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Topic: Did someone tell you they love you today? - part 9
TheCaptain's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:14 PM


Can't have enough...
Luv U Captain!!:smile:

Love you too!!!!

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:14 PM

Someone else just told me they loved meflowerforyou


My lips are sealed
i bet i know who again lol

txmomof2's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:18 PM

Someone else just told me they loved meflowerforyou


My lips are sealed
i bet i know who again lol

I doubt

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:21 PM

Someone else just told me they loved meflowerforyou


My lips are sealed
i bet i know who again lol

I doubt
should i email u my answer again lol :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

txmomof2's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:27 PM
you can but I guarentee ya aint gonna get it

TheCaptain's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:33 PM
Was she right?

txmomof2's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:37 PM

TheCaptain's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:44 PM
Can I guess?

tripledigits69's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:45 PM
no , not today

txmomof2's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:45 PM

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:46 PM

no , not today
awwww i luv ya trip flowerforyou

TheCaptain's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:47 PM
I got it right. :tongue:

txmomof2's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:48 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh

justme659's photo
Wed 09/28/11 11:49 PM
tears no

ladyliz1417's photo
Thu 09/29/11 12:45 AM

Aww ((Simon)):heart:

galendgirl's photo
Thu 09/29/11 04:08 AM
Based on the time I woke up...if I called or sent a text to the most likely to say that to me, I suspect they would be saying something else! Ahh...the day is young and I am hopeful!

no photo
Thu 09/29/11 04:38 AM

txmomof2's photo
Thu 09/29/11 08:07 AM
Yes my kids and the mystery person from last night.

TheCaptain's photo
Fri 09/30/11 02:26 AM

galendgirl's photo
Fri 09/30/11 04:43 AM
Not yet...

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