Topic: Pat Robertson warns God will destroy America over same sex m | |
Jesus changes no one's heart. Your constant fighting over widely accepted Christian doctrine makes Christianity look bad in the eyes of the non-Christians. I wish you would get your act together or stop talking about Christianity. Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ; Philippians 2:13 for it is God who works in you both to will and to do for His good pleasure. Philippians 3:9 and be found in Him, not having my own righteousness, which is from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which is from God by faith; Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. The Bible if fairly clear that Jesus can change our lives by lifting our burdens off of us...mainly because Jesus said he would do just that. That's changing the heart of the person, not because Jesus just wants to, but because he was asked to. EDIT: Do you want to argue that God doesn't answer prayers now? I'm sure that will be a nice show for the non-Christians. I know of at least one whom I am sure will quote are current discussion and "prove" that Christianity is a false religion because we can't agree on anything. Want to make one little comment to this, not any of that said God changed anyone's heart. God touches our hearts yes, but still lays in the hands of the person to change his/her own heart, it's called free will. If you use your will to love God or use your will to be disobedient to his commands. And changing our lives and changing our hearts are two totally different things. Just because someone has a good heart, doesn't mean they will have a good life. Nor does it mean if one has a good life, they have a good heart. God does not change anyone's heart, for that would be taking away their free will. If God changes people's hearts, then why would he not make sure everyone's heart is with him? If he would do that, what would be the point of punishment for disobedience, cause if this was the fact we wouldn't be disobedient because our hearts would always be with God. Also wanted to mention these verses. Again, yes nothing specifically about homosexuality. But the word effeminate is in characteristics of a man being on the womanly side. As in a man behaving like a woman. Most homosexual men have female behaviours in the way they talk, move, and present themselves a long with many other characteristics. 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. |
there isn't one civilization that has survived PERIOD...embracing homosexuality or not. things don't last forever... they come and they go. GET OVER IT PEOPLE. atlantis, egypt, rome, great britain, america, and whoever's next will be next, it'z nature. GOD HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT. when r GROWN people gonna stop believing that everything that happens to us (basically everything we do to ourselves) is some reaction to some god in the sky who's either HAPPY or ANGRY with our behavior? u'r all a buncha slaves with a slave mentality thinking "MASSA" determines ur well being or demise. so sodom and gomorrah weren't EVIL, haiti isn't CURSED and santa clause doesn't really climb down chimneys. |
Edited by
Tue 07/05/11 06:03 PM
Hey there! Incest has always been viewed as wrong by more cultures than those that allowed it. I think even in Egypt brother sister marriages can still happen but I am not sure. The fact is inbreeding is bad. Andy sane person with half a brain knows this! Humans are mammals. Like all other mammals we have their instincts and natures. Now if for the most part all other mammal species posses some degree of homosexuality among them it is logical to assume (cough cough) that humans have the characteristic within our nature. But like anything people fear what they cannot understand. Now for breeding, don't need a license to make a baby. Never have and never will have to. That is an issue about social acceptability. Most American social thinking about sex is based on Puritanical views. We are ingrained with traditional beliefs. But that does not change the fact some people are homosexual and others use any excuse to look down on them. Worst is in the bible itself it says for us to "judge not lest we be judged," and here is an educated man like Pat Roberts spewing his brand of hate and judgement. the man cannot even honor his own damn bible. If anything he is a terrible Christian. It is sinners like him and those on this site that deserve to have their genitals whither away! To judge sight unseen is a sin! If a homosexual man was out to try to have sex (even forcefully) on others who were unwilling and not interested in experimentation that man is a rabid queer and a bad person and an embarrassment to the homosexual community. But many are monogamous and most are still good people. Even some homosexuals can be and are bad people. Hell, is it any difference if the "casting couch" is heterosexual or homosexual? People still use sex to advance themselves or make a living. Oddly I think prostitutes are actually hated more than homosexuals. And are Christians supposed to NOT hate people for any reason? Even then only "little people" hate unjustifiably! I can hate a person for doing me wrong but to hate another person becasue their life style is different? I seriously think there are a lot of people out there who either need a hug or a boot to the azz! Humans are mammals. Like all other mammals we have their instincts and natures. Now if for the most part all other mammal species posses some degree of homosexuality among them it is logical to assume (cough cough) that humans have the characteristic within our nature. But like anything people fear what they cannot understand. So if someone was born naturally desiring to murder people, it would