Topic: Update on Global Warming 2011
metalwing's photo
Wed 05/11/11 07:24 AM

Right now LED lighting is more expensive up front but they last for years and use so much less power per lumen! BUT BUT BUT I can get LED lighting that has a remote control to change colors! SHOW ME A CFC LIGHT THAT CAN DO THAT!

Yeah, I'm not sure how LED fares for total cost over lifetime - I just like them because they are super efficient.

I bought some Chinese made LEDs a few years ago for nightlights. They only lasted a few months.

metalwing's photo
Wed 05/11/11 07:29 AM

When you see someone post on a website that "global warming isn't true" or "the sky is falling" or any number of other comments designed to show their contempt that a massive problem identified and studied by the vast majority of the world scientists involved in that type of work, it shows the effectiveness of the misinformation campaign that has been waged for years. Significant changes to our lifestyles and economy to adjust for global warming hurts some big businesses.

The National Academy of Science, NASA, the top oceanographic institutes like Woods Hole and Scripts, NOAA, and hundreds of major universities are not saying the same thing because they are stupid. A very very small percentage of "experts" (and many are not) say this overwhelming group is wrong about Global Warming because they are paid do so.

When you see posted data that "proves" global warming is not happening it always contains data for a small part of the problem, like just the land temperature. The oceans are the Earth's heat sink and, not only are they warming, their chemistry is changing. The oceans' warm energy is released in the form of warm moist air which is what cause severe unstable weather. We are having a lot of that.

The cures for production of greenhouse gasses have been known for years but the technology hasn't caught up yet.

Politics always plays a major role in the solution or failure to solve the problem.

If, for example, the US would build 100 nuclear power plants and switch a majority of it's cars to electric and plug-in hybrid, there would no longer be a need for foreign oil imports but the 300 to 500 billion dollar cost is viewed as prohibitive. After Japan's recent experience, I doubt any new nuclear plants will be built.

The US has long had the technology to run cars on compressed natural gas instead of gasoline. Honda even produced the Civic CRX ready to go and congress never mandated the change. Many utilities have run their trucks on compressed natural gas for years. This one change alone would greatly reduce the need for foreign oil but would not reduce the burning of fossil fuel.

The technology was developed recently to clean up the smoke stacks of coal fueled power plants by two different methods. The first separates and liquefies the CO2 to be pumped underground for permanent storage. This method is easy but isn't free so it increases the cost of electricity produced by coal.

The other method bubbles the stack exhaust through sea water causing the CO2 to react with the minerals in sea water to produce cement, which we need and produce in huge quantities anyway. I understand a pilot plant is being built.

If you remove the evils of coal power and automotive fuel from the majority (not all) of the CO2 production, the problem is greatly minimized, perhaps to the point where natural processes can catch back up.

The biggest problem with global warming is disinformation.

We do not have enough information to make a evaluation whether or not man kind is contributing to global warming. It is exactly like Chicken Little running around freaking out cause an acorn bonked him on the head.

No I am not in total disagreement BUT there is not anywhere near enough evidence to prove it yet either. Everyone blows CO2 emission up our skirts like we are facing a recurrence of the black plague. ON top of that CO2 is consumed by plant life. METHANE IS NOT!

You want a real problem to face, try our use of Nuclear power. At least with an oil spill we can clean that up. We cannot effectively clean up after a melt down. How about being worried about a pollutant with a half life of MILLIONS OF YEARS?

Sorry but weather patterns change. The Earth constantly changes. Look at Japan. 1/4 of their eastern coastline on the main island sunk 2 feet and moved 13 feet to the North in that last earthquake! So are we going to blame mankind for increased Vulcanism too?

Ozone depletion by CFCs was proven and experiments likewise confirmed the evidence. That was more than just data accumulation. There are FAR too many variables the propeller heads do not take into account, solar activity, geological activity, historical evidence (geological and written), and other factors they seem to overlook or interpret to fit what THEY think is going on.

Global warming instigated by man does not have enough concrete proof to have me believe in it. Change is the only constant in life.

Your post is one of of absolute ignorance. One of many I might add. It is quite similar to your posts on why compact florescent lights should not be used. Every intelligent source knows better.

There is abundant concrete proof of everything the National Academy of Science report says. (That is their point!) Too bad you never read the updates from NASA.

However, your comment about "propeller heads" says it all. You don't have the ability to understand science so you prop up your ego by bashing those who do and make up your own science to look "big".

All of the actual geological and historical evidence backs up the real science of global warming. It is you who don't understand.

