Topic: The Trials of Jesus Christ ...War Criminal? | |
Is Jesus God or isn't God
this question is perhaps the main reason why Christianity has split into numerous factions, the claim by some that Jesus a Man is also God would mean that according to their belief Jesus was also around during the time of Genesis "In The Beginning" when the Alien called God first started committing war crimes against humanity just as those that was "one with Hitler" or Hitler's disciples was brought to justice in The Nuremberg Trials so should those that claim that they have assisted God in committing his war crimes against those not of his faith ... could this be the reason why Jesus was crucified because he claimed to be God in the form of a man and was therefore made accountable by Rome for his participation in these war crimes against humanity and nailed to a cross but now the concept of The Trinity is being use in an attempt to claim that Jesus is God but yet somehow should not be accountable for the crimes that God committed ..but is Jesus innocent or is he guilty by Trinity association...because what type of person/God would Jesus be to just sit back and watch people getting killed and do nothing about it but yet use the Trinity as a means to still claim to be God but yet use it to dis-associate himself from the crimes since some Christians demand that Jesus is God, then it will be interesting to read how they both prove that Jesus is God but yet provide proof that Jesus did not aid or abet in the crimes committed by the alien God not born on this planet .... each crime that God has committed against humanity will be entered into this court and it's up to those that claim that Jesus is God to prove that Jesus did not participate in the crimes or did try to stop those War Crimes if no proof can be provide then Jesus as God will be found "GUILTY AS CHARGE" by Trinity association in that particular crime this will provide insight as to how the trinity concept is used to explain how Jesus a man is God or it will show how the trinity is being used to open up the door so that a man can claim to be God providing the means for the AntiChrist to come to power this is also a chance to give to God our "Judgment Day" in which Jesus as God or those Trinity Gods will be judged and held accountable for his or their own trinity actions this thread we get to kick God's apse out of Heaven and into Hell..but only if he is found "GUILTY" of War Crimes Thus begins the trial of Jesus Christ...Man...God... or....War Criminal ... |
Is Jesus God or isn't God this question is perhaps the main reason why Christianity has split into numerous factions, the claim by some that Jesus a Man is also God would mean that according to their belief Jesus was also around during the time of Genesis "In The Beginning" when the Alien called God first started committing war crimes against humanity just as those that was "one with Hitler" or Hitler's disciples was brought to justice in The Nuremberg Trials so should those that claim that they have assisted God in committing his war crimes against those not of his faith ... could this be the reason why Jesus was crucified because he claimed to be God in the form of a man and was therefore made accountable by Rome for his participation in these war crimes against humanity and nailed to a cross but now the concept of The Trinity is being use in an attempt to claim that Jesus is God but yet somehow should not be accountable for the crimes that God committed ..but is Jesus innocent or is he guilty by Trinity association...because what type of person/God would Jesus be to just sit back and watch people getting killed and do nothing about it but yet use the Trinity as a means to still claim to be God but yet use it to dis-associate himself from the crimes since some Christians demand that Jesus is God, then it will be interesting to read how they both prove that Jesus is God but yet provide proof that Jesus did not aid or abet in the crimes committed by the alien God not born on this planet .... each crime that God has committed against humanity will be entered into this court and it's up to those that claim that Jesus is God to prove that Jesus did not participate in the crimes or did try to stop those War Crimes if no proof can be provide then Jesus as God will be found "GUILTY AS CHARGE" by Trinity association in that particular crime this will provide insight as to how the trinity concept is used to explain how Jesus a man is God or it will show how the trinity is being used to open up the door so that a man can claim to be God providing the means for the AntiChrist to come to power this is also a chance to give to God our "Judgment Day" in which Jesus as God or those Trinity Gods will be judged and held accountable for his or their own trinity actions this thread we get to kick God's apse out of Heaven and into Hell..but only if he is found "GUILTY" of War Crimes Thus begins the trial of Jesus Christ...Man...God... or....War Criminal ... Sorry, you must first prove that an alien god exists. You sound delusional without proof there buddy! |
