Topic: does anybody know when JESUS was born? | |
when was JESUS was born? on what day?
when was JESUS was born? on what day? On his birthday? |
when was JESUS was born? on what day? On his birthday? That would be a good guess Peter lol. No, it is unknown to the exact day of the birth of Jesus. Only can get a general idea of the time of year from different details given about the time. The season, ect. But the exact day is not specifically recorded I do not believe. |
Speculation was around August give or take a month. That is the time frame scholars feel is the more accurate time frame.
Christmas was timed when the Romans celebrated the coming of the new year and the God Jupiter so they were too busy with two weeks of festivities rather than chasing down fodder for the games. |
Normally, I would guess that he wasn't. That doesn't really answer your question though. Going by the Bible, I would put it at August 5th, 35 B.C.
Jesus was born during the Roman census. It is KNOWN that the census happened in early summer when the fields were planted and nothing was going on during the growing period. Rome did not want to do it during the winter due to weather and how it affected travel back then. During the spring was out of the question since people were planting fields back then and farming actually consumed a lot of Roman man power. Also the month of August was important to Romans for a number of reasons. Most military actions happened during the summer months. The census allowed them to know when they had new meat for the battle field!
Thier are several distinct acts that we know real clear when he was born.. Most likely on the Feast of Trumpets.. The blowing of trumpets is always done when a King arrives. we know the story of the shepards being told and how they were told.. this is the 1st day of the 7th biblical month. changes every year what date our calender would be. but not the signs.
also his uncle who was in the priesthood you can research when his 2 weeks every year would of been and it comes back to the same date. throwing out the OT makes the new jibberish.. Blessings..Miles |
Christianity has done away with Torah, so they will never understand the reasons for the Mo'ed (appointments, feasts), and yet, when confronted with this information, they make up some excuse to continue to go on in error.
YeHoshua was born on the first day of Sukkot. Here's the line of reasoning: I. The Conception of Yochanan (John the Baptist) / Luke 1:5-25 When the angel, Gavri-El (Gabriel), appeared to Zachar'yah (Zacharias) as he was ministering in the Temple, it was during the ministration of Abiyah (Abia). This order of priests ministered in the Temple the eighth week of the Hebrew year according to the ordinance of 1 Chronicles 24:10 (and according to the Talmud). The eighth week transverses the last week of the second Hebrew month of Iyar and the first week of the third Hebrew month of Sivan, which culminates at Shavuot (Pentecost). This is the anchor point for discovering the exact time of Messiah Yeshua's birth. The angel promised Zachar'yah that his prayer had been answered, and when he went home to his wife Elisheva (Elizabeth) she conceived, it seems almost immediately. This puts the conception of Yochanan (John the Baptist) very near the time of Shavuot, the Feast of Pentecost, in the second week of the month of Sivan, the third Hebrew month. II. The Conception of Yeshua (Jesus) / Luke 1:26-55 Then, at the close of the sixth month of Elisheva' s pregnancy the angel Gavri-El appeared to Mara (Mary). Gavri-El told Mara about Elisheva, saying "she who was called barren is six months pregnant," This would be the last of the ninth Hebrew month called Kislev at the time of Chanukah. There are 27 weeks weeks between the end of discourse of Abiyah and the start of Chanukah (Dedication), which is celebrated eight days, from Kislev 25 to Tevet 2. Mara accepts the word of the angel concerning the conception of Messiah in her, and she immediately rushes from Natseret (Nazareth) to the home of Elisheva and Zachar'yah in the Judean mountains close to Yerushalayim, about a three days journey from Natseret. Mara was probably going there to celebrate Chanukah and to help Elisheva with her pregnancy, as well as to talk to Elisheva about the angel's visitation. Upon Mara's greeting to Elisheva, Elisheva responds to Mara, calling her "the mother of my L-RD". This demonstrates that Mara was already pregnant with Yeshua. Thus, Yeshua was conceived at Chanukah, the Festival of Lights, for He is the Light of the World. Sometimes the time of Chanukah falls close to Christmas. The apostate Roman church of medieval times combined the pagan winter solstice in late December with the 25th of Kislev (Chanukah) to create Christmas (Christ's Mass) on December 