Topic: Do you think HC should be repealed? | |
Making Insurance mandatory is not the answer. The only ones to gain from this are health care insurers, not us!
Why is it no one can see this? Why is it that all these BHLs cannot look to the successes of other nations? Is it that they have to try so hard to make their own difference instead of going with what really works? And to expand on this system? How stupid re some of these people here? Now for the BIG BIG question, where is all this money supposed to come from to pay for all this socialized medicine??? |
Making Insurance mandatory is not the answer. The only ones to gain from this are health care insurers, not us! Why is it no one can see this? Why is it that all these BHLs cannot look to the successes of other nations? Is it that they have to try so hard to make their own difference instead of going with what really works? And to expand on this system? How stupid re some of these people here? Now for the BIG BIG question, where is all this money supposed to come from to pay for all this socialized medicine??? They want to raise taxes I am sure. Be like the UK where if you make 46k-about 86k you pay 40% income tax and 50% if you make more. That being only nation income tax and there is still local on top of that. Not to mention their consumption tax is something like 17% for most things other than food. |
The HC bill should be repealed. Even if it is not formally repealed, it will self-destruct (a de facto repeal). It is simply not economically feasible. That which cannot go on, will not go on. This program will die a terrible death, just like the unsustainable and stupid occupations in the mideast.
The HC bill should be repealed. Even if it is not formally repealed, it will self-destruct (a de facto repeal). It is simply not economically feasible. That which cannot go on, will not go on. This program will die a terrible death, just like the unsustainable and stupid occupations in the mideast. I agree that this is not sustainable. I would rather it be left alone and allow it to come into full effect in 2014. When people actually see and feel what this type of policy is like firsthand, there won't be much of a fight to get it changed. I want this to be Obamas legacy.. |
The HC bill should be repealed. Even if it is not formally repealed, it will self-destruct (a de facto repeal). It is simply not economically feasible. That which cannot go on, will not go on. This program will die a terrible death, just like the unsustainable and stupid occupations in the mideast. I agree that this is not sustainable. I would rather it be left alone and allow it to come into full effect in 2014. When people actually see and feel what this type of policy is like firsthand, there won't be much of a fight to get it changed. I want this to be Obamas legacy.. But, but, it's the will of the Messiah. He don't gits appeased he be showin' ya'll that pitchfork!!! ![]() ![]() |
Making Insurance mandatory is not the answer. The only ones to gain from this are health care insurers, not us! Why is it no one can see this? Why is it that all these BHLs cannot look to the successes of other nations? Is it that they have to try so hard to make their own difference instead of going with what really works? And to expand on this system? How stupid re some of these people here? Now for the BIG BIG question, where is all this money supposed to come from to pay for all this socialized medicine??? its really not socialized medicine, it doesnt change doctors into government employees, they are still the same as they will have been otherwise, as are the hospitals the bill affects insurance and the insurance companies certainly didnt seem to support it for it to be something that is going to benefit them so much,,,, |
The HC bill should be repealed. Even if it is not formally repealed, it will self-destruct (a de facto repeal). It is simply not economically feasible. That which cannot go on, will not go on. This program will die a terrible death, just like the unsustainable and stupid occupations in the mideast. |
Read the above responses and it becomes quite apparent why polls don't provide accurate results. the responses range well outside the ability of a multiple choice array to accurately measure true 'feelings'. Polls are mearly an indicator of the range of skew the pollster has built into it by the possible choices available to those that chose to answer. |
Fanta... Read the above responses and it becomes quite apparent why polls don't provide accurate results. the responses range well outside the ability of a multiple choice array to accurately measure true 'feelings'. Polls are mearly an indicator of the range of skew the pollster has built into it by the possible choices available to those that chose to answer. good point I think peoples feelings on the issue range within what they have interpreted from the information shared with them I doubt many people actually read line by line the bill or the explanations of how each line would manifest in practice I know much of my support is from the information I have from sources I personally trust like my own doctor and my family members in the medical field,,,,all intelligent people and also I am able to reinforce what they tell me by going to the bill and reading those parts myself |
Edited by
Mon 01/17/11 05:32 PM
Fanta... Read the above responses and it becomes quite apparent why polls don't provide accurate results. the responses range well outside the ability of a multiple choice array to accurately measure true 'feelings'. Polls are mearly an indicator of the range of skew the pollster has built into it by the possible choices available to those that chose to answer. good point I think peoples feelings on the issue range within what they have interpreted from the information shared with them I doubt many people actually read line by line the bill or the explanations of how each line would manifest in practice I know much of my support is from the information I have from sources I personally trust like my own doctor and my family members in the medical field,,,,all intelligent people and also I am able to reinforce what they tell me by going to the bill and reading those parts myself ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() The ones who voted it in and the one who signed it don't know what's in it. Pelosi: we have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what is in it |
It should be repealed.
It was not passed in the manner prescribed in the constitution (it was passed without anyone reading it and there was no debate afterwords. We cannot afford it. The call that "it will not cost taxpayers more money" was false and is even costing jobs now. Massive government programs have put America in a financial mess. This program will be no different. Smaller bills which do what changes need to be made can be made quickly and not cost an arm and leg. |
Fanta... Read the above responses and it becomes quite apparent why polls don't provide accurate results. the responses range well outside the ability of a multiple choice array to accurately measure true 'feelings'. Polls are mearly an indicator of the range of skew the pollster has built into it by the possible choices available to those that chose to answer. good point I think peoples feelings on the issue range within what they have interpreted from the information shared with them I doubt many people actually read line by line the bill or the explanations of how each line would manifest in practice I know much of my support is from the information I have from sources I personally trust like my own doctor and my family members in the medical field,,,,all intelligent people and also I am able to reinforce what they tell me by going to the bill and reading those parts myself Well I have read some and also read some of what people commented about it. Like workers pointing out that taxes start now but the effects are not for 4 years. Then they said their company told them they cant afford to pay taxes of the new HC and provide current HC so for the next 4 years no HC at all. |
Fanta... Read the above responses and it becomes quite apparent why polls don't provide accurate results. the responses range well outside the ability of a multiple choice array to accurately measure true 'feelings'. Polls are mearly an indicator of the range of skew the pollster has built into it by the possible choices available to those that chose to answer. good point I think peoples feelings on the issue range within what they have interpreted from the information shared with them I doubt many people actually read line by line the bill or the explanations of how each line would manifest in practice I know much of my support is from the information I have from sources I personally trust like my own doctor and my family members in the medical field,,,,all intelligent people and also I am able to reinforce what they tell me by going to the bill and reading those parts myself Well I have read some and also read some of what people commented about it. Like workers pointing out that taxes start now but the effects are not for 4 years. Then they said their company told them they cant afford to pay taxes of the new HC and provide current HC so for the next 4 years no HC at all. I have it on good authority that companies LIE,,,(my mom worked in eeo, you would be amazed the things company CLAIM are happening to justify what they have chose to cut or whom they have chosen not to hire,,) |
Fanta... Read the above responses and it becomes quite apparent why polls don't provide accurate results. the responses range well outside the ability of a multiple choice array to accurately measure true 'feelings'. Polls are mearly an indicator of the range of skew the pollster has built into it by the possible choices available to those that chose to answer. good point I think peoples feelings on the issue range within what they have interpreted from the information shared with them I doubt many people actually read line by line the bill or the explanations of how each line would manifest in practice I know much of my support is from the information I have from sources I personally trust like my own doctor and my family members in the medical field,,,,all intelligent people and also I am able to reinforce what they tell me by going to the bill and reading those parts myself Well I have read some and also read some of what people commented about it. Like workers pointing out that taxes start now but the effects are not for 4 years. Then they said their company told them they cant afford to pay taxes of the new HC and provide current HC so for the next 4 years no HC at all. I have it on good authority that companies LIE,,,(my mom worked in eeo, you would be amazed the things company CLAIM are happening to justify what they have chose to cut or whom they have chosen not to hire,,) So, people lie too. You lie sometimes. Its natural. I dont assume what you say is a lie though so don't assume this is. I am only stating what I have read but I can see how doubling up on HC costs could cause problems in a company none the less. |
The HC bill should be repealed. Even if it is not formally repealed, it will self-destruct (a de facto repeal). It is simply not economically feasible. That which cannot go on, will not go on. This program will die a terrible death, just like the unsustainable and stupid occupations in the mideast. I agree that this is not sustainable. I would rather it be left alone and allow it to come into full effect in 2014. When people actually see and feel what this type of policy is like firsthand, there won't be much of a fight to get it changed. I want this to be Obamas legacy.. But, but, it's the will of the Messiah. He don't gits appeased he be showin' ya'll that pitchfork!!! ![]() ![]() Actually it was the will of Congress. Obama wanted all taken care of with a universal type health care. |
