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Topic: Lets go topicless... - part 112
vivian2981's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:41 PM
what else you got to do? 'sides cleaning up after him?whoa

BettyB's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:43 PM
Clean up after him?Geez all I thought I had to do was ply him with beer and icecreamlaugh

vivian2981's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:50 PM
That too...put your roller skates on so you can keep up with his demands.laugh laugh

BettyB's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:52 PM
laugh :laulaugh laugh
How the job going?

vivian2981's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:53 PM

BettyB's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:55 PM
Did she sleep a lot today?

vivian2981's photo
Thu 07/07/11 04:57 PM

no photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:02 PM
when are you gettin a day off ?

BettyB's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:03 PM
Thats good for you laugh
Are we the only ones up around here?

vivian2981's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:05 PM
looks that way

5x10's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:09 PM
Evening everybody!!!

CAROL......glad you could drop in....how is the mini vacation going? Is your hubby able to finally relax?

Betty.....you need to move to Iowa...we need more people!!!!!

BettyB's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:09 PM
Tim has been ditching us for netflix...grumble

carold's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:09 PM

Thats good for you laugh
Are we the only ones up around here?
Was on the phone but going to go over to my daughters for big brother tonight:wink:

carold's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:12 PM

Evening everybody!!!

CAROL......glad you could drop in....how is the mini vacation going? Is your hubby able to finally relax?

Betty.....you need to move to Iowa...we need more people!!!!!
You talking to Music is she on??

BettyB's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:12 PM
oh does that start tonight?

Hi Maryflowerforyou

carold's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:15 PM

oh does that start tonight?

Hi Maryflowerforyou
Yeppers want to see my daughter anyways went to the Dr today her sugar, blood pressure and thyroid are all off plus she has a staff infection. They put her on antibiotic's and blood pressure med. going to retest her thyroid and sugar next week and make a decision on that.

5x10's photo
Thu 07/07/11 05:45 PM
Guess all you Texas folks stole Betty and took her to Texas.

Talk to ya all later. Going back to Iowa FB and Nexflix.....laugh

BettyB's photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:06 PM
oops Sorry..Mary had some laundry to deal with.Sort of in and out.

Foszil's photo
Thu 07/07/11 06:59 PM
I'm here!! More to the point, is anybody else here??pitchfork

carold's photo
Fri 07/08/11 05:47 AM
Well Will should be about half way there:banana:

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