be ok? Homosexuality doesn't harm anyone as killing someone would you may say, but it does. Sex is for reproduction PERIOD. It is the root of a lot of sexual diseases. And if it is not done for reproduction, you are hurting the world for misusing your genitals so to speak. Nothing productive comes of homosexuality. This comparison is a nonsequiter! There is no remote comparison to the two. Also your view of sex is PURELY YOUR OWN OPINION. Sex to me is an art form and the ultimate expression of joy and passion between consenting people. If two guys want to explore each other who are you OR Jesus to judge them. Man, you just cheapened sex to the Nth degree! I can tell you are a real passionate lover. But that does not change the fact some people are homosexual and others use any excuse to look down on them. No one is looking down on them, just trying to help. If you knew someone was planning on going somewhere and they told you how they were gonna get there, would you tell them if the road they were going to take leads to the middle of no where? Or would you just ignore it and let them drive that road? Where is the line between helping someone and "judging" someone? If you give your suggest to someone on how to fix something, are you judging them incapable of completing this job? Are you indirectly saying they are incompetent, stupid, or anything of that nature? No, I wouldn't think or hope so any ways. Just merely lending a helping hand to what you see as them doing possibly wrong and trying to help them fix this. And again here you are SO wrong on so many levels and you even challenge your own faith having eth BALLS to even say this. YOU CANNOT HELP SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT WANT IT! If I take 100 homosexual people and tell them their life style is wrong MAYBE one of that crowd would agree. This smacks of "Ministering to heathens." So let me ask you, if someone was completely happy with being Homosexual you would crush their personal happiness becasue you think their sexual preference is wrong? Worst is in the bible itself it says for us to "judge not lest we be judged," and here is an educated man like Pat Roberts spewing his brand of hate and judgement. the man cannot even honor his own damn bible. Did he say they were going to burn in hell for this action they choose to make? Did he say any specific person was going to miss out on heaven? If it is no to these questions, he did not judge anyone. Gotta keep the word in context. The judging in reference here is in the same essence of a judge in a court room. We ALL make a "Judgement" on things, that is our opinion. But a judgement in that essence is totally different from judging and condemning someone for their actions. And that is the judgement we have been told not to do. Totally disown a person for their behaviour, treat them differently for their actions. Again, this is the judging we are told not to do. An opinionated "judgement" comes naturally, it is what you do with that judgement that makes it wrong or not. Pat Robertson has been around for years! He is another of the billy Graham crowd. He is mouthy, and a false shepherd. And he did say a lot of condemning stuff over the years. He clearly is blaming Homosexuals for the whole problem of this earth. Fact, Human nature is the problem, not sexual preference. Over the years I have met really nice homosexuals and rabid ones. What ever happened to "Love the sinner, hate the sin?" If anything he is a terrible Christian. So two wrongs make a right? You just judged him on the level you're claiming he judged another. So why is it ok for you to say such a thing? But it's horribly wrong for him? Saying he said something as such. I judged him based on the evidence presented. I did not just come out with a judgement. BIG DIFFERENCE! So what the other guy is a homosexual. Sight unseen I just see a man. If he is nice and polite to me I have no reason to judge him a problem. I can judge him a good person but if that same person was rude and constantly trying to engage me sexually I would judge him a jerk in need of a serious whipping in a very painful way. So what? we all make judgements. It is when the judgement is based on hollow and insignificant facts is when it is a sin to judge. Again Pat Robertson is a terrible Christian! Why are you so focused on hate? If someone doesn't like and or disagrees with your extracellular activities, they hate you? Just because someone doesn't agree with what another does, doesn't mean they hate them. Christians don't hate anyone. Hate is of the devil. Christians may disagree with what a person does or doesn't do and not like someone, but a Christian "hates" no one. ISLAM, The reverend AL SHARPTON, The Reverend JESSIE JACKSON, David Duke, Brother Bob who was a priest at the High School I attended. We hated each other (and I suspect he was a pedophile anyways!) Bishop Montgomery High School, 3 1/2 of THE WORST YEARS OF MY LIFE, My OWN FATHER WHO BLAMED MY BIRTH FOR RUINING HIS LIFE, Affirmative Action, Racist Negros, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners I have come across from time to time with their hate and racism aimed at me, Two Faced Christians I keep coming across, Should I continue my list of why I have hate in my heart? Hate is not innate! Hate is taught, hate is learned. But I have worked hard to not try to turn away from my hate as much as I choose to embrace it as an unfortunate dark part of me I had to come to terms with. In a world filled with hate I give mine direction and I aim it at those who earn it. It is earned by action and deed. Sorry but this is what I do when I have turned the other cheek. Once slapped I prepare for war. Once slapped again it is war. I am NOT a christian. I grew up in the environment but I chose to turn away from Jesus the man. It is his words that make more sense than the whole bible you like to read every night. you are much younger than me and have a lot to learn about the world and when you do remember I warned you the real truth sucks and no priest will admit to. In the end the Meek shall inherit nothing! |