And speaking of ignorance, do you have any clue how thermal dynamics works and do you know what a refrigeration cycle is? I could go into lengthy explanations for weeks about the mechanics of weather and terrain but what would you care? You got NO clue what you are up against arguing with me like this! Bring it civilly please! This is not politics!

I did quite well in Thermodynamics at one of the best universities teaching the subject. It was a required part of my engineering degree.

Whenever anyone mis-spoke and used the term "thermal dynamics", as you just did, we laughed.laugh

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 05/11/11 11:08 AM

When you see someone post on a website that "global warming isn't true" or "the sky is falling" or any number of other comments designed to show their contempt that a massive problem identified and studied by the vast majority of the world scientists involved in that type of work, it shows the effectiveness of the misinformation campaign that has been waged for years. Significant changes to our lifestyles and economy to adjust for global warming hurts some big businesses.

The National Academy of Science, NASA, the top oceanographic institutes like Woods Hole and Scripts, NOAA, and hundreds of major universities are not saying the same thing because they are stupid. A very very small percentage of "experts" (and many are not) say this overwhelming group is wrong about Global Warming because they are paid do so.

When you see posted data that "proves" global warming is not happening it always contains data for a small part of the problem, like just the land temperature. The oceans are the Earth's heat sink and, not only are they warming, their chemistry is changing. The oceans' warm energy is released in the form of warm moist air which is what cause severe unstable weather. We are having a lot of that.

The cures for production of greenhouse gasses have been known for years but the technology hasn't caught up yet.

Politics always plays a major role in the solution or failure to solve the problem.

If, for example, the US would build 100 nuclear power plants and switch a majority of it's cars to electric and plug-in hybrid, there would no longer be a need for foreign oil imports but the 300 to 500 billion dollar cost is viewed as prohibitive. After Japan's recent experience, I doubt any new nuclear plants will be built.

The US has long had the technology to run cars on compressed natural gas instead of gasoline. Honda even produced the Civic CRX ready to go and congress never mandated the change. Many utilities have run their trucks on compressed natural gas for years. This one change alone would greatly reduce the need for foreign oil but would not reduce the burning of fossil fuel.

The technology was developed recently to clean up the smoke stacks of coal fueled power plants by two different methods. The first separates and liquefies the CO2 to be pumped underground for permanent storage. This method is easy but isn't free so it increases the cost of electricity produced by coal.

The other method bubbles the stack exhaust through sea water causing the CO2 to react with the minerals in sea water to produce cement, which we need and produce in huge quantities anyway. I understand a pilot plant is being built.

If you remove the evils of coal power and automotive fuel from the majority (not all) of the CO2 production, the problem is greatly minimized, perhaps to the point where natural processes can catch back up.

The biggest problem with global warming is disinformation.

We do not have enough information to make a evaluation whether or not man kind is contributing to global warming. It is exactly like Chicken Little running around freaking out cause an acorn bonked him on the head.

No I am not in total disagreement BUT there is not anywhere near enough evidence to prove it yet either. Everyone blows CO2 emission up our skirts like we are facing a recurrence of the black plague. ON top of that CO2 is consumed by plant life. METHANE IS NOT!

You want a real problem to face, try our use of Nuclear power. At least with an oil spill we can clean that up. We cannot effectively clean up after a melt down. How about being worried about a pollutant with a half life of MILLIONS OF YEARS?

Sorry but weather patterns change. The Earth constantly changes. Look at Japan. 1/4 of their eastern coastline on the main island sunk 2 feet and moved 13 feet to the North in that last earthquake! So are we going to blame mankind for increased Vulcanism too?

Ozone depletion by CFCs was proven and experiments likewise confirmed the evidence. That was more than just data accumulation. There are FAR too many variables the propeller heads do not take into account, solar activity, geological activity, historical evidence (geological and written), and other factors they seem to overlook or interpret to fit what THEY think is going on.

Global warming instigated by man does not have enough concrete proof to have me believe in it. Change is the only constant in life.

Your post is one of of absolute ignorance. One of many I might add. It is quite similar to your posts on why compact florescent lights should not be used. Every intelligent source knows better.

There is abundant concrete proof of everything the National Academy of Science report says. (That is their point!) Too bad you never read the updates from NASA.

However, your comment about "propeller heads" says it all. You don't have the ability to understand science so you prop up your ego by bashing those who do and make up your own science to look "big".

All of the actual geological and historical evidence backs up the real science of global warming. It is you who don't understand.

