Do you have any clue who and what the original "Muslim Brotherhood" is all about? Yes I do. The Muslim Brotherhood was founded in the 1930s and committed some violent acts (much like Manochim(sp?) Begin in the early days), but quickly renounced violence. Osama Bin Laden spent some time with them but now denounces them because they disavow violence. It is true that they are sympathetic to Sharia law, but that has nothing to do with the United States. All those practices that Americans so abhor are clearly illegal in America. Our last American President had no problem making out with the King of Saudi Arabia on camera, and Saudi law is just as harsh as Egypt's Sharia customs. Now we are wringing our hands over the Muslim Brotherhood being a potential power in Egypt. the hypocrisy!Mr. Sciller said he wanted to see more broadcasting for the Muslim point of view including the preaching of Sharia law I doubt very much that he said he wanted to prpomote the preaching of Sharia Law. I'm not going to watch the video another time. I'll just say that I think you made that up.Mr. Schiller was forced to retire, others say he was fired. Either way he was discharged! A difference totally without a distinction Forced to retire = fired. I'm not sure what point you think you are making. Why? He shot his mouth off and got caught! If you want to cite the reason why he was fired, you should be citing the statement from NPR that explains it. Nobody cares about your interpretation.You are short sighted, narrow minded, zealously liberal and I stand buy that thinking. It shows in how you present your arguments. All you do is opinion us to death. And I love the way you get stompy footed when you rebut me. I feel like Rush Linbaugh against the Reverend Jessie Jackson. Now he IS a man I would love to get into a fist fight with! That punk azzed liar has a good smack down coming for his racist attitude behind the cloth of God! So you are telling us that you are a violent thug with a potty-mouth. OK. I believe you.Pu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu pu.... What's that? You could use some better language skills. This is how a "very educated" person communicates?
I am sure you comfort yourself reading either Lenin, Marx, or Che Guevarra when you go to bed too! So instead of actually rebutting me you toss opinion. You are wasting both our time. AS I said before if you can't come up with a solution to a problem quit bitchhing. Also you are trying to defend someone who got himself in hot water trying to justify a weak position. Likewise I can get violent when i have to to defend myself but the Reverend Jessie Jackson is an affront to equality pure and simple. HE should have gotten a bullet in the head instead of Martin Luther King Jr. Now as far as me being a violent potty mouthed thug, I am sure that is what Marie Antoinette and her husband were thinking about "US Common People" before the palace doors were broken through and they were lead to the guillotine. Well here we are in America modern day being preached at by some pseudo communist liberal who managed to lie his way to the presidency. And on top of that YOU YOURSELF promote class warfare singling out the rich in a blanket of spite. What you say is so Communist sometimes! I don't go into caves and kick the sleeping dragons I come across!
Sometimes the only way to get change to happen is to kick some azz! You clearly are like a Chihuahua, all bark, no bite. So what have you done to make this world a better place? Blame the rich for everything under the sun? This situation needs more than attacking a fraction of the population just because you are jealousy of them. You cannot see this as the same shitte Stalin pulled in Russia pitting one population faction against the other! And then here you come and call me names and try to label me? PUHLEASE! Besides, if unions can be violent thugs and resort to violence to get their way why can't I? I don't have the Party's blessing? NO! I actually prefer to try peace first when get violent when the other party draws first blood. I would have to say that between us the greatest difference is that I am not afraid to roll up my sleeves and bleed for what I believe in. How about you? Get a paper cut and you run to the doctor's office crying? Congress really needs an azz kicking! So who is going to do it? Surely not you! I don't think you have the grapes to get dirty! Now as far as the Muslim Brotherhood is concerned, Just because they publicly renounce violence they fund violent organizations. Just becasue Osama Bin Laden renounced them in public does not mean anything. That is a front to what is really going on behind the scenes. They accept funds