Hey there! Incest has always been viewed as wrong by more cultures than those that allowed it. I think even in Egypt brother sister marriages can still happen but I am not sure. The fact is inbreeding is bad. Andy sane person with half a brain knows this! Humans are mammals. Like all other mammals we have their instincts and natures. Now if for the most part all other mammal species posses some degree of homosexuality among them it is logical to assume (cough cough) that humans have the characteristic within our nature. But like anything people fear what they cannot understand. Now for breeding, don't need a license to make a baby. Never have and never will have to. That is an issue about social acceptability. Most American social thinking about sex is based on Puritanical views. We are ingrained with traditional beliefs. But that does not change the fact some people are homosexual and others use any excuse to look down on them. Worst is in the bible itself it says for us to "judge not lest we be judged," and here is an educated man like Pat Roberts spewing his brand of hate and judgement. the man cannot even honor his own damn bible. If anything he is a terrible Christian. It is sinners like him and those on this site that deserve to have their genitals whither away! To judge sight unseen is a sin! If a homosexual man was out to try to have sex (even forcefully) on others who were unwilling and not interested in experimentation that man is a rabid queer and a bad person and an embarrassment to the homosexual community. But many are monogamous and most are still good people. Even some homosexuals can be and are bad people. Hell, is it any difference if the "casting couch" is heterosexual or homosexual? People still use sex to advance themselves or make a living. Oddly I think prostitutes are actually hated more than homosexuals. And are Christians supposed to NOT hate people for any reason? Even then only "little people" hate unjustifiably! I can hate a person for doing me wrong but to hate another person becasue their life style is different? I seriously think there are a lot of people out there who either need a hug or a boot to the azz! Humans are mammals. Like all other mammals we have their instincts and natures. Now if for the most part all other mammal species posses some degree of homosexuality among them it is logical to assume (cough cough) that humans have the characteristic within our nature. But like anything people fear what they cannot understand. So if someone was born naturally desiring to murder people, it would be ok? Homosexuality doesn't harm anyone as killing someone would you may say, but it does. Sex is for reproduction PERIOD. It is the root of a lot of sexual diseases. And if it is not done for reproduction, you are hurting the world for misusing your genitals so to speak. Nothing productive comes of homosexuality. This comparison is a nonsequiter! There is no remote comparison to the two. Also your view of sex is PURELY YOUR OWN OPINION. Sex to me is an art form and the ultimate expression of joy and passion between consenting people. If two guys want to explore each other who are you OR Jesus to judge them. Man, you just cheapened sex to the Nth degree! I can tell you are a real passionate lover. But that does not change the fact some people are homosexual and others use any excuse to look down on them. No one is looking down on them, just trying to help. If you knew someone was planning on going somewhere and they told you how they were gonna get there, would you tell them if the road they were going to take leads to the middle of no where? Or would you just ignore it and let them drive that road? Where is the line between helping someone and "judging" someone? If you give your suggest to someone on how to fix something, are you judging them incapable of completing this job? Are you indirectly saying they are incompetent, stupid, or anything of that nature? No, I wouldn't think or hope so any ways. Just merely lending a helping hand to what you see as them doing possibly wrong and trying to help them fix this. And again here you are SO wrong on so many levels and you even challenge your own faith having eth BALLS to even say this. YOU CANNOT HELP SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT WANT IT! If I take 100 homosexual people and tell them their life style is wrong MAYBE one of that crowd would agree. This smacks of "Ministering to heathens." So let me ask you, if someone was completely happy with being Homosexual you would crush their personal happiness becasue you think their sexual preference is wrong? Worst is in the bible itself it says for us to "judge not lest we be judged," and here is an educated man like Pat Roberts spewing his brand of hate and judgement. the man cannot even honor his own damn bible. Did he say they were going to burn in hell for this action they choose to make? Did he say any specific person was going to miss out on heaven? If it is no to these questions, he did not judge anyone. Gotta keep the word in context. The judging in reference here is in the same essence of a judge in a court room. We ALL make a "Judgement" on things, that is our opinion. But a judgement in that essence is totally different from judging and condemning someone for their actions. And that is the judgement we have been told not to do. Totally disown a person for their behaviour, treat them differently for their