Topic: Coolest Super Power
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Fri 01/25/13 09:54 AM

To know what men are thinking.winking

Waste of a power... We aren't. laugh

laugh laugh

no photo
Fri 01/25/13 06:26 PM

Pretty much what I was thinking, yea.

You could also freeze time to get that extra 5 min. of sleep you wanted.

Or slow time down to hit that baseball out of the park.

or slow down time to take longer to.. blushing nevermind

'Hit it out of the park'

slaphead gotcha :thumbsup: laugh

no photo
Fri 01/25/13 08:53 PM

As this is about movies, TV, books, and there are super hero shows, what do you think is the coolest super power?

I say, "Flying."

What do you say?


laugh like hell at the looks on their faces & they cannot see uwinking

kelp1961's photo
Fri 01/25/13 11:38 PM
Spidey's could I catch me some unsuspecting bad boypitchfork ..what?...wait I meant bad guy.laugh

Rexxiedavie's photo
Sat 01/26/13 04:36 AM
Everything CLARK KENT

no photo
Wed 01/30/13 06:32 AM

To know what men are thinking.winking


no photo
Wed 01/30/13 10:43 AM
GEE i was just kidding ?

I think the coolest super power would be the power to remove my stupid comments...


Dodo_David's photo
Wed 01/30/13 01:16 PM

To hear what women are thinking:thumbsup:

Try telling that to Mel Gibson. laugh

Dodo_David's photo
Wed 01/30/13 01:20 PM
In the movie Hancock, the title character had immortality and did not age outwardly. That is the super power that I'd want.

no photo
Tue 02/05/13 09:08 PM
Okay, I never read all the posts shop it's already probably been said, but...The Ability to manipulate time. If, of course, I wasnt affected. That way I could go see my old boss at lunch, freeze time right before he takes a bite of a sandwich, swap his sandwich for a turd, unfreeze & enjoy.

no photo
Wed 02/06/13 09:37 AM

In the movie Hancock, the title character had immortality and did not age outwardly. That is the super power that I'd want.

that WOULD be cool.. although the down side I'd wager.. is watching all your loved ones grow old and die.. guess that would be great IF one was a loner.. more along the lines of a Highlander as opposed to a Vampire though.. laugh

oldhippie1952's photo
Wed 02/06/13 10:44 AM
The powers Neo has in The Matrix.

RoamingOrator's photo
Wed 02/06/13 11:23 AM
You know what would be cool.... what

The ability to materialize ice cream and cookies out of thin air!! :thumbsup:

no photo
Wed 02/06/13 07:22 PM

You know what would be cool.... what

The ability to materialize ice cream and cookies out of thin air!! :thumbsup:

or ANYthing ones heart desired... yeah.. that WOULD be cool.. bigsmile

bastet126's photo
Wed 02/06/13 07:34 PM
i'd want to be able to shoot lightning bolts from my finger tips and just
go around zapping anything annoying. yeah, that would be pretty awesome.

or flying. :)

no photo
Wed 02/06/13 07:39 PM

To know what men are thinking.winking

Waste of a power... We aren't. laugh

That would be a wasted wish.

And men, you don't want to know what women are thinking.

Trust me.

Okay the greatest super power is to be able to manifest anything you think about.

Think about an apple... there it is.

Think about a pile of gold ... there it is.

The problem is you really have to control your thoughts with this power.


RoamingOrator's photo
Thu 02/07/13 01:59 PM

To know what men are thinking.winking

Waste of a power... We aren't. laugh

That would be a wasted wish.

And men, you don't want to know what women are thinking.

Trust me.

Okay the greatest super power is to be able to manifest anything you think about.

Think about an apple... there it is.

Think about a pile of gold ... there it is.

The problem is you really have to control your thoughts with this power.


That's why I put the limit of "ice cream and cookies" on it!! biggrin

Truncated's photo
Thu 02/07/13 03:14 PM
Indestructibility - to actually be able to help humanity. Explore hostile environments, clear minefields, make real heroes job easier.

bastet126's photo
Thu 02/07/13 03:15 PM
wait.... would vampire be a super power? :)-

shortfire8521's photo
Thu 02/07/13 03:17 PM
I wanna be like Jack-Jack from "The Incredibles" and be able to burst into flames whenever I want. Not terribly useful unless you're trying to start a campfire or have a strong desire to become an arsonist...but how cool would it be to see the freaked-out looks on peoples faces when you just spontaneously combust!!