Topic: Maid of the sea. | |
Ripples bleed over the water,
and I ask if it’s my reflection there, which distorts into a pretty face. It doesn’t show the scars everywhere. Cool and weightless, I plunge under the depths, bubbles rising all around me, am I diving to my death? I ache, my body bends to my will. I ache, I wish for my heart to fill. I breathe, the water into my lungs. I breathe, the final verse has been sung. Arms dive, and my shoulders are grabbed. I break the surface, my strength is sapped. Eyes frantic to find the one, who has saved my life again. My body is numb, and my body aches to mend. A twisted code in my heart, one I’ve tried to understand. But it will not reveal itself to me, even when I demand. Hair clings to my damp skin, and I’m hardly a slip against strong arms. Why won’t you let me sink? Or will you keep my fragile heart from harm? I don’t want to speak of this, lower me back into the depths. Allow me to sprout gills, Taking in a million breaths. I’ll be a fish in the sea. I’ll be bright and hold your eyes, you will be enchanted by me. And, perhaps I’ll rise. But until then, I’ll be a half-breed. Trying to fit in, and committing good deeds. The arms release me, and I sink back into the sea. Bubbles rise around my body, and I look above me. My fingers touch the surface, and I dive once again. A beast of the ocean, one who must mend. I ache, for one to call my own. I ache, for a lover I have known. I dive, deeper then the world can see, I vanish, deeper then a mortal can see. Goodbye, my precious fisherman. Goodbye, the beaches sand. Welcome, to a new world. Welcome, they greet the girl. The maid of the sea. The maid of the vast ocean. |
..Nice write..
Brilliant write.....
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