from anyone and if they were really peaceful they would not accept "Tainted" money but nope, they DO! they have been implicated a number of times for funding Madrassas world wide, and likewise have been implicated in funding indirectly a lot of terrorist activities across the globe. The Quar-an directs the faithful to lie and deceive the infidel. if it is Muslim I don't trust it period! When they turn away from Sharia law and the Quar-an we have a conversation. Until then they are at war with me for BS reasons and I likewise will not ever trust them. Sometimes to defeat an enemy you must become the thing you hate. And likewise NPR did spell it out softly, Mr. Schiller put his foot in his mouth wearing the colors of NPR and embarrassed them. they are not going to come right out and say they fired him because of legal reasons! I don't blame them for covering their azzes. They don't need to give Mr. Schiller any reason to sue them. Now in your argument you dare to drag Egypt into this? How about the sectarian violence being perpetrated on Christians there? You are so FREAKING BLIND! Clean your glasses! What did the Christians do to deserve having a church burned down and attacked the faithful. you are just trying to toss another tangent out there to cover your own beliefs. Nice try at pulling a sucker play! Likewise you evidently do not listen to the Rhetoric about allowing the voice of Sharia law to impose itself on America! Now this is an opinion: I feel it is liberals like you who play right into the Communist party's whole "Divide from within" reading to the vitriol you spew towards the Tea Party and the GOP and conservatives and us Moderate Centrists! You want us at each other's throats to cover the fact that if people in America wised up and seen the Pseudo Communist crap the DNC is sneaking in on us liberals like yourself would be facing a repeat of the 1950s. Think McCarthy era! that is something I don't want to see but since you seem to play the exact same games the Communist party has played for years it is only time before people do catch on and when Americans get angry and find a common enemy you know what happens! Witch Hunts! And likewise in all of this you never once offered any real solutions if any. You have none! And if any thing any thing you offered as a solution was parroted from someone else in your precious DNC! Your verbal sputum is not a solution, it is a problem as I see it. Wonder how many others here see things the way I see them! You are the kind of (*Cough*) person (*Cough*) who would defend a larcenous serial cannibalistic murderer sight unseen becasue he is "misunderstood" by society. At least eh people of the tea Party are really trying to do something good for this country and instead of trying to find ways of working together you wave your DNC flag in all our collective faces! I am really ready for a good argument with you or anyone. I am sick of people like you stinking up this country with idealism that have failed time and time again. I am sick of people like you pointing fingers in all the wrong directions. You were so hot for change you voted for the people making all the promises in the world like Obama who has done NOTHING of benefit for this nation so far. All your precious DNC does is drag us deeper into the red! You vote on party lines, not qualifications! So what now? What accusations about me would you like to make? Wanna pick on the one Centrist here? Well, bring it on! So far all you done is shoot blanks at me! I am kind of surprised the rest of your piranha haven't tried to attack yet! There is still time... |
NPR is left of left to the extreme. We liberals have never understood where the righties get the notion of a "liberal" media. The only thing I can figure is that any time a source tells us abut news that reflects badly on Conservatives, then it must be"liberal".I guess that they are expected to report an equal amount of news that reflects badly on liberals. They aren't supposed to be making the news up, are they? That's what Faux News is for.
I always thought of the media (traditional) as being ultra conservative - gov't propaganda arm - not at all as liberal a reason why I like NPR - as Harmony says - an alternative and uncensored view |
NPR is left of left to the extreme. We liberals have never understood where the righties get the notion of a "liberal" media. The only thing I can figure is that any time a source tells us abut news that reflects badly on Conservatives, then it must be"liberal".I guess that they are expected to report an equal amount of news that reflects badly on liberals. They aren't supposed to be making the news up, are they? That's what Faux News is for.