25. Supposedly, this was to celebrate Christ's birth. Yeshua is shown celebrating Chanukah in John 10:22,23. It is at this celebration that He declares "I and My Father are One" [John 10:30], which testifies to His Divine origin in His conception. It also reinforces Chanukah as the time of His conception. Historically, then, it is more accurate to celebrate Yeshua entering the world through conception at Chanukah rather than to celebrate His birth at Christmas. As we shall show, Christmas is not the birthday of Christ. (In fact, Christmas is an invention resulting from religious compromise with pagan tradition. Christmas only has harmony with the truth, in that it falls approximately at the time of year when Yeshua was conceived by the Holy Spirit.) III.The Birth ofYochanan/Luke1:56-80 Mara stayed with Elisheva for three months, which was until the birth of Yochanan. Since a full pregnancy term is 41 weeks, and 27 weeks makes up the first six months (two trimesters), which is exactly the time from the discourse of Abiyah to Chanukah, that leaves 14 weeks to accomplish the last trimester and bring the pregnancy to full term. There are exactly 14 weeks from Chanukah to Passover (Nisan 14-22). Therefore, John the Baptist was born at Passover. He was circumcised on the eighth day, which would be the last day of Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread. Gavri-EI had said that John would "go forth" in the strength and power of Elijah [Luke 1:17]. Jewish teaching was that Elijah would come again at Passover (this is still a tradition of Judaism today). IV.The Birth of Yeshua/Luke 2 Nisan, when Yochanan was born, is the first month of the Hebrew year. As we have shown, Mara conceived six months after Elisheva conceived, which means Yeshua's birth would have to come six months after John's birth, during the seventh Hebrew month of Tishri. Since we know that John was born at Passover/Feast of Unleavened Bread, we learn the time of Yeshua's birth by counting six Hebrew months from Passover. The Feast of Unleavened Bread begins on Nisan 15 and six months later Tabernacles begins on Tishri 15. Therefore, Yeshua was born on the first day of Sukkot (Feast of Tabernacles). The first day of Tabernacles is a Sabbath rest, so it fits that Yosef and Mara planned their journey to Beit-Lechem (Bethlehem) so they would finish their journey before the festival Sabbath. They found lodging just in time. Concerning the Feast of Tabernacles, the L-RD commanded that Israel should observe it eight days. They were to build temporary dwellings called a sukkah and dwell in them [Leviticus 23:34-43]. These sukkahs were erected to house families with some bare comforts and food for the eight days. Food was placed in a stall or a crib for storage in the tabernacle. The King James Bible calls this food crib a manger. Yeshua was not born in a barn, but rather in a temporary tabernacle which had been built for the celebration. He was placed in a "manger", demonstrating in a type that He is the Bread of Life from heaven. The eighth day, Yeshua was circumcised according to the scriptural command [Luke 2:21]. For a male, this is what accomplishes a full Hebrew birth. The Feast of Tabernacles is for exactly eight days. The first and last days are both holy Sabbaths. Yeshua was born on the first day, a holy Sabbath, and circumcised on the eighth day, a holy Sabbath. Evidently, G-d intended this entire Feast of Tabernacles to be set aside in order to accomplish and celebrate Yeshua's birth into the world. Note that G-d provided two holy feasts that lasted eight days, Passover/Unleavened Bread and the Feast of Tabernacles. John the Baptist, the forerunner of Messiah, was born and circumcised in the eight days of the first, then six month later Yeshua, the Messiah, was born and circumcised the eight days of the second. John came in the first month of the year and Yeshua came in the seventh month. In ministry, John introduced the way through Messiah and then Yeshua perfected it, even as the first and seventh months signify. V. Conclusion In my opinion, this chronology provides us with the exact day of Yeshua's birth, Tishri 15, according to the Hebrew calendar. The Hebrew calendar is kept updated to this modern day, and every year the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is absolutely set from Tishri 15 to Tishri 22. Because the Hebrew calendar is based on the course of the Moon (Lunar) and the modern calendar is based on the course of the Sun (Solar), the two move in relation to each other. This means the Feast of Tabernacles will always occur somewhere between mid-September and mid-October, but not on the exact same Gregorian dates every year. For instance, in 1995 the Feast of Tabernacles was October 9-October 17, but in 1996 the Feast of