Sorry, you must first prove that an alien god exists. You sound delusional without proof there buddy! perhaps if you as a Christian ever took the time to actually read the bible you would know that an invisible entity called a "God" that was "not born here on Earth" existed as a Character in that book.... |
Sorry, you must first prove that an alien god exists. You sound delusional without proof there buddy! perhaps if you as a Christian ever took the time to actually read the bible you would know that an invisible entity called a "God" that was "not born here on Earth" existed as a Character in that book.... That's all good, maybe you should post this in "Movies, TV & Books" then. If you can't provide 1 piece of evidence for God, just admit it... |
Sorry, you must first prove that an alien god exists. You sound delusional without proof there buddy! perhaps if you as a Christian ever took the time to actually read the bible you would know that an invisible entity called a "God" that was "not born here on Earth" existed as a Character in that book.... That's all good, maybe you should post this in "Movies, TV & Books" then. If you can't provide 1 piece of evidence for God, just admit it... well I could offer you as evidence...but that would only prove the existence of Satan .... |
is Jesus God and guilty of War Crimes or he is just a pawn being used to create a religion in which Man can declare himself to be God spawned from the evolution of faith, want and need
it's best to check Genesis to see if there is any literal mention of Jesus the best place to start is "At The Beginning" or the first line in the bible which reads.... In The beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth ..... so far nothing about Jesus God did say...., "Let there be light"; and there was light. some would argue that Jesus is The light...but then that would make Jesus a creation not a God so far there is no Jesus mention in Genesis or any indication that Jesus existed "In The Beginning" or before creation |
Keep reading in Genesis, Funches..look for the
part where God says, "And let US make man in our image". Then go to the book of John,chapter one.... where it says,"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God ,and the Word was God. |
Edited by
Sun 06/12/11 08:26 AM
"Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, according
to OUR likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth,” (Gen. 1:26, NASB). "Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of US, knowing good and evil; and now, lest he stretch out his hand, and take also from the tree of life, and eat, and live forever," (Gen. 3:22, NASB). “Come, let US go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech,” (Gen. 11:7, NASB). "Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for US?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8, NASB) Funches....The US is the 3 persons in the One Godhead.....God the Father, God the Son(known as the WORD before Jesus became Incarnate), and God the Holy Spirit. And are right...there will be an anti-Christ who will come on the scene.... who will imitate everything that Jesus did. That is why people need the holy spirit to lead and guide them into all truth...not just be quessing at what truth is. ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Keep reading in Genesis, Funches..look for the part where God says, "And let US make man in our image". God could have been talking to the angels .... Then go to the book of John,chapter one.... where it says,"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God ,and the Word was God. "The Word" refers to Faith when someone receives The Word does that not mean that they have received faith in the Word of God ... or it someone no longer have the Word does that not mean that they have lost their Faith in God |
