Topic: Pat Robertson warns God will destroy America over same sex m | |
Even if that were true which it isn't, neither choice is wrong so.... none should be punished. it's a choice they make, no matter what anyone says... No it isn't no matter what anyone says... did you choose your orientation? I Chose my sexual lifestyle,,,yes Did you choose what sex you were attracted to though? That's her question. If you ask me, it chooses us. i disagree...people have no will to control their urges, then say they were born with it...i think that is just a cop out... but it is easier just to give in rather than to control an urge... Do you have the ability to control an urge? Maybe, but to the point where you choose which gender you are attracted to I don't believe so. Kleisto, Think about this for a minute. If homosexuality exists on a spectrum with absolute homosexuality at one end and bisexuals whose dominant desire is heterosexual at the opposite end, then it would be possible for an individual to claim that choice is PART of falling in love and making commitments to long-term relationships. The kind of claims that Msharmony puts forth are made with the assumption that there is only bisexuality and the it must tend toward heterosexual dominance. Still I wonder if Msharmoy thinks that ALL heterosexuals are actually bisexual and simply CHOOSE hetero relationships over same-sex relationships, as she does??? Would that all humanity was so inclined - then perhaps there would be more humans who could understand when love must, still, on occasion win out over gender... |
if we are discussing equal 'rights',,the answer is yes and the unavoidable truth is, EVERY ADULT WHO ENTERS A COMMITMENT WITH ANOTHER ADULT SHOULD HAVE THE SAME RIGHTS AS A MARITAL COUPLE< IF SAID RIGHTS ARE EXCLUSIVELY GRANTED BECAUSE OF NOTHING MORE THAN A JOINT DECISION TO COMMIT AND JOIN LIVES I dont agree it should be recognized as a 'marriage' by the government though but as a CONTRACT( as it is so often discussed when its broken down to a mere consentual agreement) , a CIVIL UNION available to any adults who wish to enter into it,,,, marriage as it is currently defined can be annulled on the grounds of impotency, which implies that the SEXUAL RELATIONS are a significant factor of the relationship,,, I dont think this should be the case with ALL Adults, because I dont think the government should endorse sexual relations between ALL Adults let alone consider them any type of mandate for ALL Adult relationships endorsing sexual relations between male and female is logical on the grounds that that type of bond is/can be often the foundation for bringing new life in the world and beginning (biological) families,,,, ID say the consistently logical answer is to do what spider suggested, make marriage strictly religious, create civil unions for the government to recognize, with no reference, support or condemnation of the sexual relations involved,,,,and only a recognition and reinforcement of the 'commitment' agreed to You have not been asked to consider affectign the current marriage contract with anything further than allowing same-sex marriage. Addressing any topic unrelated to this one and only adjustment, clouds the REAL issues. What issues do you regarding the addition of same-sex to the marriage contract - while leaving all other state laws the same? |
According to your new found belief, you would agree that homosexuals, their partners and their families are as equally entitled to all the benefits of the marriage contract as heterosexuals, right? In a civil sense, yes, in a religious sense, depends on the fundamental tenets of the religion. ------- I live on disability. I moved four months ago. The place I live in now is co-owned by a man and a woman. I got an auditing-type letter from the agency that supports me, asking if the lady that I pay rent to is my wife, common law, am I screwing her, are her children and mine referred to as "ours", etc. The questionnaire was three pages long. I don't know why they sent it to me. But I don't have children, the landlady has a tall, good looking, strapping and nice guy to screw her, she don't need my input in that matter. (Pun intended.) There are three females in the place, and three males. I'm the fourth male. I went in and argued with my counsellor, asking him wtf she's my landlady. He said it's because she's a female, and I am a male. Well. I think that was homophobic, and mysygynyc. I asked him, this is just one of the three women, why her? And why not the three guys? Hasn't he heard of homosexual marriages, incl. common-law? I was screaming expletives at the Welfare office at the top of my lungs because I was so angry they would exclude the males as candidates to be my common-law partners. The nerve of those guys. Stupid DumFuuks at the Welfare office. BTW, I am hetero, but I am gay positive. But not HIV positive. By gay positive I don't mean I am leaning that way, only that I hate those and will scream expletives at them, who hate gays. Incl. gays who hate gays. I think I am making too much of a fuss of this. And I am overcomplicating the issue. The reasonable thing for me to do would be to get up in the morning, brush my teeth, then spend the rest of the day screaming expletives, say my evening prayers and go to bed. Have a good nights rest, it sounds like you have quite a job to wake up to. |