actions. Again, this is the judging we are told not to do. An opinionated "judgement" comes naturally, it is what you do with that judgement that makes it wrong or not. Pat Robertson has been around for years! He is another of the billy Graham crowd. He is mouthy, and a false shepherd. And he did say a lot of condemning stuff over the years. He clearly is blaming Homosexuals for the whole problem of this earth. Fact, Human nature is the problem, not sexual preference. Over the years I have met really nice homosexuals and rabid ones. What ever happened to "Love the sinner, hate the sin?" If anything he is a terrible Christian. So two wrongs make a right? You just judged him on the level you're claiming he judged another. So why is it ok for you to say such a thing? But it's horribly wrong for him? Saying he said something as such. I judged him based on the evidence presented. I did not just come out with a judgement. BIG DIFFERENCE! So what the other guy is a homosexual. Sight unseen I just see a man. If he is nice and polite to me I have no reason to judge him a problem. I can judge him a good person but if that same person was rude and constantly trying to engage me sexually I would judge him a jerk in need of a serious whipping in a very painful way. So what? we all make judgements. It is when the judgement is based on hollow and insignificant facts is when it is a sin to judge. Again Pat Robertson is a terrible Christian! Why are you so focused on hate? If someone doesn't like and or disagrees with your extracellular activities, they hate you? Just because someone doesn't agree with what another does, doesn't mean they hate them. Christians don't hate anyone. Hate is of the devil. Christians may disagree with what a person does or doesn't do and not like someone, but a Christian "hates" no one. ISLAM, The reverend AL SHARPTON, The Reverend JESSIE JACKSON, David Duke, Brother Bob who was a priest at the High School I attended. We hated each other (and I suspect he was a pedophile anyways!) Bishop Montgomery High School, 3 1/2 of THE WORST YEARS OF MY LIFE, My OWN FATHER WHO BLAMED MY BIRTH FOR RUINING HIS LIFE, Affirmative Action, Racist Negros, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners I have come across from time to time with their hate and racism aimed at me, Two Faced Christians I keep coming across, Should I continue my list of why I have hate in my heart? Hate is not innate! Hate is taught, hate is learned. But I have worked hard to not try to turn away from my hate as much as I choose to embrace it as an unfortunate dark part of me I had to come to terms with. In a world filled with hate I give mine direction and I aim it at those who earn it. It is earned by action and deed. Sorry but this is what I do when I have turned the other cheek. Once slapped I prepare for war. Once slapped again it is war. I am NOT a christian. I grew up in the environment but I chose to turn away from Jesus the man. It is his words that make more sense than the whole bible you like to read every night. you are much younger than me and have a lot to learn about the world and when you do remember I warned you the real truth sucks and no priest will admit to. In the end the Meek shall inherit nothing! The meek will inherit everything. |
Hey there! Incest has always been viewed as wrong by more cultures than those that allowed it. I think even in Egypt brother sister marriages can still happen but I am not sure. The fact is inbreeding is bad. Andy sane person with half a brain knows this! Humans are mammals. Like all other mammals we have their instincts and natures. Now if for the most part all other mammal species posses some degree of homosexuality among them it is logical to assume (cough cough) that humans have the characteristic within our nature. But like anything people fear what they cannot understand. Now for breeding, don't need a license to make a baby. Never have and never will have to. That is an issue about social acceptability. Most American social thinking about sex is based on Puritanical views. We are ingrained with traditional beliefs. But that does not change the fact some people are homosexual and others use any excuse to look down on them. Worst is in the bible itself it says for us to "judge not lest we be judged," and here is an educated man like Pat Roberts spewing his brand of hate and judgement. the man cannot even honor his own damn bible. If anything he is a terrible Christian. It is sinners like him and those on this site that deserve to have their genitals whither away! To judge sight unseen is a sin! If a homosexual man was out to try to have sex (even forcefully) on others who were unwilling and not interested in experimentation that man is a rabid queer and a bad person and an embarrassment to the homosexual community. But many are monogamous and most are still good people. Even some homosexuals can be and are bad people. Hell, is it any difference if the "casting couch" is heterosexual or homosexual? People still use sex to advance themselves or make a living. Oddly I think prostitutes are actually hated more than homosexuals. And are Christians supposed to NOT hate people for any reason? Even then only "little people" hate unjustifiably! I can hate a person for doing me wrong but to hate another person becasue their life style is different? I seriously think there are a lot of people out there who either need a hug or a boot to the azz! Humans are mammals. Like all other mammals we have their instincts and natures. Now if for the most part all other mammal species posses some degree of homosexuality among them it is logical to assume (cough cough) that humans have the characteristic within our nature. But like anything people fear what they cannot understand. So