Topic: What we have to ask is.... | |
Why is it that GOD has admonished us to hate evil?? Well first of all GOD is evil....
Oh man I just tossed fuel onto the fire. Enjoy! |
no no no no
first of all my friend, u just don't come here and make an statement out of a blue sky. u have to back it up with facts. and please please try to give plaussible facts. then you will toss fuel onto the fire |
Everything has the potential for good and evil..even God but most especially humankind
my dear sister God is not evil per se
We human beings make look him evil through our own behavior For instance, using religion as an excuse to kill. That is evil, but it's not God. It's our natural instinct. |
alright, I'll throw another log on the fire...
If God is everything ... there is nothing separate. No separate means no good and no evil.... it just is...ALL Flip a coin and which side lands up? The side in the light...the shadow side still exists ... all one coin. Only difference is walking in the light or walking in the shadow... All this before 9AM --- wheeeeee |
Thier is good and bad in all of us,,, God does not make us bad people,, we are given choices., tests so to say in life, it is up to us to decide which path to take some take the Path of Evil and Hate, others take the Path of Kindness and peace,, life is an incredible journey and within this journey we learn as children and as adults the difference between right and wrong, good verses evil,,, I believe its our goal in life to learn, love and live life to the fullest without causing un-do harm to another,,, God is not Evil he created Man and man-kind in hopes that we all do good and thrive in life,,, thrive off of the land and create a humanity full of love, peace and growth,,.,
Would you mind elaborating? I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, but I'm curious about your assertion that God is evil. |
I have ALWAYS understood God is love in the purest form.
He sent his son to die for us. would you send your son to die for all the people on this planet? Love = God like |
"If God is everything" I've heard this view offered by many people over the years, but I'm not sure where it originates or what it really means, can you explain it to me? To me, "God is everything" makes no sense, so I'm looking for an understanding of that statement. |
From my perspective everything comes through one creative source. It is a consciousness of creation - I call that God. Energy first then matter follows. I believe that every creation is breathed into life ... into existence ... through that one source. That is what I mean when I say that I God is everything. The concept of separate is the one that makes no sense to me. |
Good and Evil are such primitive concepts. God is kind and loving, but also infinitely wise and realizes that he just can't hold our hands and do everything for us, we'd learn nothing. Also, we have free will and can do what we will, the only reason why something is "Evil" is because if can potential cause great harm to yourself, other, or the stability of society.
I don't think God is evil, neutral perhaps, but not evil at least not directly evil. He's not going out of his way to bring harm to people. |
God can be whatever he wants, even "evil" if he really wanted to be. This is what I think "God is Everything" means.
For me "God is everything" Means that He is the source of everything that was, is , and will be.
Everything moves around him. He keeps the balance. A being who does that can't be evil. Once again our human nature is the one that makes God look evil To those who don't understand the real nature of God. |
Has some thinking to do....
I agree Miguel - all that was, is and will be...
like the quote always moving "into form, through form and out of form" |
Hmmmm, this is why I do not attend church.....The quote was from the beggining of a song.
This is what happens when religious fanatics think that GOD is everything there is. Simply put, I believe in haveing faith but not orginized religion. Is there a GOD? Are there many GODS? who knows for sure. But the way I see it is this. If you have something to believe in and have a strong faith about it, you don't need to preach about it or worship it. Just live life the best and as good as you can is all. Oh and try not to kick the cat too much. |
I beleive in the Lakota religion, where God is everywhere around us and in everything that lives it is up to us to use those things for good or evil, right or wrong!!!!
There are many of us here Kelly who do not necessarily buy into the notion of organized religion but that do believe in "something" ...some consciousness...that keeps the electrons in motion around the nucleus of an atom.
Watch who you label a religious fanatic ![]() |
I still don't get it.
You said "I believe that every creation is breathed into life ... into existence ... through that one source." and "The concept of separate is the one that makes no sense to me."...those two ideas seem to be contradictory. Your first statement is that God created everything, which I agree with. But your second statement seems to be saying that God is the creation, which I can't understand. If I make a chair, am I the chair? What I'm saying is that I see a clear distinction between the creator and the created. |
I am a proud religious fanatic. I don't spend enough time with God, but I know that if I focused on God all day, it wouldn't be enough. God is all we know of love and goodness. Only God is good. Only God can truely love. God deserves our total attention for each of our waking moments. "Hmmmm, this is why I do not attend church.....The quote was from the beggining of a song. " Oh, don't attend church because that's the beginning of a song? I don't attend church because brocoli is green. "you don't need to preach about it or worship it." So your opinion is that if God exists, we should just ignore Him and do whatever we want? If hell exists and billions of people will go there without Jesus, we should keep quiet? Do you really think that you have thought a lot about this subject? And don't you think you are being a little judgemental? You make a post that you yourself expected to be "fuel onto the fire", but then you complain that people discussed your post? Many people call God their father, would you allow someone to speak ill of your parents without you speaking up in their defense? |