out at hooters

alookat101's photo
Tue 09/20/11 04:40 AM

Fot traveling around town with nothing on but a pamper.
IT WAS A DEPENDS!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Call them what you want.., you should be ashamed.laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

rara777's photo
Tue 09/20/11 03:40 PM
Edited by rara777 on Tue 09/20/11 03:40 PM
For showing women cops that his tongue was longer than a tigers.laugh

:banana: :banana:drinker Wazzup Tony drinker :banana: :banana:

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 09/20/11 04:14 PM
Edited by luv2roknroll on Tue 09/20/11 04:15 PM
For not posting on any of my threads in a long time!sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad sad

Oh wait, I forgot about the pimp one!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

jasmine3922's photo
Tue 09/20/11 04:44 PM
for becoming BFFs with the Bride of Chucky

luv2roknroll's photo
Tue 09/20/11 04:53 PM
For eating the dog soup!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

ujGearhead's photo
Tue 09/20/11 07:06 PM
For stealing the rat dogs to make the soup!

Noella101's photo
Tue 09/20/11 09:42 PM
for being all sexy with luv

no photo
Tue 09/20/11 11:17 PM
for being pweety laugh

Noella101's photo
Wed 09/21/11 02:50 AM
for bein so sexy

rara777's photo
Thu 09/22/11 12:37 PM
For "stealing" kisses in the Police Cruiser.

Noella101's photo
Thu 09/22/11 01:28 PM
for eattin my num nums

luv2roknroll's photo
Fri 09/23/11 04:46 PM
For makin hotter and hotter profile pics!

machug's photo
Fri 09/23/11 04:56 PM
For getting falling down wasted on strawberry crystal lit.

alookat101's photo
Fri 09/23/11 06:08 PM
For replacing the bottle everytime it looked almost empty.

jasmine3922's photo
Fri 09/23/11 06:22 PM
for replacing marshmallow with tofu for everyone who ordered marshmallow sundaes at Hagen Daaz

Noella101's photo
Fri 09/23/11 09:13 PM
for kissin n telling all her dirty lil secrets

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