Topic: Lost?
brocca's photo
Tue 07/19/11 08:36 PM
Sounds like a man answering, he keeps hanging up. Must there be anyone there, beside your wife...

no photo
Tue 07/19/11 08:37 PM

Clearly, time for the raid!


they run to their hiding place

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 07/19/11 08:37 PM

what are you looking for?

world peace, a lighter, the remote,
hair dye that doesn't stink and a
really good wrinkle remover creme


no photo
Tue 07/19/11 08:41 PM

what are you looking for?

world peace, a lighter, the remote,
hair dye that doesn't stink and a
really good wrinkle remover creme


yes, a lighter remote

brocca's photo
Tue 07/19/11 08:44 PM
That is NOT what you are looking for. Nope...

no photo
Tue 07/19/11 08:46 PM
Edited by mg1959 on Tue 07/19/11 08:58 PM

That is NOT what you are looking for. Nope...

I am listening ole wise man. Lead me on the path. I wish to obey and seek the higher meaning. The calling of Raid I will follow.

Since I was a young lad I was taught to follow the meaning of Raid. It has led me to a new understanding of my nose hairs and small creatures.

no photo
Tue 07/19/11 08:59 PM
I seek a rolling stone.....with no moss of course...a cd would be nice....

no photo
Tue 07/19/11 09:01 PM

I seek a rolling stone.....with no moss of course...a cd would be nice....

Is a rolling stone still rolling if there are no toes to roll over?

no photo
Tue 07/19/11 09:31 PM
backwards only...

no photo
Tue 07/19/11 09:45 PM
Edited by mg1959 on Tue 07/19/11 10:15 PM
I see, yet still seek the truth.

ybcat1's photo
Tue 07/19/11 11:10 PM

what are you looking for?

More hours in a day.

no photo
Wed 07/20/11 02:00 AM
We provide this service.

Please set your clock back 5 hours and enjoy your time.

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 07/20/11 02:02 AM

Let us help you find your way on Mingle.

what are you looking for?

An OompaLoompa on a pony holding a rubber chicken.

no photo
Wed 07/20/11 02:10 AM
Welcome to our OompaLoompa outlet mall. Where you will find the latest in OompaLoompa sportswear.

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 07/20/11 02:14 AM
But, I don't want their clothes! *Waits outside the door waiting for an unsuspecting Oompaloompa in need of new clothes*

no photo
Wed 07/20/11 02:50 AM
It's the best way to find them. They have to show up sometime.

no photo
Wed 07/20/11 02:54 AM
Oh, I almost forgot. If they have a chip you can use a tracking device.

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Wed 07/20/11 08:35 AM
wonder if this thread will be lost lol kidding :laughing:

ujGearhead's photo
Wed 07/20/11 08:41 AM

wonder if this thread will be lost lol kidding :laughing:

laugh laugh laugh laugh

no photo
Wed 07/20/11 12:39 PM

wonder if this thread will be lost lol kidding :laughing:

laugh laugh laugh laugh

We will be happy to guide you to the lost & found.