And speaking of ignorance, do you have any clue how thermal dynamics works and do you know what a refrigeration cycle is? I could go into lengthy explanations for weeks about the mechanics of weather and terrain but what would you care? You got NO clue what you are up against arguing with me like this! Bring it civilly please! This is not politics!

I did quite well in Thermodynamics at one of the best universities teaching the subject. It was a required part of my engineering degree.

Whenever anyone mis-spoke and used the term "thermal dynamics", as you just did, we laughed.laugh

Fine all knowing propeller head! Just keep on telling everyone the sky is falling! I likewise have a very deep engineering background too and work among structural and mechanical engineers here and there in my trade. Likewise I have a deep Biology background too. I excelled in Oceanography. I was specializing in enclosed biospheres but there is no money there right now. The forces at play are worst in an enclosed environment because any mechanical failure without back ups can kill everything very quickly in say a space station! Let us say temperature control fails and everything starts to get REAL cold. You are not just going to light a fire and warm up.

Well, planet earth is a system. And engineers only see the mechanical aspect and the Biologists only see the biological aspect of it. I can and do see more than that. Global warming is not exactly a man made phenomenon. Ozone depletion I can agree is and was man made. But you act like you know the earth in more detail than the rest of us. I bet the age of Trododon caused global warming when they dominated the planet (NOT! they ate themselves out of existence as strongly suggested by fossil evidence!). How about when Lystrasaurus roamed the earth like a huge land stripping carpet? I bet they farted so much they warmed the planet up too much. Again NOT! Two theories are one Disease took them out and Two: they ate everything and the planet could no longer sustain them.

I am more worried about Over Population than climate change!

Nope Chicken Little. The Sky is Falling!


AdventureBegins's photo
Wed 05/11/11 02:38 PM
Thermal dynamics...

What a sail plane pilot needs to know to have a good flight.

Thermal dynamics do exist.

metalwing's photo
Thu 05/12/11 08:59 AM

Thermal dynamics...

What a sail plane pilot needs to know to have a good flight.

Thermal dynamics do exist.

That is correct but it has a completely different meaning than the formal study of thermodynamics.

metalwing's photo
Thu 05/12/11 09:13 AM

When you see someone post on a website that "global warming isn't true" or "the sky is falling" or any number of other comments designed to show their contempt that a massive problem identified and studied by the vast majority of the world scientists involved in that type of work, it shows the effectiveness of the misinformation campaign that has been waged for years. Significant changes to our lifestyles and economy to adjust for global warming hurts some big businesses.

The National Academy of Science, NASA, the top oceanographic institutes like Woods Hole and Scripts, NOAA, and hundreds of major universities are not saying the same thing because they are stupid. A very very small percentage of "experts" (and many are not) say this overwhelming group is wrong about Global Warming because they are paid do so.

When you see posted data that "proves" global warming is not happening it always contains data for a small part of the problem, like just the land temperature. The oceans are the Earth's heat sink and, not only are they warming, their chemistry is changing. The oceans' warm energy is released in the form of warm moist air which is what cause severe unstable weather. We are having a lot of that.

The cures for production of greenhouse gasses have been known for years but the technology hasn't caught up yet.

Politics always plays a major role in the solution or failure to solve the problem.

If, for example, the US would build 100 nuclear power plants and switch a majority of it's cars to electric and plug-in hybrid, there would no longer be a need for foreign oil imports but the 300 to 500 billion dollar cost is viewed as prohibitive. After Japan's recent experience, I doubt any new nuclear plants will be built.

The US has long had the technology to run cars on compressed natural gas instead of gasoline. Honda even produced the Civic CRX ready to go and congress never mandated the change. Many utilities have run their trucks on compressed natural gas for years. This one change alone would greatly reduce the need for foreign oil but would not reduce the burning of fossil fuel.

The technology was developed recently to clean up the smoke stacks of coal fueled power plants by two different methods. The first separates and liquefies the CO2 to be pumped underground for permanent storage. This method is easy but isn't free so it increases the cost of electricity produced by coal.

The other method bubbles the stack exhaust through sea water causing the CO2 to react with the minerals in sea water to produce cement, which we need and produce in huge quantities anyway. I understand a pilot plant is being built.

If you remove the evils of coal power and automotive fuel from the majority (not all) of the CO2 production, the problem is greatly minimized, perhaps to the point where natural processes can catch back up.

The biggest problem with global warming is disinformation.

