Topic: interesting opinion i heard | |
Has anyone had their significant other, ever tell ,them that sex with someone else is only cheating if you have feeling for the other person?
"Sex is just sex, it's not cheating if it's meaningless? |
It is so cheating when there is a promise even if implied involved!
I agree, I cant believe someone would say that. I feel that it's supposed to mean something. Otherwise, why bother dating, just go have meaningless sex with someone and not worry about cheating, or stds, or pregnancy....
GAH i'm frustrated with people, it's no wonder the voices in my head won't stop.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hehe, nice try! Oh, and oral sex isn't sex, and therefore not cheating, unless you loved it? Yeah right!
I consider cheating as being more a state of mind and heart, and doesn't even have to involve sex at all. Lust is one thing, but a passionate kiss with another is cheating (or damned close depending on the circumstances) in my book. It's bad news if you have to closely define what specifically constitutes "cheating" with your partner, no matter how you slice it! Faith is where the heart is. But any form of sex is cheating, period! FantasyArtMan |
He swears he will never actually cheat on me but was slightly broken with that statement.
Isnt that philosophy just an extension of the one that says if you are FEELING something for someone else , you are cheating?
than if there is no FEELING, perhaps its not cheating ,,,I dont think just having FEELINGS or even FANTASIES is cheating, so to me, the sex is DEFINITELY cheating regardless of the feelings,,, |
Ok I thought maybe I was just loopy, it didnt make any sense to me. I told him if he even thought about another person, he might as well pack his bags and go...I have better things to do
He swears he will never actually cheat on me but was slightly broken with that statement. It does sound mighty fishy! I would sure love to hear comments of solid commitment! Once trust is broken, it creates a slippery path. Hope it works out for you! And tell those voices in your head to sing instead of grumble. FantasyArtMan |
I'm not buying it ... If you are doing something you don't want your partner to know about ... it is crossing the line. I think his attitude toward it might make me a little nervous if I were in a relationship with him. It doesn't mean he will though...
Eyes open Follel. |
I keep an eye on his every move....while trying to not control him outright.
You need to be able to trust him. You can't control anyone.
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Trust is rough, I dont really trust people. When I do finally trust someone, if they break it that trust is gone for good.
For me if my man takes another woman out on a date without telling me, is cheating.
that's plain BS!
That sounds like an excuse from someone who wants to cheat.
"cheating" involves breaking whatever arrangement you have with your spouse. if you agree not to see other people, then it is cheating. it is not cheating if no agreements have been made, meaning dating more than one person is not cheating.
Has anyone had their significant other, ever tell ,them that sex with someone else is only cheating if you have feeling for the other person? "Sex is just sex, it's not cheating if it's meaningless? 30 years ago i was told that...i believed it, for a minute. |
If cheating is all about emotional connection, then does that not also imply, by his own logic, that he must be emotionally detached from you as well if he cheats? After all, to continue cheating, he needs to please two people with two stories. Chances are, before cheating, he has to become disconnected with you anyway, even if he doesn't acknowledge or realize it.
So, flip his statement around. When he sleeps with you is he cheating on the other man? If he says no, then he's saying that he has no feelings for you based on his own arguments. Watch him scramble to dance around that one for a while. Will he have the sense to realize he has been caught by his own words? |
What a crock of ****! And such a BS excuse. I'd toss his butt so fast his head would spin.
If cheating is all about emotional connection, then does that not also imply, by his own logic, that he must be emotionally detached from you as well if he cheats? After all, to continue cheating, he needs to please two people with two stories. Chances are, before cheating, he has to become disconnected with you anyway, even if he doesn't acknowledge or realize it. So, flip his statement around. When he sleeps with you is he cheating on the other man? If he says no, then he's saying that he has no feelings for you based on his own arguments. Watch him scramble to dance around that one for a while. Will he have the sense to realize he has been caught by his own words? That could be fun to watch, make him squirm a bit. I've been tempted to break it off but if it really is just his opinion, I can't break it off for that. I'm watching carefully for any sign that something isn't right, but not so carefully that I start to see signs that aren't there. |