Topic: Why do liberals hate America ? | |
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Fri 08/05/11 04:26 PM
Because their head are so filled with falsehoods and they are so blinded by their own hatred of themselves, that the truth has no meaning for THEM ?
![]() Conservatives absolutely baffle and exasperate Liberals. Why? Because Conservatives appear to have solid beliefs while the Liberal is lucky if he can formulate some vague, hazy philosophy of things. When the Conservative argues with the Liberal, the Liberal feels he must lash out for fear of discovering that his whole imaginary world is just that: fiction. So, Liberals preach "tolerant", but only tolerance for THEIR viewpoints. Anything else is heresy. Just try confronting a Liberal with the facts about global warming and he'll practically start foaming at the mouth. The mind of the Liberal cannot acknowledge that a Conservative is right because the fuzzy Liberal mind is like a shaky house of cards. If the Liberal realizes he's wrong about one thing, it totally destroys their whole imagined reality he has constructed for himself. So when Liberals scream like threatened children when you talk about FOX News, or Rush Limbaugh, it is because their brains are not wired to accept contradictory information. Liberals cannot do this. It would destroy their carefully-crafted dream world existence. ![]() |
so wait, are liberals fans of Fox and Limbaugh?
do they get upset when anyone speaks negatively of them or are they not fans and get upset with anyone who speaks positively of them? ,,,these labels continue to confuse me |
No, they hate the two,
Yes and we get accused of being racist when we don't agree and now the buzzword is to accuse those of us who disagree TERRORISTS! Who will speak positively of an idiot or someone they completely disagree with on all levels! And Liberals LOVE labels! Also Liable. Take Islam for example, How many liberals EVEN READ A QUARAN? Answer, a VERY small percentage. And why is it so many liberals deify people like Malcolm X who was a haterator even in his peace days, and Che Guevara who was KILLED BY HIS OWN COMPATRIOTS BECAUSE HE WAS SUCH A VIOLENT AND HATE FILLED DICK! Liberals preach tolerance to those who would not tolerate us like Islam. Liberals pretend to be educated. Well there is such a thing as over educated Shitteheads, and there is also educated ignorance. Conservatives may come off preachy but at least they also account for their responsibilities where liberals want to Liassez Faire attitudes. So in conclusion, HA HA! Liberals suck to the point of swallowing. I have only met a hand full of Liberals who make any sense at all and at least approach their idealism with real world knowledge and a digression to the need for checks and balances because of human nature. ![]() ![]() |
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Fri 08/05/11 06:13 PM
Joe gets up at 6:00am to prepare his morning coffee. He fills his pot full of good clean drinking water because some liberal fought for minimum water quality standards. He takes his daily medication with his first swallow of coffee. His medications are safe to take because some liberal fought to insure their safety and work as advertised.
All but $10.00 of his medications are paid for by his employers medical plan because some liberal union workers fought their employers for paid medical insurance, now Joe gets it too. He prepares his morning breakfast, bacon and eggs this day. Joe’s bacon is safe to eat because some liberal fought for laws to regulate the meat packing industry. Joe takes his morning shower reaching for his shampoo; His bottle is properly labeled with every ingredient and the amount of its contents because some liberal fought for his right to know what he was putting on his body and how much it contained. Joe dresses, walks outside and takes a deep breath. The air he breathes is clean because some tree hugging liberal fought for laws to stop industries from polluting our air. He walks to the subway station for his government subsidized ride to work; it saves him considerable money in parking and transportation fees. You see, some liberal fought for affordable public transportation, which gives everyone the opportunity to be a contributor. Joe begins his work day; he has a good job with excellent pay, medicals benefits, retirement, paid holidays and vacation because some liberal union members fought and died for these working standards. Joe’s employer pays these standards because Joe’s employer doesn’t want his employees to call the union. If Joe is hurt on the job or becomes unemployed he’ll get a worker compensation or unemployment check because some liberal didn’t think he should loose his home because of his temporary misfortune. Its noon time, Joe needs to make a Bank Deposit so he can pay some bills. Joe’s deposit is federally insured by the FSLIC because some liberal wanted to protect Joe’s money from unscrupulous bankers who ruined the banking system before the depression. Joe has to pay his Fannie Mae underwritten Mortgage and his below market federal student loan because some stupid liberal decided that Joe and the government would be better off if he was educated and earned more money over his life-time. Joe is home from work, he plans to visit his father this evening at his farm home in the country. He gets in his car for the drive to dads; his car is among the safest in the world because some liberal fought for car safety standards. He arrives at his boyhood home. He was the third generation to live in the house financed by Farmers Home Administration because bankers didn’t want to make rural loans. The house didn’t have electric until some big government liberal stuck his nose where it didn’t belong and demanded rural electrification. (Those rural Republican’s would still be sitting in the dark) He is happy to see his dad who is now retired. His dad lives on Social Security and his union pension because some liberal made sure he could take care of himself so Joe wouldn’t have to. After his visit with dad he gets back in his car for the ride home. He turns on a radio talk show, the host’s keeps saying that liberals are bad and conservatives are good. (He doesn’t tell Joe that his beloved Republicans have fought against every protection and benefit Joe enjoys throughout his day) Joe agrees, “We don’t need those big government liberals ruining our lives; after all, I’m a self made man who believes everyone should take care of themselves, just like I have”. By John Gray Cincinnati, Ohio - |
Ummm, the FDIC is a corporation, and it was intended as a stopgap to prevent a run on a bank from causing a catastrophic failure of the economy! Why? Well, let us look at the poison lending going on today. Well, that was also going on during the 1920's too.
Now does it protect us from the value of the dollar collapsing? NO IT DOES NOT! So if the dollar collapses completely what is $250,000 of worthless money worth? Now for Unions. Once upon a time they were real down to earth organizations dealing with corrupt labor practices. They were actually rather conservative at first but degraded to liberalism. And they also got criminal and greedy. Unions are not a majority nor do they deserve any greater political voice than any single citizen walking this nation. These days some Unions provide a quality service by insuring the training and skills of their workers while others are nepotistic wastes of money. Also why does our government HAVE to give foreign aid? Because some azzhole has to show of pictures of starving children crying? What do some of these countries do besides pop out babies and waste our money? How about giving aid and money to N Korea? They are a hostile nation AT WAR WITH US! Comfort our enemies? Also pensions and retirements are the responsibility of the worker NOT THE EMPLOYER. If you went to college did you A) Take economics and B) did you pass it? If you did you would KNOW THIS IS A FACT! Likewise have you ever run a business for yourself? Do you have any idea what the concept of OVERHEAD is? A business is in it to make money. Take that away from them and you loose your job. So guess why business especially manufacturing has been leaving our country. Unions have become a significant problem these days. I don't think they should be done in but they need to be done out of government! they also need some of their teeth pulled. We need watch dogs, not blood thirsty pit bulls! |
Why do some conservatives go around claiming that those who believe differently than them hate America?
Why do some people like to generalize everyone?
Why do some conservatives go around claiming that those who believe differently than them hate America? Some of them do but I wouldn't say all or even most. Some of them call America things like Umerica or some other insulting name that I find disrespectful and that leads people to believe they hate America. |
Why do some conservatives go around claiming that those who believe differently than them hate America? They're not smart enough to see the irony in their screeds and it's easier than actually constructing arguments out of points and counterpoints. In short, they have absolutely NO regard for the political process and they don't have the numbers to force their beliefs to become the law of the land. So instead, they engage in namecalling and slander. And when that's ALL one does, one can't really be blamed for trying anything new or that calls for some sacrifice. -Kerry O. |
Why do some conservatives go around claiming that those who believe differently than them hate America? Some of them do but I wouldn't say all or even most. Some of them call America things like Umerica or some other insulting name that I find disrespectful and that leads people to believe they hate America. That's why I said some. ![]() These kind of people also go around telling others they aren't American enough if they don't believe the same thing. |
Why do some conservatives go around claiming that those who believe differently than them hate America? Some of them do but I wouldn't say all or even most. Some of them call America things like Umerica or some other insulting name that I find disrespectful and that leads people to believe they hate America. That's why I said some. ![]() These kind of people also go around telling others they aren't American enough if they don't believe the same thing. I was referring to liberals in my post sorry for the confusion lol |
Both sides say insulting things. It's not a liberal or conservative thing.
Both sides say insulting things. It's not a liberal or conservative thing. TOO TRUE! Like I said SOME liberals get it while a majority think they do. Some Conservatives are stuck up prudes with hard line religious values! But more often than not the mouthiest liberals not only make fools of themselves ruining it for the whole group but they also spew what they call facts without empirical backing. One thing MANY liberals do to shoot their own foot off is say "Tax the Rich" without regard for WHO is rich, and who are rich and managing to use loopholes to get out of paying taxes! They seem to forget it is CORPORATIONS who are the ones REALLY escaping taxation. How about religion? Why not tax that too finally? THAT IS THE BIGGEST REASON LIBERALS COME OFF AS IDIOTS! NOT BECAUSE OF BELIEF BUT BECAUSE OF HOW SELF RIGHTEOUS THEY ARE WHEN THEY DON'T SUPPORT THEIR BELIEF WITH BACKING INFORMATION THAT A) Makes Sense, B) Is not a grand generalization like so many accuse the rest of us of, and C) FINGER POINTING AT THE REAL CULPRITS! Rich people are not the problem, rich organizations are! |
Both sides say insulting things. It's not a liberal or conservative thing. TOO TRUE! Like I said SOME liberals get it while a majority think they do. Some Conservatives are stuck up prudes with hard line religious values! But more often than not the mouthiest liberals not only make fools of themselves ruining it for the whole group but they also spew what they call facts without empirical backing. One thing MANY liberals do to shoot their own foot off is say "Tax the Rich" without regard for WHO is rich, and who are rich and managing to use loopholes to get out of paying taxes! They seem to forget it is CORPORATIONS who are the ones REALLY escaping taxation. How about religion? Why not tax that too finally? THAT IS THE BIGGEST REASON LIBERALS COME OFF AS IDIOTS! NOT BECAUSE OF BELIEF BUT BECAUSE OF HOW SELF RIGHTEOUS THEY ARE WHEN THEY DON'T SUPPORT THEIR BELIEF WITH BACKING INFORMATION THAT A) Makes Sense, B) Is not a grand generalization like so many accuse the rest of us of, and C) FINGER POINTING AT THE REAL CULPRITS! Rich people are not the problem, rich organizations are! |