I always thought of the media (traditional) as being ultra conservative - gov't propaganda arm - not at all as liberal a reason why I like NPR - as Harmony says - an alternative and uncensored view In a lot of respects they were a very respectable organization that did break news you would not hear anywhere else. They try to offer a venue where alternative views could also be expressed right or wrong. My issue is that when you have an organization that says fair and unbiased you cannot have representatives who ARE biased! Ron Schiller had soft acid when he spoke about the Tea Party. This also means that he would if he could squelch out the voice of anyone from the Tea Party wishing to be heard on their station. It is tough to really be fair and unbiased. I have a real tough time doing it. My answer to that is to try and be the devil's advocate and look at the opposing viewpoint. SOMETIMES the alternative view is right and I am wrong based on historical and other evidence, other times it is having the logic explained in more detail and the path to the conclusion becomes clear. BUT When the logic is fallacious and based purely on opinion or rationalized through idealism, or historically was a failure before and on several occasions then they are wrong no matter how right they want to be. Sometimes it takes careful evaluation of an ideal or belief to make sure it is true and correct. There was a PBS show called counter point and sometimes the debaters would get real worked up. I mean borderline yelling at each other BUT the guests always managed to remain civil and even for their hostility were able to be well spoken. Not like Wally George who would get into verbal tirades with his guests! Wally was FUN as hell to watch late night. I sort of miss the rug wearing bastard. Knowing that NPR seen Mr. Schiller's comments as exposed for what they were, racist, bigoted, and inflammatory, they did what they could and I am curious to know what further steps they take for damage control. I honestly could care less if Mr. Schiller was caught "Off Camera" saying what he did. he said it, I seen him do it via video by modern day Muck Rakers! Now there is a term that is a blast from the past! What these guys did, the ones who reveled Mr. Schiller for the monster he is, deserve a frikken Pulitzer! Now since NPR is distancing themselves from him means that he stood to damage their credibility and he did! I hope whoever fills Mr. Schiller's empty shoes can use better judgment representing NPR for fund raising meetings. It is kind of funny how fast NPR reacted to this. I am not a member of the Tea Party myself but they are respectable in the fact they are trying to straighten things out and are the only party calling for financial reform and government responsibility. I am not in line with all of their conservative values but they are really not the evil bastards people say they are. The real bastards are the DNC. The Republican Party are not saints either but that is where I thought the Tea Party came in. I am under the impression they want to reform the Republican party and more or less get America back on track. At least they try but they lack organization. the thing is they are the first steps in a movement of those of us caught between Liberalism's Failures and Conservative Shortcomings. I see fair and balanced between the two this way, Liberals have the heart to humanize government but conservatives are (unfortunately) the ones having to remind the Liberals if we cannot afford it we cannot do it and people have to learn to do for themselves. It is a battle of two different views of good that come off as good and evil when both are perversions of good and therefore evil unto themselves. Both can provide good ideas BUT without the capacity to be fair and balanced and always leaning towards what sells or what is popular fodder for controversy we loose touch with common sense. When we do that we degenerate into pigs slopping at the trough of government hand outs being ripened for market! Liberals in MY opinion cannot see the evil within their good intentions! Mr. Schiller's comments were totally out of place. This stained NPR's public image. I think the saddest tragedy PERSONALLY SPEAKING is that MISTER Schiller made them look like a Commercial News station to the public. ![]() ![]() |
Knowing that NPR seen Mr. Schiller's comments as exposed for what they were, racist, bigoted, and inflammatory, You see, this is where it all falls apart. Mr.Schiller said nothing racist or bigoted. Apparently, by accusing the Tea Party of being racist, this somehow makes Schiller racist. This is just not good, sound reasoning.
The spokesperson for NPR made a very clear statement as to why Schiller was fired, and it was not because they "seen Mr. Schiller's comments as exposed for what they were, racist, bigoted, and inflammatory". NPR's reasoning was perfectly reasonable and rational. As to Schiller's opinion of the Tea Party as "racist, racist", it is probably an exaggerated opinion, but it is not without some foundation. We all saw the photos of the signs with President Obama with a bone through his nose and as a minstrel show negro. Maybe it was just one guy, holding up a different racist sign every time the cameraman clicked the shudder. I think that this article provides a good discussion of the image of the Tea Party. So, Mr. Schiller thinks the Tea Party is "racist, racist". I think that, while the Party is not inherently racist, racists do have a comfortable home within the Tea party. The fact that the Tea Party has made no public move to disavow those racists among them (that I know of) does not help their image. This is beside the point, however. The fact that Schiller may hold an inflated view of the Tea Party as a racist organization does not, in any way, render Mr. Schiller a racist. Just the opposite. I don't understand why you can't see that. Perhaps you just don't want to see that. |
And likewise racist have a nice warm place to hide in the democratic party. Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, DEMS! Does the DNC distance themselves from them? Hell no!
Then again why back to this tired argument again? the problem with the tea Party's image is the DNC attacks them since they are a smaller and weaker target than the GOP at large. they are not organized enough to be really effective. Also they are a little conservative to a degree I am not exactly thrilled with BUT they have been calling for more responsibility among government unlike the DNC who wants more spending and MORE money!!! And Mr. Schilling's comments were inflammatory at the least but can be construed as "Hating your own race." But then here you are advocating a man who spoke way out of line and got caught! Yep, the Tea Party are bastards! The DNC is innocent. Ron Schilling is a saint. Yes this is sarcasm. ![]() |
And Mr. Schilling's comments were inflammatory at the least so where Mr. Schiller's statements used to be racist, bigoted and inflammatory, they have now become merely inflammatory. but can be construed as "Hating your own race." No, I don't see that at all. But then here you are advocating a man who spoke way out of line and got caught! Am I? As I have repeated several times, NPR's spokesperson made a very clear statement as to why he was fired and it is not because he was racist or bigoted. On those counts, I defend Mr. Schiller from your mischaracterization. I concur with NPR's grounds for firing him. I do not defend him on this count.