Tabernacles was September 28-October 5. While this is initially confusing to the unlearned mind, a combination Gregorian/Hebraic calendar will easily clarify how the dates relate. Many local funeral homes provide free Hebrew calendars each year showing the modern dates for the holy Feast Days (ask for a Jewish calendar). It may help you to understand the seeming movement of Yeshua's birthday by looking at your own birthday. Even though your birthday might keep the same number year after year, the day of the week it falls on changes. In like manner, Yeshua's birthday is on the same Hebraic calendar number each year, Tishri 15, but in relation to the Gregorian calendar it changes. However, you can plan for His birthday to always occur sometime between the latter part of September and the early part of October. The Feast of Tabernacles is a most important comemoration. Zechariah 14:16,17 tells us that one day all nations will be required by law to honor this feast. For what greater reason, than it is the birthday of the King of Kings! Why should we delay? Our hope and prayer is that the Ekklesia will return to the roots of her faith and learn to restore the fallen foundations. May we all work to overcome the influence of pagan customs in our celebrations and become separate from this world as a holy people before our holy G-d. ________________________________________ Copyright © 1994 - 2008 by David M. Hargis and MBI. All rights reserved. First Year Name -------------------------- Nisan (March-April) Iyar (April-May) Sivan (May-June) 25 - John the Baptist is conceived. Tammuz (June-July) Av (July-August) Elul (August-September) Tishri (September-October) Heshvan (October-November) Kislev (November-December) 25 - Yeshua is conceived. (Chanukah) Tevet (December-January) Shevat (January-February) Adar (February-March) Second Year Name --------------------------- Nisan (March-April) 15 - John the Baptist is born (Passover) Iyar (April-May) Sivan (May-June) Tammuz (June-July) Av (July-August) Elul (August-September) Tishri (September-October) 15 - Yeshua is born (Feast of Tabernacles) Heshvan (November-December) Kislev (November-December) Tevet (December-January) Shevat (January-February) Adar (February-March) |
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Thu 07/07/11 07:11 PM
god only knows!
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Normally, I would guess that he wasn't. That doesn't really answer your question though. Going by the Bible, I would put it at August 5th, 35 B.C. Few serious historians doubt that Jesus existed. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion these days. Obviously Jesus wasn't born in 35 BC, it was probably around 5 BC, while Herod was king of Rome. |
Normally, I don't get involved in these threads, but I have to agree with TWBee....whose info roughly agrees with Andy's.
It was pointed out to me, and explained using a copy of the Bible, that Jesus would have had to be born in September, maybe October. Of course, all this "conception", and Christmas, and the magi finding the home of Jesus on Dec. 25th, etc. seems like a whole lot of manipulation for justification. That day falls just after the Winter Solstice, and coincides with several pagan holy festivals. It is no secret that Christianity absorbed pagan holidays into its own calendar as it attempted to convert pagan peoples. Candlemass = Imbolc. May Day = Beltaine. Halloween and All Saints' Day = Samhain. Yuletide = Christmas. These last two represent pagan new year's festivals. And the Yuletide seems to have been the only mid-season celebration (equinox or solstice) heavily incorporated into the Christian calendar. Then again, the Yule was celebrated in all Germanic and Scandinavian regions including some eastern Baltic regions. Therefore, equating the Christ's birth with such an important Germanic celebration opened the door for conversion of many millions more than did the absorption of Celtic holidays which were celebrated in France, Spain, Ireland, and the British Isles. So, I cannot trust any speculation concerning December 25th at all. It has been over-manipulated in attempt to provide justification. Let's just face facts: the Church altered the truth just to gain followers. |
Jesus was born between 3:10 pm. and 4 o'clock on the western hemisphere, but we can't pin down the date.
The Eastern Hemisphere Jesus was born on top of the Mayan calendar, kicking and screaming he had to be dragged into the altar of human sacrifice, together with his mom. Hence, Christianity only started on the Western hemisphere. Don't blame me for this. |
Maybe we should approach this problem by establishing beyond any doubt when Gods, as a species, are in heat. Then count nine months forward, and bang, there is when little Jesus popped out.
