Topic: Love Notes - part 2 | |
To Derek again:
I'm done my emotional processing of you. That wasn't too bad. Thank you for getting engaged. It helped me process more quickly. Now if we can just finish off our property ownership issues, we can be out of each others' lives. Please let us proceed with that. |
To all my fellow minglers on the forums--- I love you, Thanks for being there to fill my nights when I was single and looking.
To my guy-- thanks for all the late night/ all night talks--I Love you, and can;t wait to see what the future holds. To my Soon to be exhusband-- thanks for nothing EXCEPT getting the he11 out of my life. Now if you could only take a few moments every day out of your partying single lifestule to call your five year old son and tell him goodnight, or ask how school was. I might actually like you again. |
Multi message tonight.
Derek. It still hurts just a bit. Chuck. You know it's not right. We're supposed to be friends. Bruce. Ditto. The best of friends. Luke. Did you really want a chance? I don't understand. Michael. I don't understand what the problem is. Let's dig and talk. Thomas. I miss you sometimes. Kirk. I need to see you very soon. I need to know. David. That stolen kiss tonight was f*ucking hot. Mmmm. If I forgot anyone, I apologize. :lol: I love you all in different ways. And even though it won't work with any of you (with a few possible exceptions) for whatever reason, I still loved all parts of you. I don't understand how love can not be all accepting. Love is depth within yourself. It's this passion inside. It's a fire in your heart, a warming fire like an old wood stove. It's the freedom to surrender to what is, to allow your soul to be naked. Your soul. It's the freedom to be yourself, who you really are, who you are when you're alone. It's the freedom to allow yourself to speak only the truth at all times, and for no other reason than it's the right f*ucking thing to do. It's the freedom to openly communicate your most intimate thoughts and feelings without fear of a negative response because you know you will be heard and not judged. Love is comfortable. It's being in the same room in separate worlds. And enjoying it. It's safe. Like your grandpop's chair or your grandmom's lotion. Being in love is like being in a bubble with your love. You are both cushioned from the evils and pains of the outside world by the positive energy created by the love existent betwixt you. I've never had that. I've thought I've had it, but it was bubble wrap and got popped. Love is like home. And I've never really had a home either. But I'm working on it now. And maybe when I make my home and have my home, I will have that love. And maybe I won't. But hey, it's a nice thought and it IS possible. I have so much love in my heart to give. And I give my love freely when there is a connection. And you all are/were connections. I guess that's it. It's getting really early and I'm getting tired. |
Lots of processing, good stuff. The bitterness is decreasing. I'm overflowing with love though and I want to find someone who will appreciate me and all I have to offer.
Lots of processing, good stuff. The bitterness is decreasing. I'm overflowing with love though and I want to find someone who will appreciate me and all I have to offer.
this thread is a neat idea dina
love note: thank you for your time I didn't mean to take so much of it and dsitract you and make you lose your papers and be late and forget your notebook and coat and I still have the case to your device if u want it don't blame u for being mad and it's not a love note like I'm in love with you note but a love note like - hey - we're friends - I spent a while morning looking for that case...and then I did finally find it when I moved OMG - Oh yeah, I moved well luv ya, in my way anyway |
I always loved this thread too! Love notes can be anything really. They can even be angry. LOL
Mine for today: I was not expecting that response from you. Thank you so much. I really feel like you understand me and accept me. That means so much to me. I needed to hear those words. Everything will be fine now. With me at least. We'll see how the rest of it goes. ![]() |
Edited by
Wed 03/30/11 09:38 PM
To the ex boyfriend:I can't believe the choices you made while here with me. I gave you a chance to start new, and you just couldn't stop the old ways. My family has been there for me always. And I can't choose someone I can't trust over them. So I hope you enjoy your old life. You made me make this decision with your callous actions. I hope you enjoy your old life. Because I don;t think you can change enough to start a new one, At least not with someone like me. And FYI I actually did love you until the night you crossed over from dominant to domineering. Thats the night you sealed your fate. I know I broke your heart, But thats what happens when you break mine through your actions. If actions don;t match the words mean nothing.
I'm done all of my processing, I think. I feel at peace. You all can be in my past now and I'm ready to move forward. This feels so good. It's time for me to live at last!
When the week began I didn't even know you existed and by weeks end I am excited to see you again.
It amazes me. After all the jerks and egomaniacs finally a man who is confident in who he is, has a wonderful sense of humor and is smart enough to recognize the wonderful qualities in me and overlook the not so wonderful. M.G. I'm glad you are persistent and that I finally responded to your email barrage ![]() ![]() |
kelly oh you are so fine, I do really wish that you were still mine. Each day that passes I miss you more and more. I wish you were laid in my arms at night again and I could give you a long kiss goodnight. love you loads baby xxx
I understand the why's, yet i am still processing all the whats.
Time will heal this weary soul, will the space between us ever be healed. |
I miss talking to you. It's been at least a couple months and I still wonder what happened. I don't like that I had a dream last night where you were actually talking to me again.
Edited by
Wed 04/06/11 01:27 PM
Having learned from previous experience, I cannot name the woman this is for, but when she reads it, she will know it is for her. We all must learn from the things we have done wrong.
I am human. I make mistakes. But sometimes the greatest mistake is in response to what we falsely perceive. To admit that mistake, to make amends and to accept it, can be overwhelming, but that is only pride and fear. Digging past the layers of self-conscience, I found the truth I was looking for. The truth which I knew I must own rather than reject. And when I did, I learned about myself. I learned what I gave up, what I missed, what I wanted....what is best for me. Most of all, I learned to stop and listen. I am glad you are back in my life. You hear it in my voice. You bring it up in conversation. You know I am not lying. I do not deserve you. But in your voice, I hear a reflection of my own happiness. I feel relief. I feel contentment. I feel balanced. I feel....loved. Perhaps that is what was wrong: a sense of entitlement....taking it for granted. Now I have to fight for it....prove my worth. You gave me a second chance. Everyday I have to fight for that little bit of truth I found because I never want to take you for granted again. I have been humbled....but also I have found....happiness. |