if someone was born naturally desiring to murder people, it would be ok? Homosexuality doesn't harm anyone as killing someone would you may say, but it does. Sex is for reproduction PERIOD. It is the root of a lot of sexual diseases. And if it is not done for reproduction, you are hurting the world for misusing your genitals so to speak. Nothing productive comes of homosexuality. This comparison is a nonsequiter! There is no remote comparison to the two. Also your view of sex is PURELY YOUR OWN OPINION. Sex to me is an art form and the ultimate expression of joy and passion between consenting people. If two guys want to explore each other who are you OR Jesus to judge them. Man, you just cheapened sex to the Nth degree! I can tell you are a real passionate lover. But that does not change the fact some people are homosexual and others use any excuse to look down on them. No one is looking down on them, just trying to help. If you knew someone was planning on going somewhere and they told you how they were gonna get there, would you tell them if the road they were going to take leads to the middle of no where? Or would you just ignore it and let them drive that road? Where is the line between helping someone and "judging" someone? If you give your suggest to someone on how to fix something, are you judging them incapable of completing this job? Are you indirectly saying they are incompetent, stupid, or anything of that nature? No, I wouldn't think or hope so any ways. Just merely lending a helping hand to what you see as them doing possibly wrong and trying to help them fix this. And again here you are SO wrong on so many levels and you even challenge your own faith having eth BALLS to even say this. YOU CANNOT HELP SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT WANT IT! If I take 100 homosexual people and tell them their life style is wrong MAYBE one of that crowd would agree. This smacks of "Ministering to heathens." So let me ask you, if someone was completely happy with being Homosexual you would crush their personal happiness becasue you think their sexual preference is wrong? Worst is in the bible itself it says for us to "judge not lest we be judged," and here is an educated man like Pat Roberts spewing his brand of hate and judgement. the man cannot even honor his own damn bible. Did he say they were going to burn in hell for this action they choose to make? Did he say any specific person was going to miss out on heaven? If it is no to these questions, he did not judge anyone. Gotta keep the word in context. The judging in reference here is in the same essence of a judge in a court room. We ALL make a "Judgement" on things, that is our opinion. But a judgement in that essence is totally different from judging and condemning someone for their actions. And that is the judgement we have been told not to do. Totally disown a person for their behaviour, treat them differently for their actions. Again, this is the judging we are told not to do. An opinionated "judgement" comes naturally, it is what you do with that judgement that makes it wrong or not. Pat Robertson has been around for years! He is another of the billy Graham crowd. He is mouthy, and a false shepherd. And he did say a lot of condemning stuff over the years. He clearly is blaming Homosexuals for the whole problem of this earth. Fact, Human nature is the problem, not sexual preference. Over the years I have met really nice homosexuals and rabid ones. What ever happened to "Love the sinner, hate the sin?" If anything he is a terrible Christian. So two wrongs make a right? You just judged him on the level you're claiming he judged another. So why is it ok for you to say such a thing? But it's horribly wrong for him? Saying he said something as such. I judged him based on the evidence presented. I did not just come out with a judgement. BIG DIFFERENCE! So what the other guy is a homosexual. Sight unseen I just see a man. If he is nice and polite to me I have no reason to judge him a problem. I can judge him a good person but if that same person was rude and constantly trying to engage me sexually I would judge him a jerk in need of a serious whipping in a very painful way. So what? we all make judgements. It is when the judgement is based on hollow and insignificant facts is when it is a sin to judge. Again Pat Robertson is a terrible Christian! Why are you so focused on hate? If someone doesn't like and or disagrees with your extracellular activities, they hate you? Just because someone doesn't agree with what another does, doesn't mean they hate them. Christians don't hate anyone. Hate is of the devil. Christians may disagree with what a person does or doesn't do and not like someone, but a Christian "hates" no one. ISLAM, The reverend AL SHARPTON, The Reverend JESSIE JACKSON, David Duke, Brother Bob who was a priest at the High School I attended. We hated each other (and I suspect he was a pedophile anyways!) Bishop Montgomery High School, 3 1/2 of THE WORST YEARS OF MY LIFE, My OWN FATHER WHO BLAMED MY BIRTH FOR RUINING HIS LIFE, Affirmative Action, Racist Negros, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners I have come across from time to time with their hate and racism aimed at me, Two Faced Christians I keep coming across, Should I continue my list of why I have hate in my heart? Hate is not innate! Hate is taught, hate is learned. But I have worked hard to not try to turn away from my hate as much as I choose to embrace it as an unfortunate dark part of me I had to come to terms with. In a world filled with hate I give mine direction and I aim it at those who earn it. It is earned by action and deed. Sorry but this is what I do when I have turned the other cheek. Once slapped I prepare for war. Once slapped again it is war. I am NOT a christian. I grew up in the environment but I chose to turn away from Jesus the man. It is his words that make more sense than the whole bible you like to read every night. you are much younger than me and have a lot to learn about the world and when you do remember I warned you the real truth sucks and no priest will admit to. In the end the Meek shall inherit nothing! The meek will inherit everything. And the meek are who exactly? Cockroaches? They will more than likely be the only thing to survive after we get done killing ourselves! Besides, if mankind did survive Armageddon the strong will conquer the weak anyways. This universe is Dog Eat Dog. |