![]() ![]() glad he taught me to try to use logic when drawing conclusions so,, a tea party site PARAPHRASES what he says with their interpretation of what he MEANT and a democratic site where any MEMBERS can randomly place their opinions,,, was supposed to be evidence of WHAT exactly? High density as usual! You said he didn't say anything about 'Whites' and yet in black and white on TWO OPPOSING SITES showing the SAME WORDS and here you are perpetuating fallacious arguments and counter arguments! I am arguing with a kindergartener! And Artlo, if people who harbor such ill sentiments as Mr. Schilling did "behind the scenes" and in the public eye claims to be fair and balanced is a liar and also a hypocrite. For him to be in a position to feed only his world view to people through the media they present makes him an instrument of propaganda, not news! That means he single handedly changed NPR from meaning National Public Radio to National Propaganda Radio. Now I see NPR is doing an azzload of damage control so even they seen Mr. Schilling's comments for what they were. So you and Msharmony are ganging up on me? FUN SHITTE! So now we go from, "You don't agree with us you are a racist," to "That's not what I see and you are wrong." I don't mind liberals who keep in mind money does not grow on trees. I do mind however Victimcrats and liberals who are out to save everyone and they know what is best for us all and they are so much smarter than the rest of us. So let me spell this out, you want to do intellectual battle with me, well, ![]() ![]() ![]() well, I wont speak on intellect here, but reading comprehension would work what I said was, your QUOTE(which implies a DIRECT statement made from someone else) was never said in that segment I am really not interested in BATTLES and , as the teens say 'owning people', thats more the style of yourself and folks like Charlie Sheen IM simply in an opinion forum, stating an opinion, as respectfully as I can (for as long as I can) And this means what? How does this pertain to the argument at hand? A side tangent? You proffer logic when it fallaciously suits you? I took Critical Reasoning in college. Please... Now it becomes an opinion? You are free to state your opinion. Be ready to have others dissect it! life under the microscope is not pretty. I have my fallacious moments but not as many as others I am arguing with! I can see the lack of civility within our own. We hide behind a pretense of culture all the wile a dark evil monster lurks within all of us! Right now America is the equivalent of Rome POST Julius Caesar without the senators carrying swords. These days they hire people to do their dirty work! I would bet money if Obama did cross certain lines he would get killed in a gruesome way by the very people he is suppose dot be in charge of. He is not a respectable leader! That is my opinion. Now couple that with his actions like TARP, and a host of other BS he has pulled and I now am stating an observation. By the time he ends his term as president history will prove me right! See, no fallacy here! ![]() ![]() Question: How does this pertain to the argument at hand? no its not a side tangent,, it pertains in the following manner your previous post to me stated,,, 'You said he didn't say anything about 'Whites' ' my RESPONSE Was 'what I said was, your QUOTE(which implies a DIRECT statement made from someone else) was never said in that segment ' the rest of my response is just an expression of my preference of debate style, which MOST of the time is that of using logic instead of alot of personal self stroking and teenish exclamations,,, |
You must spend some time trying to find holes in my arguments! First of all "Inflammatory" is perfectly applicable. Secondly many share the opinion his remarks were in deed "Reverse Racist."
