Topic: Do you consider...
TweetyLover's photo
Sat 01/15/11 09:52 PM
having a threesome with someone is cheating? Better yet, what would you do or how would you feel if your lover left you for the other party of the threesome?:cry:

MsCarmen's photo
Sat 01/15/11 09:57 PM
If all parties consented, then I don't think it could be considered cheating.

And if he left me for the third party, well let's just say I'd give him a really good farewell present! ;)

mightymoe's photo
Sat 01/15/11 10:01 PM
bad decision making 101...maybe you should leave your partner out of 3 ways?

Okami04's photo
Sat 01/15/11 10:07 PM
3 ways are not really cheating if thats what your into but I dont reccomend it its bad mojo no beuno

When a guy is in that situation he uses one head and it;s not the thinking one he just does his gf is sitting back watching him enjoy another girl and she thinks does he enjoy her more and that creates problem

Ruth34611's photo
Sat 01/15/11 10:08 PM

bad decision making 101

Exactly. It's a recipe for disaster.

Thorb's photo
Sun 01/16/11 08:15 AM
I think it takes a special head space for anything like that to work for them leaving for the other person.... almost to be expected ... but it most likely won't last either.

3ways are for non committed people more than for committed couples ... unless the couple has a very special kink.

no photo
Mon 01/17/11 08:51 AM

bad decision making 101

Exactly. It's a recipe for disaster.
Is that an opinion or derived from experience? Just asking....

Ladylid2012's photo
Mon 01/17/11 08:57 AM
why on earth would someone want a 3rd person in their relationship...
if the sex is that bad, get some books, google or something

no photo
Mon 01/17/11 08:59 AM

why on earth would someone want a 3rd person in their relationship...
if the sex is that bad, get some books, google or something
I like the joke.... Bad thing about a threesome is you can now piss off 2 women at one time... laugh

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/17/11 11:57 AM
For those that choose to go that route they can not very well call it cheating if they agreed to it and wanted it. And if their partner runs off with the other person they have no right in my eyes to get pissed off for they should have realized what could happen in the process...slaphead

Now would I do it or have I done it HELL NOooooooooooo for if they can keep me satisfied then I assure ya they are satisfied as well.whoa

no photo
Mon 01/17/11 12:06 PM

For those that choose to go that route they can no very well call it cheating if they agreed to it and wanted it. And if their partner runs off with the other person they have not right in my eyes to get pissed off for they should have realized what could happen in the process...slaphead

Now would I do it or have I done it HELL NOooooooooooo for if they can keep me satisfied then I assure ya they are satisfied as well.whoa

oh so you want satisfaction eh...

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 01/17/11 12:12 PM
Hahahah I said satisfaction not be poked to deathslaphead rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl