Topic: I never thought I would agree with Harry Reid, but
boredinaz06's photo
Wed 01/19/11 11:44 AM
I agree with him on this one!

Several Nevada casino companies have started earning a larger chunk of income from China than Las Vegas but that didn't stop the state's senior senator -- U.S. Majority Leader Harry Reid -- from describing China's president as a "dictator" during a discussion Tuesday on Senate Democratic objectives for the 112th Congress.

Chinese President Hu Jintao, who is also general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and therefore has powers bestowed on him by the National People's Congress, is in Washington for an official state visit hosted by President Obama. As head of state, Hu is the face of the nation's movement toward market-oriented, but state-controlled economic policies.

Reid, who represents a state that relies on the revenues of its primary industry -- gaming tourism, smilingly retreated from the characterization nearly as soon as the words left his mouth Tuesday. Still, that's what came out in an interview with "Face to Face" host Jon Ralston, who is also a columnist for "The Las Vegas Sun."

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willing2's photo
Wed 01/19/11 12:04 PM
Edited by willing2 on Wed 01/19/11 12:12 PM
China's human rights offenses have been news for years.

One day Hill-o-beans was blasting China in a speech to a Chinese women's org.

Next day, she's huggin' up to and kissin' the oppressors buttt.

Remember the saying,"I'd rather be dead than Red?"

Still great advise not to trust them.

I, personally believe, we shouldn't be doing "Gov." business with them.

Private enterprise's can do as they wish.

Lpdon's photo
Wed 01/19/11 12:18 PM

I agree with him on this one!

Several Nevada casino companies have started earning a larger chunk of income from China than Las Vegas but that didn't stop the state's senior senator -- U.S. Majority Leader Harry Reid -- from describing China's president as a "dictator" during a discussion Tuesday on Senate Democratic objectives for the 112th Congress.

Chinese President Hu Jintao, who is also general secretary of the Chinese Communist Party and therefore has powers bestowed on him by the National People's Congress, is in Washington for an official state visit hosted by President Obama. As head of state, Hu is the face of the nation's movement toward market-oriented, but state-controlled economic policies.

Reid, who represents a state that relies on the revenues of its primary industry -- gaming tourism, smilingly retreated from the characterization nearly as soon as the words left his mouth Tuesday. Still, that's what came out in an interview with "Face to Face" host Jon Ralston, who is also a columnist for "The Las Vegas Sun."

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Yea, for me hell just froze over.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 01/19/11 12:57 PM
Edited by AndyBgood on Wed 01/19/11 12:57 PM
We are being sold out to China! Obama is making sure he has his place assured in the New World Order...

Lpdon's photo
Wed 01/19/11 04:16 PM
I bet Obama is on his knees right now for this guy, hopefully he remembers to wipe his chin off.

AndyBgood's photo
Wed 01/19/11 04:32 PM

I bet Obama is on his knees right now for this guy, hopefully he remembers to wipe his chin off.

That explains the sucking sounds coming from the east!

Lpdon's photo
Wed 01/19/11 05:05 PM

I bet Obama is on his knees right now for this guy, hopefully he remembers to wipe his chin off.

That explains the sucking sounds coming from the east!

Well he is Bi-Sexual.

willing2's photo
Wed 01/19/11 05:09 PM
Don't forget the tons of toxic Sheetrock that China recalled.

Fanta46's photo
Wed 01/19/11 08:51 PM

China's human rights offenses have been news for years.

One day Hill-o-beans was blasting China in a speech to a Chinese women's org.

Next day, she's huggin' up to and kissin' the oppressors buttt.

Remember the saying,"I'd rather be dead than Red?"

Still great advise not to trust them.

I, personally believe, we shouldn't be doing "Gov." business with them.

Private enterprise's can do as they wish.

Richard Nixon, a Republican opened normal relations with China in 1971.
Since then every American President and America's Policy was to recognize the Communist Gov as China's official Gov.

Now Obama has no choice but to open his arms to them for sake of our economic meltdown.

AndyBgood's photo
Thu 01/20/11 09:54 AM

China's human rights offenses have been news for years.

One day Hill-o-beans was blasting China in a speech to a Chinese women's org.

Next day, she's huggin' up to and kissin' the oppressors buttt.