"Then God said, “Let US make man in OUR image, according to OUR likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth,” (Gen. 1:26, NASB). God could have been talking to himself or the where in Genesis does the "Us" imply that it was Jesus "Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, “Whom shall I send, and who will go for US?” Then I said, “Here am I. Send me!” (Isaiah 6:8, NASB) Isaiah is not about Jesus but about Isaiah asking God to send him to speak to the people Funches....The US is the 3 persons in the One Godhead.....God the Father, God the Son(known as the WORD before Jesus became Incarnate), and God the Holy Spirit. that's perhaps your belief but not the belief of all Christians..this is one of the reasons I started this thread to see exactly where Jesus unquestionably makes his biblical debut And are right...there will be an anti-Christ who will come on the scene.... who will imitate everything that Jesus did. the thread will explore if this is the true purpose of The Trinity That is why people need the holy spirit to lead and guide them into all truth...not just be quessing at what truth is. ![]() ![]() ![]() the truth is that Satan can disguise himself as The Holy Spirit |
the truth is that Satan can disguise himself as The Holy Spirit
Well, you didn't provide proof of God, nor Say-tin. So go ahead, offer me up as proof of "the father of all lies". Show me one instance where I lied... If you can't, then logic dictates that you were wrong in your assumptions. |
Funches, just have a few minutes here tonight.... but yes....satan can disquise himself as an angel of light.... That is WHY we need to KNOW the TRUTH, in order to be able to recognize truth... Jesus said, "I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE....." is another scripture pointing to the triune God: 1 John 5:7 King James Version (KJV) "7For there are THREE that bear record in heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY GHOST: and these three are ONE." And also remember now Funches..the Word later becsame flesh and dwelt among us..that being Jesus. Keep seeking will all become clear. ![]() Gotta run.... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well, you didn't provide proof of God, nor Say-tin. providing no proof probably classify me as being a Christian So go ahead, offer me up as proof of "the father of all lies". ok...I'll offer you as proof as to why the bible said that God grieved Show me one instance where I lied... going by the name of Peter_Pan is one instance of you lying ... If you can't, I've just did then logic dictates that you were wrong in your assumptions. me and logic are one |
Funches, just have a few minutes here tonight.... but yes....satan can disquise himself as an angel of light.... That is WHY we need to KNOW the TRUTH, in order to be able to recognize truth... Jesus said, "I AM the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE....." is another scripture pointing to the triune God: 1 John 5:7 King James Version (KJV) "7For there are THREE that bear record in heaven, the FATHER, the WORD, and the HOLY GHOST: and these three are ONE." And also remember now Funches..the Word later becsame flesh and dwelt among us..that being Jesus. Keep seeking will all become clear. ![]() Gotta run.... ![]() ![]() ![]() MorningSong...I notice that you keep running to The New Testament which was written long after God's War Crimes against Mankind was committed ... since Jesus supposedly didn't committ any War Crimes during his time in the New Testament except for what is explain in "Revelations" then that makes the New Testament somewhat useless in this thread this is why the thread started at Genesis or "In The Beginning" in an attempt to find the exact spot where Jesus unquestionably entered into the bible supposedly as God ... if this took place then it can only be found in The Old Testament since in the New Testament Jesus entrance into the bible clearly has him popping out of a womb as a Man in which his followers later on after his death tried to claim that he is God |
It is written.. go from the presence of a foolish man when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.[Proverbs14:7] God is incapable of committing any sin or crime. He is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. God would certainly be considered a criminal in this world today.. He would offend the homo-sexual, the abortion pro-choicers, those who are in agreement with such legislature and those who worship false gods. God is coming back to make things right this time. He will not be so merciful and pay our penalty for sin again. Now is the time to wake up, recieve with meekness the ENGRAFTED WORD that can save our souls from eternal death and torment. The very same Word that was God [Spirit] from the beginning became flesh and dwelt amoung us and was obedient to death. He laid His Life down willingly for us that day at Calvary suffering the most excruciating pain ever known as we beat Him and nailed Him to that cross. He paid the [eternal death] penalty once and for all for the sins of the world. For the wages of sin is death. Death is eternal seperation from God. The only WAY that we can be reconciled to GOD is by recieving Christ as our Saviour.
