Topic: Bummer What is it with puberty
josie68's photo
Sat 04/30/11 09:53 PM
Oh My Gosh I am just figuring out it'syucky.

My eldest 2 children didnt seem to be affected at all.

But right now my 13 year old girl is moody, and gets upset.. Well she's still good but is not impressed with her brother most of the time..

My 16 year old is moody as well and is grumpy half the time.

And my 15 year old, well he just harrasses everyone. And enjoys it.

And what the heck are these boys going through, honestly some of the questions they ask are embarrassing, well most of them are.
Bummer i need a mans head at the moment..

Think I will just go to sleep until they are all past it , and hopefully someone else will deal with it.:wink:

Anyone else having these problems.

scttggry81's photo
Sat 04/30/11 11:13 PM
Having been that age before, it's natural. Between the ages of 15 and 18 a boy turning into a man is struggling to find himself, setting up his independence, and trying to set himself apart from the crowd.

I know I used to butt heads with my dad something fierce once I turned 15. I wanted to be the "man" and yeah, that wasn't going to fly with my dad.

As for the embarrassing questions, I can only assume the topic of discuassion. But if it is the topic which I think it is, just be glad they are asking you about it rather than trying to learn things through hands on application... :wink:

josie68's photo
Sun 05/01/11 01:54 AM
happy yes they are definately asserting their independence, they weem to think they are the men of the house and that mummy needs protecting from everyone..
Drives me nuts, they are loving but soooo bossy.
And yeh the questions are interesting at the very least, and i guess its better to ask Mum then someone else...
It tends to be the general discussion at the dinner table.noway

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 03:22 AM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 05/01/11 03:26 AM
I had two sets of two Josie...

a boy and a girl travel through puberty together...the eldest two now 26 and 22...
and my youngest two a boy and a girl....are doing the same..they are 16 and almost 14...

My eldest was M.O.T.H....(man of the household) his eyes... from 14 onwards....he still thinks he is....

makes me laugh....

it was painful...the first two...gawd!!!! the power struggles!

I sat them both down and said...'Right!...This is how it is!...I earn the money... I cook and clean...I pay the rent...I AM THE BOSS.'

'And as I am the BOSS...YOU both get to do what I say....don't like it? Tough!....if I hear you bossing around your sister like you are more than her...then I will have to take you outside and show you that you are not!'

I picked up the boxing gloves, and said...'come on...outside...'

he went white!laugh

I said...'hmmm....don't want to hurt me?...can't hit a female?....that's what you are doing to your sister, with your words, EVERY time you boss her round, and make her feel less'

'We all bleed the same...we are all equals in this house...except I am more equal, cause I am the BOSS.'laugh

I reminded them how much they would hurt if they lost each other...and reminded them how much we have shared together...

I also spent a lot of time in Boxing training with my son...who went on to semi professional boxing..I apologised to him...for not having a father...and for me being a poor substitute as a dad...we used to spar a the ring...and he was surprised...

The younger two don't feel threatened in having to share the first two did...they had to always come second to the littlies, in my day to day would always squabble for any scrap of their mother's attention...( Kids spell love...T.I.M.E)

Kids, as they mature into puberty are supposed to move away from their parents emotionally, and be thinner skinned...even when they don't know it.

I am going to ask a personal question, which you don't have to answer here...but have a your girl menstruating/cycling? her moodiness more prevalent at a certain time each month?

Even if she isn't cycling yet.... I wonder if she is moving towards it...and a quick check on the calender each month...(or outside at the moon...we all cycle close to the moon phases...either full or new moon)...will help you figure out where her emotions are taking her.

I also wonder if the kids are unconsciously a little anxious about sharing you with your man, and his boy...I know they are excited....but maybe deep down a little unsure about how it is going to look?

I promise...although this is the wildest ride, that no theme park could invent...

you will get through..:heart:

I don't know if any of my rambling would take me sixteen pages to say it all...and I know I should just call you...but worry about intruding on your work/family/man time.

josie68's photo
Sun 05/01/11 04:42 AM
Yep that helps heaps jess,

Sarah, is pretty predicatable when she is going to be moody, or in tears, so I can understand her pretty easily, although the boys dont..

But the boys, I love them to death, but wow, hormones are running wild..

And yep I think with Aaron 16 because he has always tried to protect everyone, he is trying extra hard now to make sure i dont gethurt, and yep in the next month when anaconda gets here, he will be standing his ground and watching like a hawk, just to make sure the kids and I are safe. he is a gentl giant as long as no one try's to hurt us, then he is like a bull at a gate. I have had him step in between me and people before when men get to close at the motel.

Jonathan the wild child, well he is just the one who pushes everything to the limit, is rarely in trouble but always right on the edge. he is the one who is not rude but is impatient, noway
somedays it seems like my babies have been stolen...

So far none have pulled away emotionally and hopefully they wont, its just that their roles are somehow changing, going from children to adults, being allowed to make their own decisions, but not allowed total freedom.

I think the biggest shock is that the 21 and 19 yer old just didnt seem any different, they where always the same..

And yep , the ride is definately fun, and I wouldnt swap it for the world, as I never ever have a day the same or one that isnt fun and definately amusing,,

Jess642's photo
Sun 05/01/11 04:51 AM
When I look at the pics of your Aaron on FB....I feel he and Ryan, my youngest boy, are dopplegangers of each other in looks...although Aaron has the protective nature of my eldest son, Kevin...

Jonathon....goodness!...he sounds like my Rhianna, in littlest one...she is full of curiosity...and wants it NOW!...whatever it is.

My Jo, the eldest girl...she is just a darling....there's a deep vein of steel that runs through her nature, although the warmth and nurturing soul that she is shines through above all else.

It's so rewarding, and we truly are the lucky ones Josie...:heart: