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Topic: more hole than what god have
killerlips's photo
Mon 01/17/11 03:23 PM
i would never talk to some one that have more hold than god gave him

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 01/17/11 03:25 PM

yellowrose10's photo
Mon 01/17/11 03:26 PM


I see your huh and raise you a spock

metalwing's photo
Mon 01/17/11 03:37 PM
Is this about hairspray?

thewaterbearer's photo
Mon 01/17/11 03:38 PM
laugh Thats what I was thinking.

Seakolony's photo
Mon 01/17/11 03:53 PM
Yep at a loss to the meaning of this post myself.......please explain the meaning of the statement.....

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/17/11 04:38 PM
I'm totally lost not that I was found but now I know I'm lost noway slaphead :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

sparkey01's photo
Mon 01/17/11 04:40 PM

I'm totally lost not that I was found but now I know I'm lost noway slaphead :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Can't help you, I don't have a clue ohwell

mssilverfox's photo
Mon 01/17/11 04:41 PM

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 01/17/11 04:50 PM
So no one has figured out this puzzle yet?

I think it means ok never mind I thought I had it but I don't... slaphead

no photo
Mon 01/17/11 04:53 PM
huh noway ummmm....welcomebigsmile

Scratcy's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:03 PM
Ok this is my take on it.............Hold meaning to regard in a certain way.

i would never talk to some one that haves more "regard" than god gave him

Hence meaning any dude that consider themselves to be above god wont ever get talked to.

mscherbear's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:06 PM
I'm thinking she means "holes" as in piercings???

Scratcy's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:09 PM

I'm thinking she means "holes" as in piercings???

ooooh i like that one

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:12 PM
Scratcy that was a good translation..

Hole, hold... Man God gave him...

Hmm or it could be

I wouldn't hold on to a man that God already gave a hole to hold onto?

Like I wouldn't take a man that was already spoken for?

Ok that was bad sorry slaphead

Goofball73's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:22 PM
Is this about butt sex? shocked

krupa's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:29 PM
People please!

Stop making douche bags out of yourselves.

This is the girl's first post. Cut her some friggen slack man. She wants a man who has a sense of the Godly.....but just didnt know to spell check her Subject title.

She may be a beautiful soul.....she may be psychotic......

at least give her a fair shot to prove herself instead of swarming her like pirhanna on a wounded spamalope.

IndnPrncs's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:35 PM
Edited by IndnPrncs on Mon 01/17/11 06:37 PM
Ok douchebag is a bit harsh there Krupa:angry:

And since when haven't you joked around newbie or not? New leaf? What'd I miss?

stefy's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:36 PM

She may be a beautiful soul.....she may be psychotic......

at least give her a fair shot to prove herself instead of swarming her like pirhanna on a wounded spamalope.

frustrated grumble :laughing:

Ruth34611's photo
Mon 01/17/11 06:36 PM

People please!

Stop making douche bags out of yourselves.

This is the girl's first post. Cut her some friggen slack man. She wants a man who has a sense of the Godly.....but just didnt know to spell check her Subject title.

She may be a beautiful soul.....she may be psychotic......

at least give her a fair shot to prove herself instead of swarming her like pirhanna on a wounded spamalope.

It is considered more humane to shoot the wounded spamalope and put it out of its misery.

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