It should stay and be expanded on. Because Americans shouldn't go without healthcare. Here's the thing with this, and I say this with all due respect. You are assuming that this government actually gives a care about our health, when really they don't. If they really truly did, all the crap allowed into the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food that we eat would never have been allowed to be there. These are the things that are causing a lot of the health problems we now have. Take those things away and suddenly the body can become much healthier in a more natural state, but they don't wish this. That leads me into my second point with regards to this healthcare bill. It is not about health at all, but rather more control over it and how we are to take care of ourselves. It is a power grab more than anything else and will remove even more rights from us to be able to treat our problems as we choose to. Why should people be forced to buy healthcare that they may not want, need or in some cases even afford? Is that freedom when you have no choice? Furthermore, if the government is deciding what kind of care you get and how much, you are effectively putting your life into their hands. In doing so, you give away your own right to take care of yourself how you want to. This is the entire goal of the healthcare bill. It might seem good on the surface, but if you go deeper into it you will find that much like everything else in government, it isn't what it appears to be. I have read the bill or a good part of it anyway and it is what it seems to be. I even understand the healthcare tax with a person's income tax. If that person has no insurance and gets in a major car accident and end up in the hospital under the healthcare bill they get care as if they paid into it so they need to pay into it. |
It should stay and be expanded on. Because Americans shouldn't go without healthcare. Here's the thing with this, and I say this with all due respect. You are assuming that this government actually gives a care about our health, when really they don't. If they really truly did, all the crap allowed into the air we breathe, the water we drink, and the food that we eat would never have been allowed to be there. These are the things that are causing a lot of the health problems we now have. Take those things away and suddenly the body can become much healthier in a more natural state, but they don't wish this. That leads me into my second point with regards to this healthcare bill. It is not about health at all, but rather more control over it and how we are to take care of ourselves. It is a power grab more than anything else and will remove even more rights from us to be able to treat our problems as we choose to. Why should people be forced to buy healthcare that they may not want, need or in some cases even afford? Is that freedom when you have no choice? Furthermore, if the government is deciding what kind of care you get and how much, you are effectively putting your life into their hands. In doing so, you give away your own right to take care of yourself how you want to. This is the entire goal of the healthcare bill. It might seem good on the surface, but if you go deeper into it you will find that much like everything else in government, it isn't what it appears to be. I have read the bill or a good part of it anyway and it is what it seems to be. I even understand the healthcare tax with a person's income tax. If that person has no insurance and gets in a major car accident and end up in the hospital under the healthcare bill they get care as if they paid into it so they need to pay into it. Expenses will overcome outgo. It will need to be 'cut' (or taxes raised) every 4 years. DO THE MATH. it doesnt add up. (YEP I read it also). There are many high probability 'unforseen' consequences lurking within its massive framework. Worst one I can see... National disaster would deplete the fund requiring sudden 'crisis' ammendants to either raise taxes or 'steal' money from other programs. |
Reading just a bit of the bill doesn't justify passing the bill.
Chazster Has A Flavor!
Reading just a bit of the bill doesn't justify passing the bill. Neither Congress or the Senate read any of the bills they vote on. What they actually do is have one of their many 'assistants' check it over to make sure they get their 'cut' of funds, or their 'portion' of it is included. IF they did not get a 'cut'. The step into a 'meeting' with someone they think can get such a 'cut' implemented into the bill. If they had a 'portion' written in the 'meet' to make sure that portion will slide through the chambers. They vote on it based upon what their 'assistants' recommend or what their party requires. WE have not been represented in this broken system for quite some time. |