Topic: The Wrath of Fools: An Open Letter to the Far Right | |
A nation of trust issues! Under God Indivisible,, with liberty and misrepresentation for all! She voted against her constituencies vast Majority belief. And some mentally challenged person takes it upon themselves to do her in? And how is that any different when John Lennon was killed by a deranged fan who thought he was becoming too perfect and like God he had to be stopped? Hell, how about the guy recently who went crazy in Europe with a longsword? And then there was that guy in Texas who took a Katana (Ninja or Samurai Sword depending on how you view the blade...) and was fighting demons (in his own mind) in front of a store. At least he didn't manage to hurt anyone but the guy with eth long sword DID! How about when the son of the President of Capital Records drove a Cadillac Convertible into a bus stop full of people and jumped out and began brawling with people screaming he was the Son of the Devil? Now let us digress to the possibility this person was really a lot saner than people give him credit for. Let us assume he wanted to make a statement about politicians who he felt abused his trust. I would say he managed to make one hell of a statement. What is more tragic about this than anything else was innocent people got caught in the attack. He was so eager to get his target he was going to go through anyone between him and his quarry. He almost got her. Our political officials believe themselves so insular from the real world the rest of us face that when one of them comes out of their ivory tower and they get hurt and killed suddenly everyone is surprised? America is in a state of turmoil that is approaching the levels of the French Revolution Circa 1600 something AD. So far our government has been trying to appease the masses WITH cake. Seals get pissed off when you don't toss them fish and they stop applauding. I think this will be more inductive of people when they begin to feel their back is shoved against a wall. They will make a personal crusade the politicians will try to take out on all of us somehow. I think the saddest thing is how gin control is rearing its head AGAIN. If there were more guns out there I bet the attacker would have been a lot more hesitant to act. Frankly Arizona is a State where Sub Machine gun ownership is legal. If he was armed with a Uzi it would have been real bad and more innocent casualties would have been caught up in this. All I can say is public service has its risks. Welcome to the real world! Oh, BTW... If the elected officials kept voting against popular opinion they are bound to piss someone off bad enough to get shot at. Who is to say he is the only one to want her dead? He might have been the one with big enough balls to take the first shot of the loonies out there! Where you find one loony you are bound to find more!!! You are right there are whole slew of loonies listening to the hatemongering of the right and getting more dangerous by the day. Correction, hate mongering on both sides. Outside of the shooter's political affiliations he acted alone, he was not a prog (programmed person) of the GOP sent by Sarah Palin to shoot anyone who got in her way. Like I said before people in the public eye are in particular danger for a host of reasons. John Lennon's killer was a Democrat was he not? All of our government is the failure and people refusing to see the seeds of this anger for what it is, BOTH PARTIES PLAYING ON PEOPLES' BELIEFS, VIEWS, AND EMOTIONS TO GARNER VOTES FOR THEIR POWER! THANK YOU FOR NOTICING! |
Who was it that started feeling the need to carry guns to political rallies? Hey! That is a great idea! That should keep politicians honest! Thanks Fanta!!!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Well, after an incident like this, I too would carry a gun to a political rally....for self protection!!
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