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Topic: Hardest Parenting Moment
TinaW172's photo
Sat 12/15/07 07:27 AM
I've had many hard parenting moments. My daughter was born with a hole in her heart & pulmonary stenosis. When she was 3 she drowned in a friends pool and they were able to bring her back.
At age 9 she had a brain tumor removed. In the midst of all this her father had cancer and died a month after her surgery. 3 months later my father died.
Last year, from all the stress, even though there was a lot of counseling involved, my son tried to commit suicide.

I have to say the only way through all of these really difficult parenting moments is to call on my faith in God. This scripture has helped me make it through it all:

Romans 5:1-5
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Praying your way through parenthood is the only way to find the strength that is needed in the toughest of times. I love both of my kids with everything that is in me and I am glad that I have had the opportunity to raise them. They are both very special gifts from above.

godoiegirl1's photo
Sat 12/15/07 08:11 AM
well my hardest moment isnt that bad.. bc of the fact my son is only 22 months old and i am just starting the game of being a single mother rasing a lil boy. the other day my son's "father" was here for a vist and he wanted to show off to his sister like he was a super dad and wanted to take my son to the mall. well to give u lil history, the "father" only comes when he has time or has gas money basically when it is convient for him. so back to the story..lol..i walked them to the car and my son was crying and screaming for me so i gave him a hug to try to clam him down and his father ripped him off me bc my son wont let go. and cryed the hole time he was getting put in the car seat. so then drove off and i went inside and fell a part bc i felt so bad that i let him make my son be scared and cry like that...

shenadra's photo
Sat 12/15/07 04:10 PM
HAHAHA, Well, my worst,(and best moment) has been last week so far...My daughter and I had a very good heart to heart...
She told me I may end up being a grandmother....*bites her nails*

No matter the outcome, I will be happy. It was one of the best moments I have had with her...flowerforyou happy

mistyblue2012's photo
Sat 12/15/07 04:53 PM
Standing by my children as they lost two fathers....they were only 4 and 2 with the first one and then the second man I was going to marry died of cystic fibrosis.
My daughter said she still doesn't understand why the two most important men in her life were taken from her. It is very hard on my heart because I don't have the right answers and I can't fix it. I can only try to be the very best mom I can be...

daniel48706's photo
Sun 12/23/07 10:34 AM
I am going through an extremely rought time right now. for those that dont already know, my youngest has adhd, and obsessive compulsion for sure, and also ahows signs of bipolar (he just turned five). I am still fighting with his mom to come and visit more foten and for longer periods of time, yet she only does so when it is convenient for her, and when she can sneal out behind her boyfriends back to do so.
She called last nigth while I was at work, and when she asked him what he wanted for christmas, he said he doesnt want anything for christmas. Finally he came out and told her he wasnt getting anything from santa cause he ahs been too bad, and when she tried to explein to him that he simply needed to be good from now on, he told her that he refuses to be good cause she wont come back home to stay with us.
Add onto this that I am fighting with the local doctors and health insurance to get him on medication for his adhd and compulsion. He has extrerme difficulties sleeping due to the adhd (very common) and was on chlonodine for several months. This helped considerably although not completely, yet when the prescription ran out, the doctor would noot renew it, so now he is back to getting maybe three hours of full sleep per night, sleepwalking every night, etc.
He also "hoards" food, part of his obssesive compulsion and due to his mother abandoning him several times in the past. I am finding it next to impossible to get him the help that he needs so desperately, and I am at my wits end trying toi help him without losing it myself from frustration and stress.
Add onto this that I work third shift weekends and thus have to sleep during the day when he is home and awake frown

no photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:14 AM
So far, she's only 4 months, the hardest bit was sitting by her cot in hospital for four days and nights straigh looking after her. I didn't even leave the room. That was pretty emotionally and physically wrecking.

no photo
Mon 12/24/07 04:15 AM

I've had many hard parenting moments. My daughter was born with a hole in her heart & pulmonary stenosis. When she was 3 she drowned in a friends pool and they were able to bring her back.
At age 9 she had a brain tumor removed. In the midst of all this her father had cancer and died a month after her surgery. 3 months later my father died.
Last year, from all the stress, even though there was a lot of counseling involved, my son tried to commit suicide.

I have to say the only way through all of these really difficult parenting moments is to call on my faith in God. This scripture has helped me make it through it all:

Romans 5:1-5
Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.

Praying your way through parenthood is the only way to find the strength that is needed in the toughest of times. I love both of my kids with everything that is in me and I am glad that I have had the opportunity to raise them. They are both very special gifts from above.

Wow. You have had one tough trek. I'm glad you have God.

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