Topic: Do you think the world is getting smarter? | |
Do you suffer from any of the following? Fatigue, dry mouth, warts, hypertension, jaundice, hypoglycemia, cracked hair, skin failure, diarrhea, hypotension, crunchy boogers, night sweats, fungal infections, constipation, diabetes, leaky gut syndrome, leaky brain syndrome, gouty teeth, tennis elbow, yellow fever, cold or flu symptoms, unstoppable humming, sucking chest wounds, arthritis, syphillis, green eyes, hirsutism, insomnia, coughs, athlete's foot, chest pains, general protection faults, hardened arteries, razor burn, appendicitis, irritable bowler syndrome, gum in hair, tendonitis, hay fever, sunburn, dwarfism, tremors, palsy, amputations, lost grooves, photophobia, ambidexterity, black water fever, hickeys, kidney failure, necrophilia, dandruff, bulemia, back spasms, satyrism, myopia, depression, shortness of breath, pugilism, androgeny, rabies, small pox, mania, mitosis, scabies, pneumonia, happiness, edema, malaise, flesh-eating bacteria, cramps, tourette's syndrome, itching, gall stones, myocardial infarctions, ulcers, rampaging hormones, lycanthropy, yawning, cannibalism, or numerous other disorders? You need suffer no longer! A Pyramid Hat, worn properly, will fix you right up! These Pyramid Hats combine ancient Egyptian technologies with modern scientific principles to bring you a miraculous cure for the problems which afflict you! When worn properly, the exact porportions of a Pyramid Hat will focus the spiritual vibrations of the ancient Egyptian gods straight into the hypothalamus. Recent research proves that this particular area of the brain micromanages the entire body through the glands and ducts of the cardio-limbic system. The healing vibrations of the ancient Egyptians tunes and redirects the pulses of the alpha and beta waves produced by the hypothalamus, thus, through the cardio-limbic system, tunes and harmonizes the entire body, thereby promoting optimal health and well-being. Triple-blinded, doubly-randomized clinical trials performed at a major American university prove it! |
One of those things that make you go HMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM!!!!!
I think they just want you to walk around looking stupid so everyone will laugh at YOU!!!!!!!!!! |
exactly! (where do I get one?)
Ya think if I disguise a KFC bucket and where it on my head, that it might help?
I've a got a few extra laying around somewhere. They look great with strudel and peanut butter.
hey shenerd...pass one of them my way, yum peanut butter....can I add chocolate to that too. Nobody would mind.
Ooh pyramid hats...
is this arts and crafts day? *digs out construction paper, scotch tape and crayons* |
I just had to have one.
I've found the burger king crown delivers even better healing vibrations........or was it the whooper I ate during pms? |
The hats are a bit of a stretch...BUT...if you research pyramids all over the world, you'll find a lot of surprising things! uh...guys...could you loosen the straps on this jacket?..
Look at all the pretty colours!!!!!!!!!!!! |
No pyramid hat here, but I do wear my tinfoil hat sometimes when the black heliocopters are hovering...
pyramid hat keeps turning out like a cone
I'll be here in the corner |