Maybe its the 'old fashion girl' in me, but I dont think its very classy to not try and look your best. I'm not talking about acting fake, just about making a good first impression on your first face-to-face meeting.
I went on a blind date with a guy who I had been talking to on the phone. I cut work early, did my hair, wore my best casual. He had told me that he had the day off and would be early, so I got to the rendevous even earlier. He showed up in a sweat suit, unshaven face, dirty hair, and flip-flops. How important are first impressions to you, when meeting face to face? |
The casual look as fine, as long as they don't look like a slob, the well groomed look like they take care of themselves is a big winner for me.
Biatch better be stylin when we meet.
I would like to see that he, at the least, cared enough to look good in front of me during our very first meeting.
the way she looks when i first meet her lets me know how to treat her. if i run into some lady while out and about, then sweats it is. thing is if this kitty knows i'm coming to pick her up, than it's a sure thing that she knows where i plan to take her. dress accordingly