Edited by
Sat 07/09/11 09:56 PM
In my opinion, this chronology provides us with the exact day of Yeshua's birth, Tishri 15, according to the Hebrew calendar. The Hebrew calendar is kept updated to this modern day, and every year the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is absolutely set from Tishri 15 to Tishri 22. Because the Hebrew calendar is based on the course of the Moon (Lunar) and the modern calendar is based on the course of the Sun (Solar), the two move in relation to each other. This is what I've believed for years. |
Maybe we should approach this problem by establishing beyond any doubt when Gods, as a species, are in heat. Then count nine months forward, and bang, there is when little Jesus popped out. see this is why i will not waist my time.. ruff ruff |
May 12,1671?
The star that went supernova in the skies at that time was documented by the Chinese and other cultures. It only lasted about a month. Find the date of that supernova and you got the date of Jesus's birth.
I base my findings on the scriptures and the writings of Flavius Josephus. Josephus states that Herod the Great died shortly before Passover in 4B.C. Jesus was born while Herod was alive,but was present at the Temple after Herod was dead and his son Archelaus reigned in his stead. (Matt.2:22) Forty days afer Jesus was born,Mary with Jesus in her arms went to the Temple to make the required offering according to the Law of the Lord. (Luke 2:22) (Lev.12:2-4) There she met Simeon and Anna.Simeon had been promised he would not die until he had seen the Lord's Christ.(Luke 2:25-38) Flavius states that at that particular Passover,Archelaus sent troops to the Temple and sent all who were in attendance home and cancelled the Festival they year so that he might make haste to Rome to hear Herods will read by Augustus Caesar.3000 were killed on the Temple mount.I have often wondered if Simeon and Anna were amongst those slaughtered. Since the required offering would not have been accepted on Passover day according to several Rabbi's I spoken to,it would have to have been the 2nd day of the feast that the offering was made.Afterwhich Mary & Joseph and the Lord returned to Nazareth of Galilee. (Luke 2:39) (Matt. 2:22-23) I assume Luke,being a Greek Physician was literate enough to comprehend the meaning of the word EVERY.When he stated that.. "Now his(Jesus)parents went to Jerusalem EVERY year at the feast of Passover ( Luke 2:41) Shepherds,watching their flocks by night were visited by a choir of angels proclaiming the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:8-20) Could it be the shepherds were taking their lambs to Jerusalem for the Passover? Josephus states Hero killed his own son and heir,Antipater,5 days before he died.He was dying and suffering great illness,but was still determined that he would never relinquish his throne to anyone.Could it be that on the same day he killied his son,he also sent troops to murder the innocents to eliminate this prohecied son who was to be king. From this evidence I conclude and believe,That Jesus was born 40 days prior to Passover in 4 B.C.Making his Birthday the 3rd day of the 12th month Adar. ( Feb.Or March ) Jesus was born 40 days prior to Passover Began his ministry 0n Passover Was tested for 40 days following Passover Died on Passover,1 month following His 34th Bithday in 30 A.D. ~ Blessings to all ~ MARANATHA |
Mithraism was a religion which spread from Persia through the Roman Empire. from 68 B.C. to about the middle of the 4th cetury A.D.
It was the whorship of the god Mithras.The god of merchants and the Roman army.It was a serious rival of Christianity.It was a personal faith,emphasizing the conflict of good & evil,andthe reward of virtue and punishment of wickedness in the afterlife. Mithras' birthday was the 25th of Dec. The Roman courts were closed and lawlessness prevailed with no punishment for law breakers during Dec.Children were sent into the streets to become sex toys, often willingly.( Much like Halloween in joviality) Orgies were the order of the day. Gifts were exchanged on the 25th of Dec. It was the busiest time for sales by Merchants in the year. The Pope of Rome eventually ordered all religious holidays and their practices to be incorporated into the celebration of the Christmas celebration in 325 A.D following the Council of Nicea. I wonder how the Lord feels to be the benificiary of that Pagan date? |
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Wed 07/13/11 02:47 PM
The star that went supernova in the skies at that time was documented by the Chinese and other cultures. It only lasted about a month. Find the date of that supernova and you got the date of Jesus's birth. The date of that supernova was, exaclty, in year 0. The birthday of Jesus. The year is zero, and the birthday... well, when our calendar started, on year zero, obviously. Because the western calendar starts with the year of Jesus birth. So the supernova's date is... let me see... [mumbles] yeah... square root of seven... divided by pi... times twenty eight... plus six... guys, I got year zero. Right. That actually works out. |