Topic: Who Taught You About Love? | |
family and God
they taught me love and agreement dont have to be inclusive,,,to love 'good' first, but to also love people , when they (or I) am not necessarily being 'good' I am turning into my parents, as I teach my children that I love them unconditionally although that doesnt mean I will agree with them when they are doing something I feel is 'wrong' or 'harmful' and I wont stand behind them doing those things, but always love them |
I learned love from both my parents at an early age. As I grow old, I learn unconditional love from my loving Creator.
I guess I learned from watching my parents. My mom and dad (step-dad, but I call him dad because he's been the only one I've known) just celebrated 25 years of marriage 2 months ago on valentines day. Things were never easy, and money was little, barely scraping by. But that didn't tear them apart, they loved each other and me unconditionally. And with dad's health being up and down, mom is right there every step of they way.
That kind of love and devotion to each other thru any circumstance good or bad, is the definition of true love. I know it'll be hard to find as I'm almost 32 and haven't found it yet, but that's the kind of love I want |
Family, Mom side from her over caring motherly love that drives me nutz and my dad side course remarried with hes Christian ways from the Bible and pretty good *** family that have kalamazoo to Portage al the way down to Strugis all small towns in between. have family every where.. Lol
first it was my grandma,then it was my children
I learned about unconditional love and forgiveness from my sons. My childhood lacked in love and respect so it was my children who taught me. If your childless and didn't grow up in a loving atmosphere, who taught you about love? I would have to say my mom mostly. I find it interesting that you learned about unconditional love and forgiveness from your children. Though, I can understand how so, having and raising children will do that to you. lol You seem to have a lot of love. Interesting indeed...My oldest son has been my greatest challenge, yes he taught me more than I ever taught him. A ![]() |
BTW Lori, this is one of the best questions/evocations I've seen "here" for a long long time ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Yes our little ms lovely (((Sherrie))) has a way of allowing us all to feel her love because she is just!
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Yes our little ms lovely (((Sherrie))) has a way of allowing us all to feel her love because she is just! ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Canadian tv ads for Bell Canada and for all sorts of banks here.
Another teacher was Miss Cruella, our high school jim teacher. She had balls and would make you do 100 push-ups at her whim. A third teacher was the seven-cd set on family planning that I was stealing from my children on friday nights when they were out on birthing classes. A fourth teacher was Zen herself. I was ready, and she appeared.\ Who else... the sanitary engineers' strike, the waste management artisans' strike, the tv repairmen's strike, the three great blacklouts in the Norhtwest, the elevatormen's strike, the tv scriptwriters' strike, the time when Ronald Reagan had his prostate cancer (I'd rather screw my wife than watch his prostate dissected in three dimensional colour figures), the eggmen's strike, the postmen's strike (these two due to my wife's insistence), the school-teachers overtime work drive, the topless female marathons in my city, which ran in front of my ground-level window, the bottomless female marathons, the topless AND bottomless female marathons. What else. Colonoscopy (mm-mm...), gyrative spine fluid suctioning, toothdrillers, Wagner operas, Ken Lebtchak's "Slovakian Melodies of the Tatra" issued on 33 rpm LP records. |
1. My parents taught me about love. They remained together their entire lives and passed away three months of each other.
2. An illustration came to mind one day for me about what true love is. It was a skeleton couple sitting on a couch, still holding hands. |
Yes our little ms lovely (((Sherrie))) has a way of allowing us all to feel her love because she is just! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |