Topic: Do You Like Your Internet?
no photo
Fri 02/18/11 11:40 AM
House GOPs today passed an amendment that could prevent the FCC from enforcing Net Neutrality regulations. This would give the internet over to control by the internet providers to slice up, bundle and discriminate between websites as they wish.

You could see some interesting developments. You may have a favorite website that can't afford to pay the providers' protection money downloading slower than sludge, while a website sponsored by, say, The American Chamber of Commerce sails right through. Do you like the way your TV packages are bundled together? You could see something like that for websites.

InvictusV's photo
Fri 02/18/11 11:46 AM

House GOPs today passed an amendment that could prevent the FCC from enforcing Net Neutrality regulations. This would give the internet over to control by the internet providers to slice up, bundle and discriminate between websites as they wish.

You could see some interesting developments. You may have a favorite website that can't afford to pay the providers' protection money downloading slower than sludge, while a website sponsored by, say, The American Chamber of Commerce sails right through. Do you like the way your TV packages are bundled together? You could see something like that for websites.

More government regulation...

The fastest and most effective way to destroy something that works fine just the way it is..

no photo
Fri 02/18/11 12:05 PM
More government regulation...

The fastest and most effective way to destroy something that works fine just the way it is..
So you're saying that you DON'T want Net Neutrality . . .

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/18/11 01:50 PM
So , would i like internet to be like cell phones,,,,,restrictions based upon contracts ?

I dont think i have thought about it much. I see both as luxuries( i still have not invested in a cell phone). Someone is going to control them one way or another.....

Chazster's photo
Fri 02/18/11 03:44 PM
Is that the only thing in the bill? If it is then I would support it.
Yes I like the Internet.
Thanks Al Gore for inventing it.

willing2's photo
Fri 02/18/11 04:05 PM
I have found, many jobs can only be applied for via internet.

The Gubament will tax air if they can get away with it. (I hear, that's what's in the works also.)slaphead


There gonna' be those Extremist Progressive Lefties come and declare more babysitting is needed. Especially if, Oblowme recommends it.slaphead slaphead rofl rofl

no photo
Fri 02/18/11 04:16 PM
Edited by artlo on Fri 02/18/11 04:22 PM
Is that the only thing in the bill?
The best way to know this is by actually reading the amendment The whole bill is worth becoming familiar. It covers several very important issues.

Thanks Al Gore for inventing it.
You do know, don't you, that nobody ever made any such claim?

rlynne's photo
Fri 02/18/11 04:26 PM
The point of government regulation in this cause is so large companies don't control what is and isn't available via the internet...opposed or against this bill the little guy won't be regulating it..we are at the disposal of either large companies or the government take your pick

msharmony's photo
Fri 02/18/11 06:21 PM

I have found, many jobs can only be applied for via internet.

The Gubament will tax air if they can get away with it. (I hear, that's what's in the works also.)slaphead


There gonna' be those Extremist Progressive Lefties come and declare more babysitting is needed. Especially if, Oblowme recommends it.slaphead slaphead rofl rofl

there is that,, unfortunately, employment HAS also gone cyber where not having a cell on internet works against ya,,,

jamesfortville's photo
Fri 02/18/11 06:48 PM
I’ve been away and now I see only one of the usual suspects has shown up to express the liberal view.

AdventureBegins's photo
Fri 02/18/11 07:59 PM
Every few months...

Or when a big liberal push is needed.

There is still one missing from the boards though...

InvictusV's photo
Sat 02/19/11 09:27 AM

More government regulation...

The fastest and most effective way to destroy something that works fine just the way it is..
So you're saying that you DON'T want Net Neutrality . . .

I don't want the government regulating the internet.

Under no circumstances...

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:27 AM

Is that the only thing in the bill?
The best way to know this is by actually reading the amendment The whole bill is worth becoming familiar. It covers several very important issues.

Thanks Al Gore for inventing it.
You do know, don't you, that nobody ever made any such claim?

Balderdash... I was watching when he did it.

'when I invented the internet...' while talking about the inventiveness of Americans...

Perhaps it was a 'misspeek' in the heat of the moment.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:31 AM

The point of government regulation in this cause is so large companies don't control what is and isn't available via the internet...opposed or against this bill the little guy won't be regulating it..we are at the disposal of either large companies or the government take your pick

the point of governmental regulation in this case was an attempt at regulation of free speach...

Or has everyone forgotton the debate that sprung up when certain Reps and Senators attempted to do it by legislation instead of 'using' federal agencies to do it by 'fiat'...

Reckon there are enough 'sound bites' from that debate to back my point.

no photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:34 AM
the point of governmental regulation in this case was an attempt at regulation of free speach...
Baloney. the point of governmental regulation in this case was to preserve net neutrality. You don't know what you're talking about.

AdventureBegins's photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:41 AM

the point of governmental regulation in this case was an attempt at regulation of free speach...
Baloney. the point of governmental regulation in this case was to preserve net neutrality. You don't know what you're talking about.

the heck if I don't...

I watched the debate.

Was partly about shutting down web sites that had 'unwelcome' bias. that was the biggest point of contention.

so instead of putting forth legislation it was attempted through a 'regulatory' agency.

Not a darn thing about 'neutrality'... and a whole lot about shutting down 'voices' that certain politicians felt were 'biased'...

and they also at the same time discussed shutting down those same voices on the Radio.

no photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:45 AM
OK, I'll amend that. I don't know what YOU'RE talking about.

heavenlyboy34's photo
Sat 02/19/11 10:58 AM
Even the "fathers of the internet" (Vint Cerf and Bob Kahn) have pointed out that net neutrality legislation will remove the incentives for any company to build-out a next generation infrastructure.

In my experience, the pro-net neutrality argument is just that people shouldn't have to follow the same economic principles that anyone else does (problems of scarcity, supply/demand, etc). The only effect of NN would be to make the webbernets slower and crappier. tongue2

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/19/11 01:14 PM

Is that the only thing in the bill?
The best way to know this is by actually reading the amendment The whole bill is worth becoming familiar. It covers several very important issues.

Thanks Al Gore for inventing it.
You do know, don't you, that nobody ever made any such claim?

Balderdash... I was watching when he did it.

'when I invented the internet...' while talking about the inventiveness of Americans...

Perhaps it was a 'misspeek' in the heat of the moment.