Topic: Is it ok to be bi sexual???
Jess642's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:24 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 04/10/11 08:25 PM

Nah Joy.....keep the's bound to be a clown-fetish bloke's dream!

noway love

rofl rofl rofl

Not the scary clowns I hope.. yikes..

Jess, these lips are from when Tara came here for vacation.. laugh laugh laugh

Bwah hahahaha!!!!...I just knew Tara was somehow involved in it!slaphead

I was thinking you must have stuck your lips in a bloody bee-hive!shocked

I am sooo curious to know how many fellas were drooling from a distance with you two in the room...pitchfork

no photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:26 PM
I've dated women who told me they had been to bed with both,,THAT wasn't a big issue at all with me,,
BUT,,I also knew a husband and wife who were together for fifteen years and one day he came home and found his wife with another women,,and then went insane,,I mean,,insane,,
lolIT all depends on how your guy is with,,,sharing you with a female,,many have no problems with that,,although I might fear HER
maybe falling for one of you and be jealous over a time period,,But to just try,,,hey,,,ASK HIM,,,run it pass him KIND-of ,,,as only YOU could do,,and see if he thinks,,,,a,maybe,,,or hell no,,,because you could have bigger issues if HE was a hell no type dude on it??
Just feel your way into his thoughts,,,and then decide IF ya WANNA..GOOD LUCK,, drinker :heart:

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:27 PM

Nah Joy.....keep the's bound to be a clown-fetish bloke's dream!

noway love

rofl rofl rofl

Not the scary clowns I hope.. yikes..

Jess, these lips are from when Tara came here for vacation.. laugh laugh laugh

Bwah hahahaha!!!!...I just knew Tara was somehow involved in it!slaphead

I was thinking you must have stuck your lips in a bloody bee-hive!shocked

I am sooo curious to know how many fellas were drooling from a distance with you two in the room...pitchfork

We know that "Tara is ALWAYS involved some how some way" laugh laugh laugh Ehhh I doubt I was noticed but you know how beautiful she is.. Guys following her every where...

Littlefifi27's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:28 PM

I've dated women who told me they had been to bed with both,,THAT wasn't a big issue at all with me,,
BUT,,I also knew a husband and wife who were together for fifteen years and one day he came home and found his wife with another women,,and then went insane,,I mean,,insane,,
lolIT all depends on how your guy is with,,,sharing you with a female,,many have no problems with that,,although I might fear HER
maybe falling for one of you and be jealous over a time period,,But to just try,,,hey,,,ASK HIM,,,run it pass him KIND-of ,,,as only YOU could do,,and see if he thinks,,,,a,maybe,,,or hell no,,,because you could have bigger issues if HE was a hell no type dude on it??
Just feel your way into his thoughts,,,and then decide IF ya WANNA..GOOD LUCK,, drinker :heart:

hey best advice ive got so far, well done.

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:30 PM

We know that "Tara is ALWAYS involved some how some way" laugh laugh laugh Ehhh I doubt I was noticed but you know how beautiful she is.. Guys following her every where...

My all time favourite pic of yours is the fifth one along in your shows the you that I have come to adore...well to me, anyway...although I do love the one with you in the hat as well...

michiganman3's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:35 PM
I have been 'buy-sexual' since the divorce.
If I want sex....I buy it.


IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:36 PM

We know that "Tara is ALWAYS involved some how some way" laugh laugh laugh Ehhh I doubt I was noticed but you know how beautiful she is.. Guys following her every where...

My all time favourite pic of yours is the fifth one along in your shows the you that I have come to adore...well to me, anyway...although I do love the one with you in the hat as well...

Oh now I have to go look and count! LOL

no photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:36 PM
:wink: hey best advice Ive got so far, well done..TY
And I'm guessing here your also maybe wanting fish this out through others minds,,,as for YOU having this desire to do?
Many ladies share that same thought,,and some act on it,,and some never say a word ,,,,so,,your being open and honest with us,,and for THAT,,you should be awarded as many would just sneak around finding out how they could meet and try this,,,
IF your as open and honest with your dude,,he will probably find your idea here,,,VERY,,intriguing,,,thats just my guess based on his age,,,,wink,drinker

Littlefifi27's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:38 PM

We know that "Tara is ALWAYS involved some how some way" laugh laugh laugh Ehhh I doubt I was noticed but you know how beautiful she is.. Guys following her every where...

My all time favourite pic of yours is the fifth one along in your shows the you that I have come to adore...well to me, anyway...although I do love the one with you in the hat as well...

Oh now I have to go look and count! LOL

maybe ye two ladies shud private msge now?

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:38 PM

We know that "Tara is ALWAYS involved some how some way" laugh laugh laugh Ehhh I doubt I was noticed but you know how beautiful she is.. Guys following her every where...

My all time favourite pic of yours is the fifth one along in your shows the you that I have come to adore...well to me, anyway...although I do love the one with you in the hat as well...

this one?

no photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:38 PM

We know that "Tara is ALWAYS involved some how some way" laugh laugh laugh Ehhh I doubt I was noticed but you know how beautiful she is.. Guys following her every where...

My all time favourite pic of yours is the fifth one along in your shows the you that I have come to adore...well to me, anyway...although I do love the one with you in the hat as well...

Oh now I have to go look and count! LOL
HEY,,,what accident did you get involved with a Fish in?????
I think they may have stitched the wrong ones back on ya,,,,laugh

Littlefifi27's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:39 PM

:wink: hey best advice Ive got so far, well done..TY
And I'm guessing here your also maybe wanting fish this out through others minds,,,as for YOU having this desire to do?
Many ladies share that same thought,,and some act on it,,and some never say a word ,,,,so,,your being open and honest with us,,and for THAT,,you should be awarded as many would just sneak around finding out how they could meet and try this,,,
IF your as open and honest with your dude,,he will probably find your idea here,,,VERY,,intriguing,,,thats just my guess based on his age,,,,wink,drinker

he is 26, mmm i wonder.

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:41 PM

We know that "Tara is ALWAYS involved some how some way" laugh laugh laugh Ehhh I doubt I was noticed but you know how beautiful she is.. Guys following her every where...

My all time favourite pic of yours is the fifth one along in your shows the you that I have come to adore...well to me, anyway...although I do love the one with you in the hat as well...

this one?


mightymoe's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:42 PM

:wink: hey best advice Ive got so far, well done..TY
And I'm guessing here your also maybe wanting fish this out through others minds,,,as for YOU having this desire to do?
Many ladies share that same thought,,and some act on it,,and some never say a word ,,,,so,,your being open and honest with us,,and for THAT,,you should be awarded as many would just sneak around finding out how they could meet and try this,,,
IF your as open and honest with your dude,,he will probably find your idea here,,,VERY,,intriguing,,,thats just my guess based on his age,,,,wink,drinker

he is 26, mmm i wonder.

is your BF very religious?

Littlefifi27's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:43 PM

:wink: hey best advice Ive got so far, well done..TY
And I'm guessing here your also maybe wanting fish this out through others minds,,,as for YOU having this desire to do?
Many ladies share that same thought,,and some act on it,,and some never say a word ,,,,so,,your being open and honest with us,,and for THAT,,you should be awarded as many would just sneak around finding out how they could meet and try this,,,
IF your as open and honest with your dude,,he will probably find your idea here,,,VERY,,intriguing,,,thats just my guess based on his age,,,,wink,drinker

he is 26, mmm i wonder.

is your BF very religious?

no way, just id say he'd be bit jealous etc

Jess642's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:43 PM
Sorry Littlefifi...

Indnprincess and I go way back....and are easily distracted...well I am...

this thread is all about you....not ole clown lips..:wink: noway

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:46 PM

Sorry Littlefifi...

Indnprincess and I go way back....and are easily distracted...well I am...

this thread is all about you....not ole clown lips..:wink: noway

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
yes we do!

sorry fifi...

Littlefifi27's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:47 PM

Sorry Littlefifi...

Indnprincess and I go way back....and are easily distracted...well I am...

this thread is all about you....not ole clown lips..:wink: noway

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
yes we do!

sorry fifi...

no bother, happy times ahead so x

IndnPrncs's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:49 PM

Sorry Littlefifi...

Indnprincess and I go way back....and are easily distracted...well I am...

this thread is all about you....not ole clown lips..:wink: noway

rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl
yes we do!

sorry fifi...

no bother, happy times ahead so x

you're a good egg fifi.. No matter what happens, I hope you stay here and have fun with the rest of us...

mightymoe's photo
Sun 04/10/11 08:49 PM

:wink: hey best advice Ive got so far, well done..TY
And I'm guessing here your also maybe wanting fish this out through others minds,,,as for YOU having this desire to do?
Many ladies share that same thought,,and some act on it,,and some never say a word ,,,,so,,your being open and honest with us,,and for THAT,,you should be awarded as many would just sneak around finding out how they could meet and try this,,,
IF your as open and honest with your dude,,he will probably find your idea here,,,VERY,,intriguing,,,thats just my guess based on his age,,,,wink,drinker

he is 26, mmm i wonder.

is your BF very religious?

no way, just id say he'd be bit jealous etc

I C... you can talk him out of being jealous, but woulda a tougher time talking him out of religion..