Topic: Easter Question about Jesus | |
Easter Question:
What happened to Jesus between his death on the cross till his resurrection? Where did he go? What did he do? Please list any helpful scriptures. (thanks) |
If I understand it correctly he stayed in the gave for the Sabbath.
tripping the rift. That was what he was doing. And at 4:20 Jesus rested!
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Easter Question: What happened to Jesus between his death on the cross till his resurrection? Where did he go? What did he do? Please list any helpful scriptures. (thanks) 1st Yahshua gave 1 sign and only one sign he was the Promiced Messiah. Matt 12:39-41 39 But He answered and said to them, "An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign will be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah. 40 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. NKJV # days and 3 nights in the heart of the earth.. Death is what this meant. then he would rise. In Jewish law at the time a person was not declared legally dead until the 3rd day. Many say this is partial days ..this way they can come up with partial days as his sign. Yet Yahshua spoke of how long a day was as in sunlight as he was killed around close to the equinoc which is when day time and night time are equal.. 12 hrs of sunlight and 12 hrs of darkness. The scriptures say that he died around the 9th hour..of the day.. Matt 27:45-46 Now from the sixth hour until the ninth hour there was darkness over all the land. 46 And about the ninth hour Yahshua cried out with a loud voice, saying, "Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?" that is, "My EL, My EL, why have You forsaken Me?" NKJV so in these times Hours were measured during the day at least. How long did he say himself a day was? John 11:9-11 9 Yahshua answered, "Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. 10 But if one walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him." NKJV You would have to deduse he is also saying thier are 12 hrs in the night also. so his sign. Matt 12:40-41 0 For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. NKJV Yahshua's own words testify that a friday death to sunday ressurrection could not be the sign he was speaking of. all who say this means partial days and nights clearly do not want to or does not understand scripture so they are not worshipping the Messiah of the Holy Scriptures. Where did he go? in the heart of the earth as we know a tomb had a guard posted to make sure noone stole the body. the accounts that speak of them going thier all see he is gone at the end of the sabbath.. A scriptual day starts at dusk. as the sabbath is from sunset to sunset. We are told they hurried to get the body in the grave before dark because the "HIGH SABBATH" was coming. A High Sabbath follows the Passover day.. This was not a regular saturday sabbath.. It fell that year on a Thursday. The passover on a wednsday when he was Impaled. This would be at sunset weds night when he was put in the tomb. if we count 3 days and 3 nights weds sunset to saturday sunset we come up with the only sign he gave us who he was. So he rose or came back to life at the end of the Sabbath 3 days later as he said he would. He was dead.. Just like any of us. His father Yahweh rose him from the dead. He is the 1st Born of the dead and the only so far. so simply put he was dead he did nothing while he was in the grave. Blessings of Shalom...Miles |
Easter Question: What happened to Jesus between his death on the cross till his resurrection? Where did he go? What did he do? Please list any helpful scriptures. (thanks) Accoding to Joseph Smith and the Book of Mormon Jesus visited some native Americans - The Book of Mormon describes how, during His visit, Jesus Christ healed the sick, taught them His gospel, blessed their children, and called twelve disciples to organize His Church in the Americas (3 Nephi 11:18; 3 Nephi 12:1-2). The Book of Morman supposedly written by the prophet Moroni and translated by Smith is different than the bible because the rulers of the Mormon church (the Prophets) have the right and responsibility to CHANGE the book as new prophecy is received. OH wait - how ironic. That sounds so familiar, oh yes Catholicism and Popes. Well, anyway there are millions of people who will testify with all their faith that this was what Jesus did just prior to his resurrection. |
Actually in Roman times when someone was crucified the custom was that he or she was not taken down and buried after death.
This served two purposes; as a warning to others not to commit the same crime, and as the body was left to the birds and other critters to dispose of there was no body for burial, a really bad vibe for most people at that time. |
Actually in Roman times when someone was crucified the custom was that he or she was not taken down and buried after death. This served two purposes; as a warning to others not to commit the same crime, and as the body was left to the birds and other critters to dispose of there was no body for burial, a really bad vibe for most people at that time. Matt 27:57-61 Now when evening had come, there came a rich man from Arimathea, named Joseph, who himself had also become a disciple of Yahshua. 58 This man went to Pilate and asked for the body of Yahshua. Then Pilate commanded the body to be given to him. 59 When Joseph had taken the body, he wrapped it in a clean linen cloth, 60 and laid it in his new tomb which he had hewn out of the rock; and he rolled a large stone against the door of the tomb, and departed. 61 And Mary Magdalene was there, and the other Mary, sitting opposite the tomb. NKJV Shalom..Miles |
I am curious...
Jesus ascended to heaven... and little colored eggs flood down upon us in overwhelming numbers within the markets. Is it manna? What is the signifigance of the little colored eggs? |
Easter is a perversion of the crucifixion.