Both sides say insulting things. It's not a liberal or conservative thing. Not saying they don't. I was just answering the question of why some people think some liberals hate America. |
Because their head are so filled with falsehoods and they are so blinded by their own hatred of themselves, that the truth has no meaning for THEM ? ![]() Conservatives absolutely baffle and exasperate Liberals. Why? Because Conservatives appear to have solid beliefs while the Liberal is lucky if he can formulate some vague, hazy philosophy of things. When the Conservative argues with the Liberal, the Liberal feels he must lash out for fear of discovering that his whole imaginary world is just that: fiction. So, Liberals preach "tolerant", but only tolerance for THEIR viewpoints. Anything else is heresy. Just try confronting a Liberal with the facts about global warming and he'll practically start foaming at the mouth. The mind of the Liberal cannot acknowledge that a Conservative is right because the fuzzy Liberal mind is like a shaky house of cards. If the Liberal realizes he's wrong about one thing, it totally destroys their whole imagined reality he has constructed for himself. So when Liberals scream like threatened children when you talk about FOX News, or Rush Limbaugh, it is because their brains are not wired to accept contradictory information. Liberals cannot do this. It would destroy their carefully-crafted dream world existence. ![]() Actually if you look up what liberal means, you would discover that liberal is more "American" than conservative And it seems if you review the actions and reactions of conservatives to differing views you would be describing them here. |
Why I think Liberals hate America?
First and foremost they fall right into this whole overequality issue and allow policies like Affirmative action, which is segregationist no matter HOW you want to view it, upon us without consideration as to what it would to to our nation in a diverse manner of ways. They revile people who want the best for America and even though Rush Limbaugh is a windbag he is right most of the time. liberals want what is best to sooth their sensitivities. Liberals likewise want to erode social freedom for socialized control. Liberals want to solve everything with hand outs. A lot of Liberals will spout Communist doctrine and in some cases promote Anarchy or Revolution. Not all of them do this but I know a few here that I know within any shadow of a doubt are Communists and bash capitalism which is what made this nation great. Also many Liberals want freedom at the expense of common sense. As an example is the issue of tolerance for Islam. Liberals that have read a Quaran and understand through examples of it in other countries and how they conduct themselves as a majority population vs. those not of Islam shut up when it comes to preaching tolerance. The rest blather on and on about how we must be all hugs adn Kum Bye Ya with our enemies when we really need to man up and break some a$$es! Tolerance should only be offered to those who give it in return. When a book like the Quaran tells you to hurt ,kill, and murder those not of Islam maybe you should remember Adolph Hitler's Mein Kampf and what happened to everyone for ignoring the warnings that came in that book! Mein Kamph was a book Hitler Wrote and it led to the deaths of MILLIONS! Well, how many deaths to date has the Quaran directly led to???? the number of nutcases who murder in the name of the Bible are FAR and FEW these days. the Crusades is and has been LONG over and yet Islam is still at Holy War with Infidels! Guess what you liberal **********, if you ain't Islamic or converted, you are an infidel. Liberals also will try to ram their viewpoint down our throats refusing to even account for the expenditures of their ideals. Now it is also liberals who want us to turn a blind eye to illegal immigrants. Liberals cry out for Criminal rights. It is also Liberals crying out for gun control and to make us a police state rather than allow us to keep our own homes safe. A lot of what you Liberals want goes against the Constitution in every way but you refuse to see that. You also claim to be progressive when you actually want America to be regressive. Also Liberals tend to compare us to European Countries that have FAR tougher Immigration laws and allow NO illegal immigrants! Liberals allow a$$holes like President Obama to shove a 1200 page health Care manifesto down our throats rather than fix the god damn system we got using Germany's model with a mix of Canada's too! Liberals fall far too deep into this us vs. The mindset and shoving Politically Correct down our throats also does you liberals no favors in my eyes and this is coming from a Moderate Centrist! I am all for any idea that helps the whole nation, not just ah hand full of refugees from some backwater piss hole of a nation in some a$$crack of the Earth! This whole "No man Left behind" thinking is causing us to leave AMERICAN citizens behind while allowing those who DON'T deserve to be here the hand up! And this whole TAX THE RICH thing... And who are these rich people you speak of? Want to talk about generalization here? BRING IT!!! Some Liberals I know do make sense and understand the real world. But they are the minority in your crowd. And that is MY opinion! |
A loaded question is a question which contains a controversial assumption such as a presumption of guilt.
Such questions are used rhetorically, so that the question limits direct replies to be those that serve the questioner's agenda.[2] The traditional example is the question "Have you stopped beating your wife?" This thread is ridiculous because the question in the title is a loaded question. BAH! |
A liberal wants Liberty.
A conservative wants to tell everyone how they should live their life. |