We do not have enough information to make a evaluation whether or not man kind is contributing to global warming. It is exactly like Chicken Little running around freaking out cause an acorn bonked him on the head.

No I am not in total disagreement BUT there is not anywhere near enough evidence to prove it yet either. Everyone blows CO2 emission up our skirts like we are facing a recurrence of the black plague. ON top of that CO2 is consumed by plant life. METHANE IS NOT!

You want a real problem to face, try our use of Nuclear power. At least with an oil spill we can clean that up. We cannot effectively clean up after a melt down. How about being worried about a pollutant with a half life of MILLIONS OF YEARS?

Sorry but weather patterns change. The Earth constantly changes. Look at Japan. 1/4 of their eastern coastline on the main island sunk 2 feet and moved 13 feet to the North in that last earthquake! So are we going to blame mankind for increased Vulcanism too?

Ozone depletion by CFCs was proven and experiments likewise confirmed the evidence. That was more than just data accumulation. There are FAR too many variables the propeller heads do not take into account, solar activity, geological activity, historical evidence (geological and written), and other factors they seem to overlook or interpret to fit what THEY think is going on.

Global warming instigated by man does not have enough concrete proof to have me believe in it. Change is the only constant in life.

Your post is one of of absolute ignorance. One of many I might add. It is quite similar to your posts on why compact florescent lights should not be used. Every intelligent source knows better.

There is abundant concrete proof of everything the National Academy of Science report says. (That is their point!) Too bad you never read the updates from NASA.

However, your comment about "propeller heads" says it all. You don't have the ability to understand science so you prop up your ego by bashing those who do and make up your own science to look "big".

All of the actual geological and historical evidence backs up the real science of global warming. It is you who don't understand.

And speaking of ignorance, do you have any clue how thermal dynamics works and do you know what a refrigeration cycle is? I could go into lengthy explanations for weeks about the mechanics of weather and terrain but what would you care? You got NO clue what you are up against arguing with me like this! Bring it civilly please! This is not politics!

I did quite well in Thermodynamics at one of the best universities teaching the subject. It was a required part of my engineering degree.

Whenever anyone mis-spoke and used the term "thermal dynamics", as you just did, we laughed.laugh

Fine all knowing propeller head! Just keep on telling everyone the sky is falling! I likewise have a very deep engineering background too and work among structural and mechanical engineers here and there in my trade. Likewise I have a deep Biology background too. I excelled in Oceanography. I was specializing in enclosed biospheres but there is no money there right now. The forces at play are worst in an enclosed environment because any mechanical failure without back ups can kill everything very quickly in say a space station! Let us say temperature control fails and everything starts to get REAL cold. You are not just going to light a fire and warm up.

Well, planet earth is a system. And engineers only see the mechanical aspect and the Biologists only see the biological aspect of it. I can and do see more than that. Global warming is not exactly a man made phenomenon. Ozone depletion I can agree is and was man made. But you act like you know the earth in more detail than the rest of us. I bet the age of Trododon caused global warming when they dominated the planet (NOT! they ate themselves out of existence as strongly suggested by fossil evidence!). How about when Lystrasaurus roamed the earth like a huge land stripping carpet? I bet they farted so much they warmed the planet up too much. Again NOT! Two theories are one Disease took them out and Two: they ate everything and the planet could no longer sustain them.

I am more worried about Over Population than climate change!

Nope Chicken Little. The Sky is Falling!


You have a lot to say about how smart you are, how much smarter you are than those with formal scientific educations and how much you know about everything, without ever having anything intelligent to say about the actual subject ... other than the blatant falsehoods you posted in the beginning.

There is a good fairly new documentary out. It just uses real science and newsclips of events and public figures. It gives a good summary of the current status of manmade global warming as may be seen from the future. It is titled the "Age of Stupid".

galendgirl's photo
Thu 05/12/11 03:55 PM
Hey! I saw that "Age of Stupid" video! It's quite good...real news clips (other than the narrator character) and it's pretty sobering.

Past ages have ended based on various causes. True.

Overpopulation is a serious global problem.

But how can anyone deny that we put the planet at risk every day and that global warming isn't a reality?

That warrants a starring role in the "Age of Stupid."

no photo
Thu 05/12/11 05:56 PM
Update on Global Warming 2011 = Bad
Update on Global Warming 2012 = Getting Worse
Update on Global Warming 2013 = Can't breath!
Update on Global Warming 2035 = The 200,000 year old Homo Sapien has finally done it. 50% of the species gone. Shortage of Water, draught, starvation from 1 billion to 5 billion. All time heat index up 7%, Menthane floats in the air..people have to wear gas masks when trotting outside. Diseases with no cures happen, and a post-acoloyptes has begun.