Edited by
Tue 07/05/11 07:27 PM
Hey there! Incest has always been viewed as wrong by more cultures than those that allowed it. I think even in Egypt brother sister marriages can still happen but I am not sure. The fact is inbreeding is bad. Andy sane person with half a brain knows this! Humans are mammals. Like all other mammals we have their instincts and natures. Now if for the most part all other mammal species posses some degree of homosexuality among them it is logical to assume (cough cough) that humans have the characteristic within our nature. But like anything people fear what they cannot understand. Now for breeding, don't need a license to make a baby. Never have and never will have to. That is an issue about social acceptability. Most American social thinking about sex is based on Puritanical views. We are ingrained with traditional beliefs. But that does not change the fact some people are homosexual and others use any excuse to look down on them. Worst is in the bible itself it says for us to "judge not lest we be judged," and here is an educated man like Pat Roberts spewing his brand of hate and judgement. the man cannot even honor his own damn bible. If anything he is a terrible Christian. It is sinners like him and those on this site that deserve to have their genitals whither away! To judge sight unseen is a sin! If a homosexual man was out to try to have sex (even forcefully) on others who were unwilling and not interested in experimentation that man is a rabid queer and a bad person and an embarrassment to the homosexual community. But many are monogamous and most are still good people. Even some homosexuals can be and are bad people. Hell, is it any difference if the "casting couch" is heterosexual or homosexual? People still use sex to advance themselves or make a living. Oddly I think prostitutes are actually hated more than homosexuals. And are Christians supposed to NOT hate people for any reason? Even then only "little people" hate unjustifiably! I can hate a person for doing me wrong but to hate another person becasue their life style is different? I seriously think there are a lot of people out there who either need a hug or a boot to the azz! Humans are mammals. Like all other mammals we have their instincts and natures. Now if for the most part all other mammal species posses some degree of homosexuality among them it is logical to assume (cough cough) that humans have the characteristic within our nature. But like anything people fear what they cannot understand. So if someone was born naturally desiring to murder people, it would be ok? Homosexuality doesn't harm anyone as killing someone would you may say, but it does. Sex is for reproduction PERIOD. It is the root of a lot of sexual diseases. And if it is not done for reproduction, you are hurting the world for misusing your genitals so to speak. Nothing productive comes of homosexuality. This comparison is a nonsequiter! There is no remote comparison to the two. Also your view of sex is PURELY YOUR OWN OPINION. Sex to me is an art form and the ultimate expression of joy and passion between consenting people. If two guys want to explore each other who are you OR Jesus to judge them. Man, you just cheapened sex to the Nth degree! I can tell you are a real passionate lover. But that does not change the fact some people are homosexual and others use any excuse to look down on them. No one is looking down on them, just trying to help. If you knew someone was planning on going somewhere and they told you how they were gonna get there, would you tell them if the road they were going to take leads to the middle of no where? Or would you just ignore it and let them drive that road? Where is the line between helping someone and "judging" someone? If you give your suggest to someone on how to fix something, are you judging them incapable of completing this job? Are you indirectly saying they are incompetent, stupid, or anything of that nature? No, I wouldn't think or hope so any ways. Just merely lending a helping hand to what you see as them doing possibly wrong and trying to help them fix this. And again here you are SO wrong on so many levels and you even challenge your own faith having eth BALLS to even say this. YOU CANNOT HELP SOMEONE WHO DOES NOT WANT IT! If I take 100 homosexual people and tell them their life style is wrong MAYBE one of that crowd would agree. This smacks of "Ministering to heathens." So let me ask you, if someone was completely happy with being Homosexual you would crush their personal happiness becasue you think their sexual preference is wrong? Worst is in the bible itself it says for us to "judge not lest we be judged," and here is an educated man like Pat Roberts spewing his brand of hate and judgement. the man cannot even honor his own damn bible. Did he say they were going to burn in hell for this action they choose to make? Did he say any specific person was going to miss out on heaven? If it is no to these questions, he did not judge anyone. Gotta keep the word in context. The judging in reference here is in the same essence of a judge in a court room. We ALL make a "Judgement" on things, that is our opinion. But a judgement in that essence is totally different from judging and condemning someone for their actions. And that is the judgement we have been told not to do. Totally disown a person for their behaviour, treat them differently for their actions. Again, this is the judging we are told not to do. An opinionated "judgement" comes naturally, it is what you do with that judgement that makes it wrong or not. Pat Robertson has been around for years! He is another of the billy Graham crowd. He is mouthy, and a false shepherd. And he did say a lot of condemning stuff over the years. He clearly is blaming Homosexuals for the whole problem of this earth. Fact, Human nature is the problem, not sexual preference. Over the years I have met really nice homosexuals and rabid ones. What ever happened to "Love the sinner, hate the sin?" If anything he is a terrible Christian. So two wrongs make a right? You just judged him on the level you're claiming he judged another. So why is it ok for you to say such a thing? But it's horribly wrong for him? Saying he said something as such. I judged him based on the evidence presented. I did not just come out with a judgement. BIG DIFFERENCE! So what the other guy is a homosexual. Sight unseen I just see a man. If he is nice and polite to me I have no reason to judge him a problem. I can judge him a good person but if that same person was rude and constantly trying to engage me sexually I would judge him a jerk in need of a serious whipping in a very painful way. So what? we all make judgements. It is when the judgement is based on hollow and insignificant facts is when it is a sin to judge. Again Pat Robertson is a terrible Christian! Why are you so focused on hate? If someone doesn't like and or disagrees with your extracellular activities, they hate you? Just because someone doesn't agree with what another does, doesn't mean they hate them. Christians don't hate anyone. Hate is of the devil. Christians may disagree with what a person does or doesn't do and not like someone, but a Christian "hates" no one. ISLAM, The reverend AL SHARPTON, The Reverend JESSIE JACKSON, David Duke, Brother Bob who was a priest at the High School I attended. We hated each other (and I suspect he was a pedophile anyways!) Bishop Montgomery High School, 3 1/2 of THE WORST YEARS OF MY LIFE, My OWN FATHER WHO BLAMED MY BIRTH FOR RUINING HIS LIFE, Affirmative Action, Racist Negros, Hispanics, Asians, Middle Easterners I have come across from time to time with their hate and racism aimed at me, Two Faced Christians I keep coming across, Should I continue my list of why I have hate in my heart? Hate is not innate! Hate is taught, hate is learned. But I have worked hard to not try to turn away from my hate as much as I choose to embrace it as an unfortunate dark part of me I had to come to terms with. In a world filled with hate I give mine direction and I aim it at those who earn it. It is earned by action and deed. Sorry but this is what I do when I have turned the other cheek. Once slapped I prepare for war. Once slapped again it is war. I am NOT a christian. I grew up in the environment but I chose to turn away from Jesus the man. It is his words that make more sense than the whole bible you like to read every night. you are much younger than me and have a lot to learn about the world and when you do remember I warned you the real truth sucks and no priest will admit to. In the end the Meek shall inherit nothing! The meek will inherit everything. And the meek are who exactly? Cockroaches? They will more than likely be the only thing to survive after we get done killing ourselves! Besides, if mankind did survive Armageddon the strong will conquer the weak anyways. This universe is Dog Eat Dog. There is a difference between "meek" and "weak" The self-deluded "strong" won't see it till it's too late... |
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Tue 07/05/11 09:06 PM
I find it halirous that the same people who preach doom and gloom also sell books.
I tried to watch the show but all I saw was people pooping out of thier mouths. I believe anyone who likes him and takes his words to heart also poop out of thier mouths. Also anyone who says "we all goning to die!!" yet sells hats, books, mugs, books and " I survived 2012" T-Shirts is also pooping out of thier mouths. Never believe a word these people say, they are the heathen infidels. Everything returns to the earth. The bible does contradict itself There's gays everywhere, Alaska A.Z. and Utah is nothing like Sodom. Jesus did'nt preach it because it's a touchy subject and there was enough people trying to kill him anyways. And god does'nt care too strongly or every gay man would've been wiped out centuries ago. Besides, he's in no hurry to destroy us all, we seem to kill each other just fine. I'll cheer if god kills us all, At least then we won't have to put up with the single-minded slaw-jawed intolrance of humanity. If someone dictates thier life on any blessed scripture, they are wise and holy. If they do that with any other book we say they have a mental disorder. |
Pat Bob was right. All civilizations that had embraced homosexuals perished. Starting with the Ancient Greeks, continuing on to Egypt, then the Seven Headless Sodomizers of Ghinghis Khan, and now onto present day Greece and present day Iraq, which on one hand is undergoing complete annihilation of its culture by way of economic self-destruction, and on the other hand, has undergone complete annihilation by way of cultural and economic genocide by the United States of America and our fighter boys whom we keep cheering on every time they kill an infidel Iraquani.
