Topic: Lost?
RhonLynn's photo
Sat 08/06/11 07:55 AM
Thank you everyone for the thoughtful advice....

no photo
Sat 08/06/11 06:12 PM

Let us help you find your way on Mingle.

what are you looking for?

My ex's car keys. They're supposed to be in the ashtray by the entrance. She came to pick up the kids, and the shtoopid c that she is, she locked herself in the car. She can't even open the windows coz they're power. She is sitting out there in the 120 F degrees heat, in the sun, baking inside a chunk of hollow metal.

We have shipped our diamond window cutter to the cars location. ETA 5 days ground.

winterblue56's photo
Mon 08/08/11 05:04 PM
I lost my all my energy taday mg. All tuckered out. ohwell

no photo
Tue 08/09/11 12:14 AM

I lost my all my energy taday mg. All tuckered out. ohwell

You could have had a v8, but now try one of our Sertas.

axl_rose40's photo
Tue 08/09/11 03:35 AM
I lost my heart out to a man I could no longer find in my heart. I don't care about finding the man, I just want my heart back frustrated Now, can you help me with that?

ImRu2's photo
Tue 08/09/11 07:32 PM

Im trying to find my husband,maybe u can helpme find him. Hes highly intelegent,kind,caring,compasionate supportive loving and nice.hes a strong confident man with a good heart and emotialy mature and very loyal2his wife.

so your looking for a fictional character?

no photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:37 AM

I lost my heart out to a man I could no longer find in my heart. I don't care about finding the man, I just want my heart back frustrated Now, can you help me with that?

First step is our therapy movie title Wizard of Oz. In this movie you will find a character that has had a similar situation. Please take notes and report back with any good news of finding the broom.

no photo
Wed 08/10/11 11:40 AM

Im trying to find my husband,maybe u can helpme find him. Hes highly intelegent,kind,caring,compasionate supportive loving and nice.hes a strong confident man with a good heart and emotialy mature and very loyal2his wife.

so your looking for a fictional character?

Use the mingle search button. Type in the name superman.

ImRu2's photo
Thu 08/11/11 05:03 AM
I have lost something..but i cant tell you what it is...its a secret..but if you find it I will know its mine

illumastorm's photo
Thu 08/11/11 06:31 AM
lost??? only when the gps on the phone is all off ;) otherwise i know exactly where i am. oh and google earth helps also lolol.

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:02 PM

But its been gone for a looooooong while. Don;t think it can be found.

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:49 PM
ya know i feel lost just bout ever day where am i again lol

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:49 PM

I have lost something..but i cant tell you what it is...its a secret..but if you find it I will know its mine

Does it have an ID chip?

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:51 PM

ya know i feel lost just bout ever day where am i again lol

Your here, safe with us.

hi pal

no photo
Thu 08/11/11 12:53 PM

But its been gone for a looooooong while. Don;t think it can be found.

try the archives

got to be there somewhere

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Thu 08/11/11 01:09 PM

ya know i feel lost just bout ever day where am i again lol

Your here, safe with us.

hi pal
waving waving waving waving

illumastorm's photo
Thu 08/11/11 04:15 PM
lost? good tv show at the beginning, then it got way to complicated. bring it back but keep it simple and on the island. thats how i would like to get lost.

ImRu2's photo
Thu 08/11/11 04:59 PM

I have lost something..but i cant tell you what it is...its a secret..but if you find it I will know its mine

Does it have an ID chip?

yes it does...I wrote its name on a potatoe chip

no photo
Fri 08/12/11 10:18 PM

I have lost something..but i cant tell you what it is...its a secret..but if you find it I will know its mine

Does it have an ID chip?

yes it does...I wrote its name on a potatoe chip

Lays or Ruffles? because Ruffles have ridges

illumastorm's photo
Sat 08/13/11 08:01 AM

I have lost something..but i cant tell you what it is...its a secret..but if you find it I will know its mine

Does it have an ID chip?

yes it does...I wrote its name on a potatoe chip

Lays or Ruffles? because Ruffles have ridges

i hope it's on a corn chip, at least if i get lost i can use one to start a fire to signal for help :thumbsup: