Topic: wanting to give up breastfeeding | |
but i know how good it is for my two week old daughter and i love the bond. But it takes me an hour to feed to so she's full. A bottle takes like ten min and she's content. I don't feel like pumping either. I dunno what to do
Edited by
Mon 07/18/11 03:50 AM
The only thing I could tell you, and I don't mean to come across preachy or anything in saying this apologies if I do, is to ask yourself a question here. Could you be ok with yourself knowing that though your child may be content with a bottle, you wouldn't be giving it the best thing for it?
I can imagine it's hard on you this, but you have a whole other responsibility now in her as I'm sure you are aware of, and she deserves the best she can get. You owe it to her as her mother to give her that so that she can have the best start to her life possible. To not do that when you could, is to do her a bit of a disservice I think, no offense intended again. Just something to think about. |
Edited by
Mon 07/18/11 06:06 AM
but i know how good it is for my two week old daughter and i love the bond. But it takes me an hour to feed to so she's full. A bottle takes like ten min and she's content. I don't feel like pumping either. I dunno what to do First check out the Le Leche League and get all the info on what is best. The first breast milk that the baby gets during the first couple of weeks is the most benifical. After that it is just like most formulas on the market. Right now you are not producing the full amount of milk at one time, till your baby brings production up to full capicity. The more she nurses, the more you produce. Like all things in life, it takes time. Second, you will still have bonding time with your baby even when bottle feeding. There is no "disservice" or harm to your child if you breastfeed or bottle feed. Not only do you owe your child for the best beginings in life you also owe yourself to not be stressed about this desision. ( Stressing leads to less milk production.) |
Ugh! People drive me nuts when they say you're not giving your child the best. Okay, miss Lizzie, first of all, congratulations! I had my little man July 1st, and since you said your little girl is two weeks old, I'm assuming you had her around then... Lucky duck got to go into labor early! But I have had trouble with breastfeeding and it basically came down to either pumping and giving it to him in a bottle, or giving up breastfeeding, cause he could latch, but not suck hard enough. So I asked the doctor, and you're always gonna get doctors who think differently, but formula is just fine. It's not AS good as breast milk, but it is good for them. It is your choice Miss Lizzie, but know that your child is not gonna be dumb, or less than par because your not giving her breast milk. Don't listen to all the people who say your doing a disservice to her, and especially the men who say that, cause honestly, what the hell do they know about how much of a toll it takes on an already exhausted, trying to heal body? What I'm trying to say, girl, is if you don't feel like you can breast feed anymore, then don't. And don't listen to all the people who will put judgement on you for it. Formula is the next best thing, and it's good for your little one too. I hope that helps, love.
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but i know how good it is for my two week old daughter and i love the bond. But it takes me an hour to feed to so she's full. A bottle takes like ten min and she's content. I don't feel like pumping either. I dunno what to do Stop and smell the roses lizzie. Life is really not that fast paced; but it will be if you let it ![]() |
The only thing I could tell you, and I don't mean to come across preachy or anything in saying this apologies if I do, is to ask yourself a question here. Could you be ok with yourself knowing that though your child may be content with a bottle, you wouldn't be giving it the best thing for it? I can imagine it's hard on you this, but you have a whole other responsibility now in her as I'm sure you are aware of, and she deserves the best she can get. You owe it to her as her mother to give her that so that she can have the best start to her life possible. To not do that when you could, is to do her a bit of a disservice I think, no offense intended again. Just something to think about. Well said! It's not all about Lizzie anymore. It's about the baby ![]() |
First check out the Le Leche League and get all the info on what is best. The first breast milk that the baby gets during the first couple of weeks is the most benifical. After that it is just like most formulas on the market. That is SO not true. I breast fed all three of my children until they were a year old. I started introducing regualar table food when they were six months old. A mothers milk does not have the fat that store boughten milk does. Right now you are not producing the full amount of milk at one time, till your baby brings production up to full capicity. The more she nurses, the more you produce. Like all things in life, it takes time. That is very true. I would suggest Not to pump and let the baby build up to what she needs. Trust me Lizzie...your nipples are going to get so sore at first and sometimes it will make you cry when she first grabs on. My doctor prescribed "lanolin" in the pure form to put on keep them moist. Second, you will still have bonding time with your baby even when bottle feeding. There is no "disservice" or harm to your child if you breastfeed or bottle feed. Not only do you owe your child for the best beginings in life you also owe yourself to not be stressed about this desision. ( Stressing leads to less milk production.) The benefits of breast milk far outweigh anthing that is on the market now. And with all the hormones they are shooting cows up with; I can just imagine what is in the milk these days. My three children almost never get sick...a testiment to the breast milk I believe. I totally agree...stressing about it WILL make your milk supply dwindle. |
but i know how good it is for my two week old daughter and i love the bond. But it takes me an hour to feed to so she's full. A bottle takes like ten min and she's content. I don't feel like pumping either. I dunno what to do Maybe she gets more from the breast milk as well? IDK, I would think breast milk would be best for her. The bottle may be quicker and more convenient, but at what cost? |
The best of luck to you Lizzie. I agree with ^^^^^. The LeLechee League is THE BEST at helping new moms through nursing their babies. It's not going to be a walk in the park tho. Nothing in life is. I had all kinds of stuff go on with my three nursing babies...including "plugged milk ducts". It's not fun but I was bound and determined that that was what I wanted. Life is so fast paced now and looking back on my times; that was the calmest times of my life.