Yes, Patty is right on the nose, talking of the nosedive of America into the bottomless pit of hell itself. None too soon, I might add. And to quote the Great Pat himself, Jesus never said anything about His homosexuality. But that did not fool anyone, who knows anything about how to read the bible. |
There is a difference between "meek" and "weak" The meek shall inherit the Mekong Delta The weak shall suck on the giant wee wee of Jesus Himself. |
There is a difference between "meek" and "weak" The meek shall inherit the Mekong Delta The weak shall suck on the giant wee wee of Jesus Himself. CHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I can respect Modest. Meek on the other hand? Some of the baddest meanest fighters I ever knew, and I am talking about men and women in my past who were professional fighters and body guards, law enforcement, real martial ARTISTS, and just plain flipping nuts vicious soldiers were also some of the most mellow and respectable, polite people I knew while most of the meek people I know are next to worthless in a bad situation. Also I knew of some of these "meek" people who really were bitchhy passive aggressive little shitte heads. I am talking the kind of adults who whine like children when they can't get their way. The only reason the meek might survive is they are going to be the ones hiding under rocks while the rest of us duke it out. In all honesty I think the whole line "the meek shall inherit the earth," means we are going to wipe ourselves out and whatever survives the hell we make of this earth will live on after us. Cockroaches hide under rocks. They also can survive high level radiation. |
There is a difference between "meek" and "weak" The meek shall inherit the Mekong Delta The weak shall suck on the giant wee wee of Jesus Himself. CHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I can respect Modest. Meek on the other hand? Some of the baddest meanest fighters I ever knew, and I am talking about men and women in my past who were professional fighters and body guards, law enforcement, real martial ARTISTS, and just plain flipping nuts vicious soldiers were also some of the most mellow and respectable, polite people I knew while most of the meek people I know are next to worthless in a bad situation. Also I knew of some of these "meek" people who really were bitchhy passive aggressive little shitte heads. I am talking the kind of adults who whine like children when they can't get their way. The only reason the meek might survive is they are going to be the ones hiding under rocks while the rest of us duke it out. In all honesty I think the whole line "the meek shall inherit the earth," means we are going to wipe ourselves out and whatever survives the hell we make of this earth will live on after us. Cockroaches hide under rocks. They also can survive high level radiation. Like I said... "There is a difference between "meek" and "weak" The self-deluded "strong" won't see it till it's too late..." |
There is a difference between "meek" and "weak" The meek shall inherit the Mekong Delta The weak shall suck on the giant wee wee of Jesus Himself. CHA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA! I can respect Modest. Meek on the other hand? Some of the baddest meanest fighters I ever knew, and I am talking about men and women in my past who were professional fighters and body guards, law enforcement, real martial ARTISTS, and just plain flipping nuts vicious soldiers were also some of the most mellow and respectable, polite people I knew while most of the meek people I know are next to worthless in a bad situation. Also I knew of some of these "meek" people who really were bitchhy passive aggressive little shitte heads. I am talking the kind of adults who whine like children when they can't get their way. The only reason the meek might survive is they are going to be the ones hiding under rocks while the rest of us duke it out. In all honesty I think the whole line "the meek shall inherit the earth," means we are going to wipe ourselves out and whatever survives the hell we make of this earth will live on after us. Cockroaches hide under rocks. They also can survive high level radiation. Like I said... "There is a difference between "meek" and "weak" The self-deluded "strong" won't see it till it's too late..." I think it already is to late. Overpopulation is going to kill us all! I love the actors who get on TV and say "WE CAN FEED ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!" Total media propaganda! |
I think it already is to late. Overpopulation is going to kill us all! I love the actors who get on TV and say "WE CAN FEED ALL THE PEOPLE OF THE WORLD!" Total media propaganda! No, that's a fact. There is enough food in the world to feed every man, woman and child 2,720 kcal a day, which is significantly more calories than women and children need and more than men need by 220 on average. World hunger is caused by poverty, not a lack of food production. |
I am absolutely positive (not) that the failure of the past societies was due to people's sex lives.
We see it all the time. People have too much sex and there goes the neighborhood!!! Hell, I think the economic slump we had this last time had to do with Bush gettin it on too much. It has to be that, what else could have done it? |
religion? Politics? republicans? democrats? terrorists?
pick your scapegoat,,,, |
This is what destroys civilizations, and history will bear me out on this, insular aristocracy. It killed Rome, China, Mongolia, heck just about every great empire fell because the leadership was out of touch with their people and lived lavishly behind walls administrating while the country around them was a giant slum.
i really wonder what Jesus himself would say to this man.. there is this stereotype that homosexuals are sex crazed... and cant raise kids.. that was a different point in time.. totally different rules and people..
if this is the case why did god create people who were homosexuals? why waste his time on ''abominations''
we are just pitiful freaks in his eyes anyway. |
if this is the case why did god create people who were homosexuals? why waste his time on ''abominations'' we are just pitiful freaks in his eyes anyway. i guess because they have a choice like anyone else... |
Even if that were true which it isn't, neither choice is wrong so.... none should be punished.