Topic: What lies were you told???
msharmony's photo
Tue 05/31/11 03:44 PM

When I was a little kid and didn't know any better I always wanted my Daddy to stay home, I really couldn't understand the concept of why he had to go to work all the time, so one day I asked him if he can stay home, he said no I have to go make some bread and butter, well I didn't know what that meant, we already had bread and butter in the kitchen, so I asked him well, can you make candybars also, he chuckled and said will see, now one day he came home from work with a sack of candybars and in the other sack was some bread and butter, he sat me down that evening and explained to me that bread and butter was the term to make money, he explained that to me and asked me if I understood what he is saying, I said yes, he said good girl, since we had this little talk and now that you understand, here is some candybars for you that is what you call treats.

sweet. sounds like you had a great dad

thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 05/31/11 03:48 PM
He is a great Dad and always will be.happy :heart:

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:09 PM
the cops were the good guys..they were our friends

actionlynx's photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:12 PM
that the little black bits found top of a pumpernickel loaf were mouse turds

(and yet, every loaf always seemed to have them)

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:14 PM

sex is for pro-creation only, not for pleasure....

the advice I got was something like...whatever you do don't touch that thinglaugh

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:18 PM
let's see what else did my mom say...

men are only after sex

they wont respect u in the morning

good manners never do outta style...oh, wait. those were the true thingslaugh :wink:

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:25 PM
That he would love me forever, by at least two different men (I am NEVER gonna get married again-3 strikes I'm out!)
laugh laugh

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:29 PM
Edited by Ladylid2012 on Tue 05/31/11 08:29 PM
ya can't swim for an hour after eating
cause it was b ad for ya

SunsetRose's photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:32 PM
I think the biggest lie I was told was to develop my brain that a man would love me for who I was and how intellegent I was ....but no the truth was evident when I bursted out of my training wasn't My brain they Loved lol

Ladylid2012's photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:37 PM

that the little black bits found top of a pumpernickel loaf were mouse turds

(and yet, every loaf always seemed to have them)

ill :laughing: :laughing:

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:45 PM
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

I think the biggest lie I was told was to develop my brain that a man would love me for who I was and how intellegent I was ....but no the truth was evident when I bursted out of my training wasn't My brain they Loved lol

rofl rofl rofl rofl

lori46's photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:55 PM
Wow, I had some kind of good parents, I guess. I was never told any of these. But I have said them to my children. LOL :tongue:

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:56 PM

Mine are NOT for viewing by small minds,,I DON'T FOLLOW their lead.

But,,to be real,,,women shouldn't work just be a cook and baby maker., the only good black person is a dead one, if I ever brought one home he would kill them, school won't get you work, and work is all your ever do...women can't drive, gays should all be shot, a woman isn't worth sh-t unless she has Meat AND Potato's, foreign people should all be sent back to where they came. Drinking beer should be like drinking water..If she's old enough to bleed, she's old enough to breed,,a bath is a waste IF you do that more than once a week....

NOW,,,,,with all that being said,,,
I KNOW,,,I turned out to be a much better person than THAT,,who TRIED to have me believe ALL THIS....:heart:

His road ended with HIM,,,Mine started a new path when I first found out he was about eleven years old....

Thank You God for showing me the RIGHT way......:heart:

Well,,you asked?,,,,and truly,,,,People CAN over-come......:heart:

wow...what a creep <sorry>. I'm glad you realized the truth before you carried that with you through your life :wink:

:wink: :wink: :heart: drinker THAT would be a NICE name for him to be called,,,,laugh
And YES,,I am SURE my first wife and my kids are grateful as well,,,laugh WE can all BE who we want to be,,as LONG as we forget who makes us or made us feel bad for who we are!:heart:

thewaterbearer's photo
Tue 05/31/11 08:57 PM
I was told that coffee would stunt my growth, umm, I wish that was a lie.laugh

SunsetRose's photo
Tue 05/31/11 09:04 PM

I was told that coffee would stunt my growth, umm, I wish that was a lie.laugh
I was told this too but they didnt tell me it didnt work in all directions lol

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 05/31/11 09:12 PM

Jesus loves me.

{OH} the SHAME

msmyka's photo
Tue 05/31/11 09:39 PM

I can't think of any off of the top of my head... my parents did tell me not to lie to them because they know every trick in the book. That was a highly accurate statement. Once I started telling them everything they let me do whatever I want!

Simonedemidova's photo
Tue 05/31/11 09:51 PM
my kids still believe that all moms have eyes in the back of their head....heehee

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 10:01 PM

the cops were the good guys..they were our friends

rofl rofl

Then you find out that the cops beat up hippies and old drunks...for fun.

no photo
Tue 05/31/11 10:02 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Tue 05/31/11 10:02 PM
My dad told me that men only wanted one thing and they would tell me anything to get it. laugh laugh laugh

...he was right.grumble