Secondly on public record NPR cannot cite negative reasons for allowing Mr. Schiller to depart NPR. There are labor laws against that. So they candy coat their public address. But now you are Mr. Literal? Typical... And when speculative logic is used speculative results is what you are going to get. Pure logic is hard. Now what is even more difficult is to find how some distorted logic can apply to a situation. Mr. Schiller was caught issuing provocative statements. Provocative enough to piss off a lot of people. Logically he was offered to retire or be fired becasue NPR has an image to protect. Now if his comments were borderline enough to be construed as racist well guess what, the rabid dogs are loose, people are getting bitten, and now we have another god damn epidemic on our hands! So do you live by the saying, "it is only wrong if someone catches you doing wrong?" Betcha do. Its only logical now isn't it? ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 03/12/11 05:57 PM
NPR statement about Juan Williams dismissal
' "His remarks on The O'Reilly Factor this past Monday were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR," about schiller 'Ron Schiller's remarks are contrary to what NPR stands for and deeply distressing to reporters, editors and others who bring fairness, civility and respect for a wide variety of viewpoints to their work every day." translation:NPR practices and standards, their reporters and editors are fair , civil , and respectful REGARDLESS of schillers or anyone elses PERSONAL opinions |
NPR statement about Juan Williams dismissal ' "His remarks on The O'Reilly Factor this past Monday were inconsistent with our editorial standards and practices, and undermined his credibility as a news analyst with NPR," about schiller 'Ron Schiller's remarks are contrary to what NPR stands for and deeply distressing to reporters, editors and others who bring fairness, civility and respect for a wide variety of viewpoints to their work every day." translation:NPR practices and standards, their reporters and editors are fair , civil , and respectful REGARDLESS of schillers or anyone elses PERSONAL opinions SO THERE IT IS ARTLO! HE DID SHOOT HIS MOUTH OFF! HIS REMARKS COULD BE CONSTRUED AS RACIST! Thank you msharmony! "HIS REMARKS WERE CONTRARY FOR WHAT NPR STANDS FOR!" As you were saying? How do you wish to spin this? "I don't see it that way? Harrumph!" Mr. Schiller put his foot squarely in his mouth! And so did you! Thank you very very much. You made my night! ![]() |
Edited by
Sat 03/12/11 06:39 PM
What do you think you proved here? I concur with NPR. I do not concur with you that his remarks were racist or bigoted. Translation, NPR does not express the opinion that the Tea Party is racist. That is true. Schiller does express the opinion that the Tea is racist. In any case, Schiller's comment was not racist or bigoted. The most important part of the NPR statement is that Schiller's behavior was unprofessional. I agree with that. You haven't scored any points at all. But by all means. Spike the ball all you want.
What do you think you proved here? I concur with NPR. I do not concur with you that his remarks were racist or bigoted. Translation, NPR does not express the opinion that the Tea Party is racist. That is true. Schiller does express the opinion that the Tea is racist. In any case, Schiller's comment was not racist or bigoted. The most important part of the NPR statement is that Schiller's behavior was unprofessional. I agree with that. You haven't scored any points at all. But by all means. Spike the ball all you want. No here is where I spike the ball, Mr. Schiller's direct quote: "It's not just Islamophobic, but really xenophobic. Basically, they believe in white, middle America, gun-toting -- it's pretty scary. They're seriously racist, racist people." Here is the site I got it from just in case... And NPR's reaction:"The fraudulent organization represented in this video repeatedly pressed us to accept a $5 million check, with no strings attached, which we repeatedly refused to accept. We are appalled by the comments made by Ron Schiller in the video, which are contrary to what NPR stands for. Mr. Schiller announced last week that he is leaving NPR for another job." In other words he knew he blew it and took the easy way out for NPR to save himself and NPR any embarrassment becasue professionally he knew he was had! His comments were distasteful, rude, callous, bigoted, and racist. he accused the tea Party of wanting things "White." So how hard shall you keep kicking a dead horse? ![]() He dodges, he jukes, they pile up on him but he still MAKES THE TOUCHDOWN! The crowd goes wild! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! |
Now my problem was that he was representing them. They softly put distance between them. Like I said, I needed to see damage control and what they were going to do and what they had to say. Still I want to pay out rope to see if they hang themselves again or not. So far they have not taken the money. I am sure they would see that as a blotch on their integrity as well. Dirty money as we would say.
And yet here you are defending the bad man... he did bad and got caught. Unfortunately I have a bad feeling you think like this too! I can only speculate though at this moment. And giving Unions more power.... That is just down right brainwashed to think they are helping our situation, dare I say it, 'collectively...' I could not leave that pun alone at all. I seen it coming. I had to do it. I am not sure if I should be sorry or not... Thought about it. Not sorry! ![]() |
I have to agree with Art though, whether we agree with his statement or not,,, calling someone racist is not a racist statement.