The mere name of easter was derived from the name of Astarte, a goddess of fertility. Don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Look deeper into the matters of faith with your spiritual eye and seek that answer in the spirit of truth. |
Easter is a perversion of the crucifixion. The mere name of easter was derived from the name of Astarte, a goddess of fertility. Don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Look deeper into the matters of faith with your spiritual eye and seek that answer in the spirit of truth. I was going to mention this myself. Christianity is actually built around much older pagan traditions and beliefs. In Pagan rituals the God is reborn every Yule (Winter Solstice) with the sun at it's southern-most position in the sky. It's no accidentally that Christian traditions have Jesus being born at Yule time. This is the traditional pagan time for the God to be reborn. Then like you say at Astarte (or Ostara) Pronounced as "Easter" is the time of the Great Rite when the God impregnates the Goddess so that she can once again give birth to the God in the next Yule. Old English Ēostre (also Ēastre) and Old High German Ôstarâ are the names of a putative Germanic goddess whose Anglo-Saxon month, Ēostur-monath, has given its name to the Christian festival of Easter. ... In Celtic traditions this time is known as the "Great Right" when the God impregnates that Goddess. It's is symbolized by eggs (a symbol of new life), and Bunnies (rabbits are famous for their desire to procreate), thus they are chosen to symbolize the act of procreation. So this is why it's called "Easter" and there are Easter Eggs and Easter Bunnies. It's actually a pagan ritual that honors the act of procreation which is seen spirituality as preparation for reincarnation. The idea that Jesus "rose from the dead" is a similar idea of being "born again". It's the same basic idea. It's just a Pagan tradition stolen and twisted by the Christians when they wrote the New Testament. They weren't ignorant of what most people believed at the time and they needed to create a religion that could be compatible with the popular beliefs of the masses. And so this is why Jesus is said to be born in the Yule and resurrected at Ostara, Eastre or Easter. It's just a play off of preexisting Pagan traditions and beliefs. |
Easter Question: What happened to Jesus between his death on the cross till his resurrection? Where did he go? What did he do? Please list any helpful scriptures. (thanks) |
What is the signifigance of the little colored eggs? |
If I understand it correctly he stayed in the gave for the Sabbath. |
Easter is a perversion of the crucifixion. The mere name of easter was derived from the name of Astarte, a goddess of fertility. Don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Look deeper into the matters of faith with your spiritual eye and seek that answer in the spirit of truth. In Pagan rituals the God is reborn every Yule (Winter Solstice) with the sun at it's southern-most position in the sky. It's no accidentally that Christian traditions have Jesus being born at Yule time. This is the traditional pagan time for the God to be reborn. |
Easter is a perversion of the crucifixion. The mere name of easter was derived from the name of Astarte, a goddess of fertility. Don't take my word for it. Look it up for yourself. Look deeper into the matters of faith with your spiritual eye and seek that answer in the spirit of truth. In Pagan rituals the God is reborn every Yule (Winter Solstice) with the sun at it's southern-most position in the sky. It's no accidentally that Christian traditions have Jesus being born at Yule time. This is the traditional pagan time for the God to be reborn. I never said that the Bible makes any such claim. If you read my post more clearly you'll see that I referred only the "Christian Traditions". If the Christians are ignorant of their own doctrine I'm not surprised. In fact, someone posted a study here once that showed that when random people are tested about the Bible atheists usually do fair far better on those tests than most Christians. ![]() The number of Christians that I've run into who never knew that the Jews (or at least the ancient nation of Israel) were God's chosen people would amaze you. The number of Christians who don't know that God was married to that nation, divorced them, and plans to remarry them will astound you. The number of Christians who are unaware that God actually gave Satan permission to kill Job's family and inflict him with horrible diseases might surprise you as well. The number of Christians who don't know that God is proud of having created a fire-breathing dragon would probably also astound you. Most Christians don't know any of these things and many other details of their own religious doctrine and God. |
The number of Christians who don't know that God is proud of having created a fire-breathing dragon would probably also astound you. |
The number of Christians who don't know that God is proud of having created a fire-breathing dragon would probably also astound you. Actually it's told in the story of Job. I wasn't aware that Satan was the creator. I guess I lose a point on that one. ![]() |
The number of Christians who don't know that God is proud of having created a fire-breathing dragon would probably also astound you. Actually it's told in the story of Job. I wasn't aware that Satan was the creator. I guess I lose a point on that one. ![]() ??? You're not making sense Abra.Satan's not the creator. Nor did God create fire-breathing dragon. God created Satan, the strongest, most powerful angel. And the angel used his own free will to become the monster he is today. He wasn't created that way. He willfully chose to take that path of life, again God didn't create him that way. |