Update on Global Warming 2050 - The End - 5 cockroaches exist on the entire planet. They might reproduce?

That will be it on the scifi channel. Join us next week on the new Buck Rogers series and how the captain manages to save planet Earth from imperial reptilian aliens.

AdventureBegins's photo
Thu 05/12/11 08:22 PM

Thermal dynamics...

What a sail plane pilot needs to know to have a good flight.

Thermal dynamics do exist.

That is correct but it has a completely different meaning than the formal study of thermodynamics.

Aye but thermodynamics make thermal dynamics work.

Smaller though the forces be.


no photo
Thu 05/12/11 10:25 PM
Maybe I should have agreed to move into that underground city when they asked me. huh :tongue:

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 05/13/11 08:57 PM
Human over population is the problem. A planet hearing up is just that. It can and will happen with us or without us! I am smart enough to not run with what a few people say. I am not discounting it utterly but let us face a few facts here. The earth was one huge desert more than once in its geological history. Earth was a Popsicle on more than one occasion in its geological history. Earth had ages of being a damn near Gaia world, and then it became temperate.

Also just becasue WE here in America and Europe engage in Environmental policies THE REST OF THE WORLD DOESN'T! Try reading up on Asian Economic Principles and see how they compare to Western Principles! Where does China sit in the area of pollution? How about Argentina? Argentina has the WORST POLLUTED PLACE ON THE EARTH! look up "The Little River, Argentina" sometime!

Our efforts mean nothing when the rest of the world is not helping.

:banana: :banana:

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 05/13/11 08:58 PM
And yes I am smarter than a lot of people but I know I am not the smartest and yet SOME people want to take me for stupid...


Someone needs a hug and it isn't me!!!!


metalwing's photo
Fri 05/27/11 08:26 PM
I'm off to Grand Turk. I usually meet with a marine biologist when I go. We'll see what the reefs look like.

no photo
Fri 05/27/11 08:39 PM
Edited by Jeanniebean on Fri 05/27/11 08:39 PM
On Global warming:

Chazster's photo
Sat 05/28/11 08:29 AM

OK someone brought up crazy weather in April.

Back in 1978 here in good ol California it was 110 degrees in DECEMBER for two weeks! I know because usually I had to ride my bike wearing a jacket and a rain coat to get to school. The two weeks before the two week break from school I rod to school in a t shirt. Blistering hot weather in April? THAT'S NOTHING! TRY AN INDIAN SUMMER IN DECEMBER!

Still not buying the Global Warming BS!

The sky is NOT falling!

Dude if you actually even read the first 3 lines of his post he isn't talking about Al Gore global warming. Usually I agree with you but you are too blind to even see what he is talking about. He is referring to YES climate change is a cycle of the planet. YES it will happened before and will happen again (not that it is man made) and it could effect us since we live on this planet.

Maybe its time for anger management.

Chazster's photo
Sat 05/28/11 08:32 AM

Hey! I saw that "Age of Stupid" video! It's quite good...real news clips (other than the narrator character) and it's pretty sobering.

Past ages have ended based on various causes. True.

Overpopulation is a serious global problem.

But how can anyone deny that we put the planet at risk every day and that global warming isn't a reality?

That warrants a starring role in the "Age of Stupid."

There is a difference between people saying "Al Gore" global warming isn't true vs climate change.

no photo
Sat 05/28/11 10:13 PM

Right now LED lighting is more expensive up front but they last for years and use so much less power per lumen! BUT BUT BUT I can get LED lighting that has a remote control to change colors! SHOW ME A CFC LIGHT THAT CAN DO THAT!

Yeah, I'm not sure how LED fares for total cost over lifetime - I just like them because they are super efficient.

I bought some Chinese made LEDs a few years ago for nightlights. They only lasted a few months.

I tend to buy them with large numbers of LEDs in them. Over the course of a year maybe 5% of the LEDs burn out, and I don't really notice the difference.

galendgirl's photo
Sun 05/29/11 09:19 AM

There is a difference between people saying "Al Gore" global warming isn't true vs climate change.