I would try to make it to 6 weeks if you hang in there that long, It can be so frustrating. You should be on maternity leave anyways right. And i can imagine drained of energy. There isnt much to do besides feed and rest so I say---try and hang in there for one more month. I was told the first 6 weeks are crucial.
Aside from watching what you eat all the time-ugh- it can be uncomfortable and draining. I used to lay on my side on the bed or sit back on the couch with that pillow and just rest my eyes while they would suck away. I have 3 and I breastfed all of them up to about 3months. then I called it quits because i had to go back to work. PS- it may not really take an hour. they will continue to suck on your breast after they are full because it is comforting to them. It should not take that long to feed. Try swapping out a nipple for a similiar shaped binky and see if she cries. She may just be sucking to relax. |
I've had eight children and I've both nursed and bottle fed them. Call your local La Leche League, Hon. They will help you get through the first six weeks. Try to stick it out that long and if you still want to bottle feed after then, go for it with no regrets. I would have preferred to breast feed them because that's why mothers have milk after all ... it's specially "made" to nourish a baby. But there are times when you can't and I thank G-d that formula exists. Good luck. |
Ugh. Honestly love, it does NOT make you a bad mother or anything if you bottle feed her. I would talk to your doctor, tell him or her your issues, and see what they say. I agree, breast milk is the best for her, but they make formula as close as possible to breast milk. My little man is getting formula and the doctor said he is healthy as all get out! You do what YOU want my dear.
first of all let me start out by saying i'm not having any problems with my supply for sure. I'm over producing actually. The lactation consultant suggested pumping and donating. Another factor, my daughter wont take my nipple. I have to use a nipple guard just to get her to latch on and eat. And no my nipples aren't inverted or small. She was in nicu for a week before i could feed her. She ate on iv fluids. So the transition is super hard for both of us. I'm breastfeeding to the best of my abilities. tried the pacifier after so long multiple times, it doesn't work with her. I know all the reasons to breastfeed. I want to. I'm trying. I just don't think my daughter is liking it.
Might be something you should talk to a doctor about on that one, or someone who has experience dealing with those issues. Good luck with it.
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DEFINITELY something to discuss with YOUR doctor
I will tell you, my mother didnt breastfeed any of us and I dont think we could possibly have been any healthier there isnt a significant enough difference to worry over, in my opinion,, its a matter of comfort for you and baby because as great as it sounds to just do whats best for baby an unhappy mother, or an unhealthy mother, or a drained mother, is gonna undo ANY possible minimal benefit of breastfeeding,,,, the mother has to be strong and available for the child,, she needs energy and comfort herself to do so,,, |
if you're producing, consider pumping and feeding her breastmilk from a bottle. i had to do that for several months with my youngest, and my body adjusted so that i only had to pump twice a day to produce a massive amount of milk.
if you go this route, purchase a hospital-grade pump. i could literally produce over twenty ounces in twenty minutes. there's no question that breastmilk is the best...the research fully supports this. higher immunity, higher IQ, better healing for's all there. HOWEVER, and this is a HUGE one...none of this matters if mama is a mess. i am a major proponent of nursing for extended periods, but if mama's mental state is frazzled, it's going to weigh on both of you. try and grab onto a dear friend who is pretty crunchy and has nursed a ton...or the laleche league...or whomever you can. but at the end of the day, don't let it drain you. |
thank you everyone.
Edited by
Mon 07/18/11 06:23 PM
i am a major proponent of nursing for extended periods, but if mama's mental state is frazzled, it's going to weigh on both of you. That would be a good point there, don't wanna overstress yourself here. I think I would add to that, to just be patient with yourself and baby, she's 2 weeks old, and you only really just started breastfeeding, it will take a little time to adjust for both of you given that. Don't let the hiccups discourage you. |
just a note: ID always suspect iq studies which correlate IQ to any ONE characteristic( such as breastfeeding)
just a note: ID always suspect iq studies which correlate IQ to any ONE characteristic( such as breastfeeding) That can go the other way too you some may have a bias to make healthy things seem bad, happens all the time (read: FDA) |