Topic: If any body had chance start over again | |
say like college or 21 on would you change it go keep it as same.. If so what would you do....
Change it. I'd immediately move to Oregon.
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Edited by
Thu 03/10/11 10:04 AM
I am happy for the bad and good that has happened in my life and if I was to change any of it I wouldn't be the person I am today...But if I really had to think about it...I'm sure I would attempt to change getting cancer. That has affected my life more then any woman could even dream to. Sitting at the door to death and wondering if you will make it or not while trying to still live life is hard. However now that I have beat it for now I do feel stronger and has added a new found love for things I used to see as normality's in life.
Why live in the past or worry about the future?
say like college or 21 on would you change it go keep it as same.. If so what would you do.... change it, I would have been more involved in church with my first husband,, added to our circle of influence, turned to God more often,,,,, |
I would not change a thing.
We are the sum total of our past. In the present. I am good with that. |
Why live in the past or worry about the future? I'm with you on that. Good words! |
I would definitely go back, if only to graduate college when I had the chance.
I believe in learning from your mistakes and the losses and moving on and those mistakes and losses have made me stronger inside. I am still dealing with a looming divorce (be final next month), and that has been tough to deal with the past year and a half. However, things do happen for a reason and I am trying to look ahead and not dwell on the past. If I could change one thing though, I wish I could have fathered a child and enjoyed fatherhood, I think that is one thing missing in my life. I would'nt change a thing other than that.
Edited by
Thu 03/10/11 11:17 AM
I have no regrets, and I appreciate all the mistakes I made because I learned a lot from them.
Having said that, if I could retain all that I have learned, I would love to go back in time and do things differently the second time around. But I would not want to give up what I have learned from my mistakes for that opportunity. It would require changing who you are. I like who I am. |
After reading a few more statements I wanted to add my two cents. These are my own opinions so please take them for face value and not be offended.
I feel it is vitally important to study and remember the past to avoid repeating certain mistakes. If we forget the past you forget your ancestors and their deeds. Without a past you couldn’t go through life without (hopefully) fond memories. You would then cease to grow and mature as a human being. As to past traumatic events in your life you need to learn to not pay attention to those negative thoughts. With every dark cloud has an unseen benefit. Regardless of how bad the situation might have been. But you need to focus on the silver lining rather the dark cloud. I also would like to add. I think to many people want to forget the past all together and live in the moment. This is fine as we are all entitled to free will. However then you are just awaiting death or passing each day with mundane actions to pass time. You are not trying to build a future or care for the past. So then what are you? |
I am happy for the bad and good that has happened in my life and if I was to change any of it I wouldn't be the person I am today...But if I really had to think about it...I'm sure I would attempt to change getting cancer. That has affected my life more then any woman could even dream to. Sitting at the door to death and wondering if you will make it or not while trying to still live life is hard. However now that I have beat it for now I do feel stronger and has added a new found love for things I used to see as normality's in life. agreed, for a long time I disliked many bad things that have happened in my life, but without those events...I wouldn't be where I am now!!! I did not beat cancer, but I have had to struggle with some extremely difficult circumstances & have beat the odds that were stacked against me to build a better life for myself and I am a better person for it. as jeanniebean stated..."I like who I am"!!! At times I cried, asked why such horrible things happen to good people, and wished I could go back & change things....more recently, I have realized that those bad things happened to guide me into becoming what I was truly meant to be and now, not only do I not resist it, I have embraced this and let go of all that once held me back. |
Cool, pretty good statement, Some things i mite of change,least different direction here and their and at times could of been better opatunity and see where they would of taken me.
A reason for everything, there are no accidents... everything is as it should be. If I have any regrests at all it would be that I wish I had realized sooner what an interesting life I have. |
In order to change the past you change the present I be damn if I'm willing to give up my kids or grandkids...........Actually I'm pretty content the way things are.....
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Change one thing, you change EVERYTHING.
As it was, there is very little of my past I would change. The past made me what I am & I really am OK with that. |
say like college or 21 on would you change it go keep it as same.. If so what would you do.... |
Hmmm I guess that there are people i wish I hadnt married, but then if I changed it I wouldnt be who i am, and I wouldnt have the children i have, and maybe i wouldnt be able to just smile through life.
so relly i guess all the yuck has made me a much nicer person than i ever was as a young spoiled adult.. |
I wouldn't change a thing. I like being a nurse. And being close to my parents is the most important thing.
I would've taken the red pill.