There SHOULD be, but I'm afraid it all gets dumped into the collective for the majority of people (in America, at least.) IMHO, people generally tend to
a) not separate their political tastes from the science, facts, issues at hand
b) not be willing to make any change that impacts their daily life in what appears to be an immediately negative way, regardless of the long term impact
c) reject anything that costs more

Redykeulous's photo
Sun 05/29/11 05:16 PM

Published on Tuesday, May 24, 2011 by The Washington Post
A Link Between Climate Change and Joplin Tornadoes? Never!
by Bill McKibben

Caution: It is vitally important not to make connections. When you see pictures of rubble like this week’s shots from Joplin, Mo., you should not wonder: Is this somehow related to the tornado outbreak three weeks ago in Tuscaloosa, Ala., or the enormous outbreak a couple of weeks before that (which, together, comprised the most active April for tornadoes in U.S. history). No, that doesn’t mean a thing.

It is far better to think of these as isolated, unpredictable, discrete events. It is not advisable to try to connect them in your mind with, say, the fires burning across Texas — fires that have burned more of America at this point this year than any wildfires have in previous years. Texas, and adjoining parts of Oklahoma and New Mexico, are drier than they’ve ever been — the drought is worse than that of the Dust Bowl. But do not wonder if they’re somehow connected.

If you did wonder, you see, you would also have to wonder about whether this year’s record snowfalls and rainfalls across the Midwest — resulting in record flooding along the Mississippi — could somehow be related. And then you might find your thoughts wandering to, oh, global warming, and to the fact that climatologists have been predicting for years that as we flood the atmosphere with carbon we will also start both drying and flooding the planet, since warm air holds more water vapor than cold air.

It’s far smarter to repeat to yourself the comforting mantra that no single weather event can ever be directly tied to climate change. There have been tornadoes before, and floods — that’s the important thing. Just be careful to make sure you don’t let yourself wonder why all these record-breaking events are happening in such proximity — that is, why there have been unprecedented megafloods in Australia, New Zealand and Pakistan in the past year. Why it’s just now that the Arctic has melted for the first time in thousands of years. No, better to focus on the immediate casualties, watch the videotape from the store cameras as the shelves are blown over. Look at the news anchorman standing in his waders in the rising river as the water approaches his chest.

Because if you asked yourself what it meant that the Amazon has just come through its second hundred-year drought in the past five years, or that the pine forests across the western part of this continent have been obliterated by a beetle in the past decade — well, you might have to ask other questions. Such as: Should President Obama really just have opened a huge swath of Wyoming to new coal mining? Should Secretary of State Hillary Clinton sign a permit this summer allowing a huge new pipeline to carry oil from the tar sands of Alberta? You might also have to ask yourself: Do we have a bigger problem than $4-a-gallon gasoline?

Better to join with the U.S. House of Representatives, which voted 240 to 184 this spring to defeat a resolution saying simply that “climate change is occurring, is caused largely by human activities, and poses significant risks for public health and welfare.” Propose your own physics; ignore physics altogether. Just don’t start asking yourself whether there might be some relation among last year’s failed grain harvest from the Russian heat wave, and Queensland’s failed grain harvest from its record flood, and France’s and Germany’s current drought-related crop failures, and the death of the winter wheat crop in Texas, and the inability of Midwestern farmers to get corn planted in their sodden fields. Surely the record food prices are just freak outliers, not signs of anything systemic.

It’s very important to stay calm. If you got upset about any of this, you might forget how important it is not to disrupt the record profits of our fossil fuel companies. If worst ever did come to worst, it’s reassuring to remember what the U.S. Chamber of Commerce told the Environmental Protection Agency in a recent filing: that there’s no need to worry because “populations can acclimatize to warmer climates via a range of behavioral, physiological, and technological adaptations.” I’m pretty sure that’s what residents are telling themselves in Joplin today.

© 2011 The Washington Post

AndyBgood's photo
Mon 05/30/11 09:25 AM

OK someone brought up crazy weather in April.

Back in 1978 here in good ol California it was 110 degrees in DECEMBER for two weeks! I know because usually I had to ride my bike wearing a jacket and a rain coat to get to school. The two weeks before the two week break from school I rod to school in a t shirt. Blistering hot weather in April? THAT'S NOTHING! TRY AN INDIAN SUMMER IN DECEMBER!

Still not buying the Global Warming BS!

The sky is NOT falling!

Dude if you actually even read the first 3 lines of his post he isn't talking about Al Gore global warming. Usually I agree with you but you are too blind to even see what he is talking about. He is referring to YES climate change is a cycle of the planet. YES it will happened before and will happen again (not that it is man made) and it could effect us since we live on this planet.

Maybe its time for anger management.