Sorry, you must first prove that an alien god exists. You sound delusional without proof there buddy! Methinks there are enough illegal alien Jesuses from Mexico to take care of that argument rather handsomely. I can prove that Jesus exists, he is an alien, and he is my buddy! Without any one or more of us having to necessarily be delusional. |
Edited by
Wed 06/15/11 01:50 AM
It is written.. go from the presence of a foolish man when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.[Proverbs14:7] God is incapable of committing any sin or crime. He is Light and in Him is no darkness at all. God would certainly be considered a criminal in this world today.. He would offend the homo-sexual, the abortion pro-choicers, those who are in agreement with such legislature and those who worship false gods. God is coming back to make things right this time. He will not be so merciful and pay our penalty for sin again. Now is the time to wake up, recieve with meekness the ENGRAFTED WORD that can save our souls from eternal death and torment. The very same Word that was God [Spirit] from the beginning became flesh and dwelt amoung us and was obedient to death. He laid His Life down willingly for us that day at Calvary suffering the most excruciating pain ever known as we beat Him and nailed Him to that cross. He paid the [eternal death] penalty once and for all for the sins of the world. For the wages of sin is death. Death is eternal seperation from God. The only WAY that we can be reconciled to GOD is by recieving Christ as our Saviour. Bucks... I am willing to bet any money (up to ten bucks) that this above is pure drivel. 1. Whatever is written is not proof but to those only who CHOOSE to believe the writing. 2. True, Jesus was not a homosexual, but he was gay. He was truly one of the Arsenokoitei. It's in the bible, look it up, in Paul's letters. 3. Imagining that what you said were true, and let's assume it is, then how in the world do you reconcile these two ideas, written in one and the same paragraph: He will not be so merciful and pay our penalty for sin again. ... He paid the [eternal death] penalty once and for all for the sins of the world. Of course he does not have to pay the penalty again. He has paid it already. Once and for all. Of all the sins of the world, future, and past. The things he has paid for, so why on Earth would he be asked to pay again for something that has been paid for, square and proper? Read your own words? Has God or Jesus ever read the Bible? And they put their blessings on the wording? Then God and Jesus are necessarily one or more of the following: 1. Insane 2. Idiotic 3. Evil liars. So... I would not put much store in your so-called "bible" if I were you, because it leads to illegal logic and superannuation of benefits. Why do I say this? Because you continue saying, For the wages of sin is death. Death is eternal seperation from God. The only WAY that we can be reconciled to GOD is by recieving Christ as our Saviour. You mean to say that Jesus died on the Cross for no good reason? That his saving the word was for naught, it was a pure insanctimonious death? Because, allow me you jog your memory, you said that Jesus paid for ALL our sins. So why put more demands on us? There are no demands to be made, He paid for our sins, pronto. There is nothing else to do or say to be rid of our sins. There is no death, or separation from god, because that can only be done by committing a sin. But sin HAS BEEN ERADICATED!! You fools, you pious fools, read your own words!! Just there sentences before you stated that Jesus died for our sins, and ALL have been pardoned!! This can only be possible if one or more of the things below are true: 1. Jesus lied when he claims he lifted our sins, once and for all. 2. You are not able to understand plain English, and those who are similar to you in claiming the same sort of points. 3. You are insane. 4. Jesus was a liar. 5. Jesus was insane. 6. You don't know what you are talking about, despite your studying the bible your entire life. 7. The bible teaches its readers to abandon all logic and become stupendously forgetful and claim logically and historically, as well as chromatically and reasonably, totally impossible things to be not only possible, but to be true as well, and the words of god. |
It is written.. go from the presence of a foolish man when thou perceivest not in him the lips of knowledge.[Proverbs14:7] In anyone there is no lips of knowledge to perceive. The lips of knowlwedge are ON your face, not inside of you. If it were inside, then we could only kiss our own large intestines or our spleen. |
God is incapable of committing any sin or crime. There goes the good ole' omnipotence out the window. If there are things that He can't do, and omnipotence means an ability to do anything and everything, then he is necessarily one of these: 1. Not omnipotent 2. Verily capabe of comminttting any sin or crime 3. A person of low IQ who has no sense of meaning of words 4. Insane, mad, delusional 5. A veritable and huge, and I opine pathological, liar. |
Who is the fool? Here he is in Psalms 14:1 The fool hath said in his heart that there is no God. The word fool and the word athiest here appear to have identical meaning.
A man rejects God neither because of intellectual demand nor because of the scarcity of evidence. A man rejects God because of a moral resistance that refuses to admit his need for God |