saying someone wants things to be 'white' is calling them out on THEIR racism, not being racist either I agree, there are very xenophobic people in whatever party we see, because xenophobes are a part of america, the tea party however happens to just have their xenophobia more well publicized as you said in another thread; its not wrong if you arent caught, and they happen to have been caught and called out in public much the way Shiller was.... |
Mr. Schiller's direct quote: "It's not just Islamophobic, but really xenophobic. Basically, they believe in white, middle America, gun-toting -- it's pretty scary. They're seriously racist, racist people." No cigar. Your contention has been that Schiller's comments were racist and bigoted. Still not demonstrated., for all the same reason. You can "interpret" them that way all you want. You still lose. As it turns out, an even more authoritative source is this fro the chairman of the Board of Directors, which fired both Ronald Schiller and CEO Vivian Schiller.Dave Edwards, chairman of NPR's board, said directors came to the conclusion that the controversies under Schiller's watch had become such a distraction that she could no longer effectively lead the organization. She had told the directors that they should take the action they felt was appropriate, and Edwards said the board decided it would be best for her to depart.
Apparently, you are the only person that believes that Mr. Schiller was fired for making racist, bigoted comments.
The controversies in recent months that led to Schiller's departure have given NPR's critics opportunities to accuse it of liberal bias and to push for elimination of any federal funding for public broadcasting: Mis-characterization and fantasy interpretation seem to be quite a habit for you. |
Mr. Schiller's direct quote: "It's not just Islamophobic, but really xenophobic. Basically, they believe in white, middle America, gun-toting -- it's pretty scary. They're seriously racist, racist people." No cigar. Your contention has been that Schiller's comments were racist and bigoted. Still not demonstrated., for all the same reason. You can "interpret" them that way all you want. You still lose. As it turns out, an even more authoritative source is this fro the chairman of the Board of Directors, which fired both Ronald Schiller and CEO Vivian Schiller.Dave Edwards, chairman of NPR's board, said directors came to the conclusion that the controversies under Schiller's watch had become such a distraction that she could no longer effectively lead the organization. She had told the directors that they should take the action they felt was appropriate, and Edwards said the board decided it would be best for her to depart.
Apparently, you are the only person that believes that Mr. Schiller was fired for making racist, bigoted comments.
The controversies in recent months that led to Schiller's departure have given NPR's critics opportunities to accuse it of liberal bias and to push for elimination of any federal funding for public broadcasting: Mis-characterization and fantasy interpretation seem to be quite a habit for you. And you come off as a narcissistic know it all. That is a habit of yours! There is what people say on TV and what happens behind closed doors. Now for funding of public broadcasting, someone has to prioritize government spending and Public broadcasting is not so critical to America that it can't be cut. likewise they also tend to spend a lot of time raising money Themselves. The fact is we have to make cuts somewhere and non critical services are the FIRST Thing to get it! Personally I don't like the idea of public broadcasting getting cut but if it does it may be necessary. If you got a good idea to save them submit it. You are just using this issue to placate your ideals and get pissed off when we don't see your ideals having any good effect on a bad situation. Again all you do is parrot other liberals' bad ideas. So what I am making interpretations. Others see how I seer things, others don't. But again you kick a dead horse pretty good. Nice little side tangents but again you fall short. When you can finally pin me down I will concede but for now how do my tail lights look in this race? Hope my dust isn't choking you. |
I have to agree with Art though, whether we agree with his statement or not,,, calling someone racist is not a racist statement. saying someone wants things to be 'white' is calling them out on THEIR racism, not being racist either I agree, there are very xenophobic people in whatever party we see, because xenophobes are a part of america, the tea party however happens to just have their xenophobia more well publicized as you said in another thread; its not wrong if you arent caught, and they happen to have been caught and called out in public much the way Shiller was.... And have you forgotten the saying, the pot calling the kettle black? Well, Mr. Schiller was the pot. |
Edited by
Sun 03/13/11 09:11 PM
And you come off as a narcissistic know it all. That is a habit of yours! I'm willing to bear that cross.
I have to agree with Art though, whether we agree with his statement or not,,, calling someone racist is not a racist statement. saying someone wants things to be 'white' is calling them out on THEIR racism, not being racist either I agree, there are very xenophobic people in whatever party we see, because xenophobes are a part of america, the tea party however happens to just have their xenophobia more well publicized as you said in another thread; its not wrong if you arent caught, and they happen to have been caught and called out in public much the way Shiller was.... And have you forgotten the saying, the pot calling the kettle black? Well, Mr. Schiller was the pot. from wiki The phrase "The pot calling the kettle black" is an idiom used to accuse a person of being guilty of the very thing they are pointing out what, EXACTLy , is mr shilller guilty of that he 'accused' someone else of doing? |