Remember the saying,"I'd rather be dead than Red?"

Still great advise not to trust them.

I, personally believe, we shouldn't be doing "Gov." business with them.

Private enterprise's can do as they wish.

Richard Nixon, a Republican opened normal relations with China in 1971.
Since then every American President and America's Policy was to recognize the Communist Gov as China's official Gov.

Now Obama has no choice but to open his arms to them for sake of our economic meltdown.

Big difference between relations and selling out! Clinton was the worst. Obama is in his footsteps.

Also Willing, you are talking about the stuff that when you got it wet would corrode pipes and emit toxic fumes??? Also Lead laden PVC was not mentioned. Likewise poisoned baby formula was not mentioned.

bedlum1's photo
Thu 01/20/11 10:08 AM
Here's where the US gets into trouble poking its nose into another countries I find how people are treated in these countries appalling? YES!
is it my place or my right to tell them how to act or live..NO!
this is why alot of countries DONT like us..our belief we are right and our egos that go with it...
It's not my culture,i don't agree with them but its their country not mine.

willing2's photo
Thu 01/20/11 12:21 PM

Here's where the US gets into trouble poking its nose into another countries I find how people are treated in these countries appalling? YES!
is it my place or my right to tell them how to act or live..NO!
this is why alot of countries DONT like us..our belief we are right and our egos that go with it...
It's not my culture,i don't agree with them but its their country not mine.

I kind of agree.
Keep our stuff here and their's over there
Same goes for any other radical crowd. Tell those Muslims to keep their BS in their country.

bedlum1's photo
Thu 01/20/11 02:11 PM

Here's where the US gets into trouble poking its nose into another countries I find how people are treated in these countries appalling? YES!
is it my place or my right to tell them how to act or live..NO!
this is why alot of countries DONT like us..our belief we are right and our egos that go with it...
It's not my culture,i don't agree with them but its their country not mine.

I kind of agree.
Keep our stuff here and their's over there
Same goes for any other radical crowd. Tell those Muslims to keep their BS in their country.

Lpdon's photo
Thu 01/20/11 03:08 PM

Here's where the US gets into trouble poking its nose into another countries I find how people are treated in these countries appalling? YES!
is it my place or my right to tell them how to act or live..NO!
this is why alot of countries DONT like us..our belief we are right and our egos that go with it...
It's not my culture,i don't agree with them but its their country not mine.

I kind of agree.
Keep our stuff here and their's over there
Same goes for any other radical crowd. Tell those Muslims to keep their BS in their country.

Like Congressman Tancredo said, if we warn the terrorists that if they hit us again we will nuke Mecca and Medina. They don't want anything to happen to their precious so called holy cities and will more then likely not hit us again and if they do they are responsible for the outcome.

AndyBgood's photo
Fri 01/21/11 10:08 AM

Here's where the US gets into trouble poking its nose into another countries I find how people are treated in these countries appalling? YES!
is it my place or my right to tell them how to act or live..NO!
this is why alot of countries DONT like us..our belief we are right and our egos that go with it...
It's not my culture,i don't agree with them but its their country not mine.

I kind of agree.
Keep our stuff here and their's over there
Same goes for any other radical crowd. Tell those Muslims to keep their BS in their country.

Like Congressman Tancredo said, if we warn the terrorists that if they hit us again we will nuke Mecca and Medina. They don't want anything to happen to their precious so called holy cities and will more then likely not hit us again and if they do they are responsible for the outcome.

Saudi Arabia would crap when they get nuked! Then again they are two faced BIGTIME! Frankly if we nail Mecca and Medina with nukes we need to go to countries like Somalia and just go postal. No prolonged invasion. We just draw a box on a map and kill everyone and everything in that area and leave just a handful of witnesses to tell what happened.

I am a firm believer in Scorched Earth! They hit us we burn their homes to the ground. And likewise say a terrorist group pulls something and say Palestinians are celebrating the attack on us in the streets? Well, four F-15s fully loaded with cluster bombs would deal with that.

We need to pull off the kid gloves and fuque some people up so they know messing with us is a BAD idea! That and the depopulation would do this planet a favor!

Fanta46's photo
Mon 01/24/11 11:09 PM
Harry ain't so bad!drinker