Topic: The Wrath of Fools: An Open Letter to the Far Right | |
A nation of trust issues! Under God Indivisible,, with liberty and misrepresentation for all!
She voted against her constituencies vast Majority belief. And some mentally challenged person takes it upon themselves to do her in? And how is that any different when John Lennon was killed by a deranged fan who thought he was becoming too perfect and like God he had to be stopped? Hell, how about the guy recently who went crazy in Europe with a longsword? And then there was that guy in Texas who took a Katana (Ninja or Samurai Sword depending on how you view the blade...) and was fighting demons (in his own mind) in front of a store. At least he didn't manage to hurt anyone but the guy with eth long sword DID! How about when the son of the President of Capital Records drove a Cadillac Convertible into a bus stop full of people and jumped out and began brawling with people screaming he was the Son of the Devil? Now let us digress to the possibility this person was really a lot saner than people give him credit for. Let us assume he wanted to make a statement about politicians who he felt abused his trust. I would say he managed to make one hell of a statement. What is more tragic about this than anything else was innocent people got caught in the attack. He was so eager to get his target he was going to go through anyone between him and his quarry. He almost got her. Our political officials believe themselves so insular from the real world the rest of us face that when one of them comes out of their ivory tower and they get hurt and killed suddenly everyone is surprised? America is in a state of turmoil that is approaching the levels of the French Revolution Circa 1600 something AD. So far our government has been trying to appease the masses WITH cake. Seals get pissed off when you don't toss them fish and they stop applauding. I think this will be more inductive of people when they begin to feel their back is shoved against a wall. They will make a personal crusade the politicians will try to take out on all of us somehow. I think the saddest thing is how gin control is rearing its head AGAIN. If there were more guns out there I bet the attacker would have been a lot more hesitant to act. Frankly Arizona is a State where Sub Machine gun ownership is legal. If he was armed with a Uzi it would have been real bad and more innocent casualties would have been caught up in this. All I can say is public service has its risks. Welcome to the real world! Oh, BTW... If the elected officials kept voting against popular opinion they are bound to piss someone off bad enough to get shot at. Who is to say he is the only one to want her dead? He might have been the one with big enough balls to take the first shot of the loonies out there! Where you find one loony you are bound to find more!!! |
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” — President B Hussein Obama Get out there and “punish our enemies” — President B Hussein Obama “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!” — President B Hussein Obama “Punch back twice as hard.” — President B Hussein Obama I want to know “whose *** to kick” — President B Hussein Obama “…I’m itching for a fight.” — President B Hussein Obama If only the president would have meant any of that towards the Right.. I sure wish he would have been more like that when it came to fighting for what he got voted in on. ![]() ![]() So you approve of violent rhetoric, when it comes from you ideological allies? Not surprising in the least. |
Not the same! Let me post the article so others can judge, My CongressWOMAN voted against Nancy Pelosi! And is now DEAD to me! by BoyBlue Thu Jan 06, 2011 at 11:07:17 AM PST I am from the Tucson area and live in Congresswoman, Gabrielle Giffords' district. I worked like a dog for her elections when she was in the Arizona House, surrounded by rightwing nutcases. When Arizona re-districted in 2002, a seat opened up and she was right smack in the middle of it. So was I because I live in Oro Valley, Arizona, which is at the heart of that - then - new CD. I was one of several people to talk her into running and pledging complete loyalty and pledging to raise as much money as possible for her. She ended up running for the first time against a fellow AZ House member, Randy Graf who was a rightwing whacko who advocated guns in bars and was the "Russell Pearce before Russell Pearce" vis-a-vis border issues. With a LOT of hard work and plenty of money, Gabby won. Easier than thought, too. I never like to throw money in people's faces, but i have given Gabrielle Giffords THOUSANDS and THOUSANDS of dollars in both good times and bad times for me financially. BoyBlue's diary :: :: Fast forward to this election season. A weirdo ******* named Jesse Kelly who advocated ELIMINATING Social Security and was a tea bagger favorite got the GOP nom to run against her. I am gay and had been married and my spouse left me January 15, 2010. I shot myself in the mouth in a serious suicide attempt, because of that. Barely surviving, I spent two months in the hospital and still have some paralysis. I did receive a severance from my employer, as i had been laid off in December, 2009. That may have been part of the reason my spouse left me. Anyway, after months of physical and mental rehab, I got back into the political scene and started working for Gabby once again. I raised over $100,000 for her and maxed her out myself out of my severance, even though i still don't have work and could not qualify for state aid because of my severance. She wins her re-election and told me she was still a supporter of Speaker Pelosi at her victory party. We talked about how Nancy Pelosi was a successful woman and accomplished oh so much in just four years as Speaker. Today, just a little while ago, I saw on Andrea Mitchell Reports (out of the one eye in can still see out of) that Giffords voted AGAINST Nancy Pelosi as our Minority Leader. Rhetorical question: I fought back from my condition and jumped in with both feet to help Gabrielle Giffords for THIS ****??? Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords is dead to me now. I won't lift a finger, make one phone call, nor will i EVER vote for her in the future. And why did she do this? Giffords never told me she was conservative Democrat. And her voting record is okay. Damn. Yeah, because I only posted one link. ![]() ![]() |
I see more retardedness on behalf of the classless left. Blind or just biased? |
I think the left is doing this because they are afraid that the country might find some unity in all this so they are inciting hate by the nonsense they are spreading to further divide the country. |
Really threatening. I can see the similarity to, "Reload!" NOT! ![]() |
OOoooo,,,, Really threatening. I can see the similarity to, "Reload!" NOT! ![]() So your argument is that Sarah Palin said "Reload"? The President has said worse than that! You are gonna have to do better. |
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” — President B Hussein Obama Get out there and “punish our enemies” — President B Hussein Obama “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!” — President B Hussein Obama “Punch back twice as hard.” — President B Hussein Obama I want to know “whose *** to kick” — President B Hussein Obama “…I’m itching for a fight.” — President B Hussein Obama If only the president would have meant any of that towards the Right.. I sure wish he would have been more like that when it came to fighting for what he got voted in on. ![]() ![]() So you approve of violent rhetoric, when it comes from you ideological allies? Not surprising in the least. You call that violent? And who was he speaking of? It sure wasn't the sick delusional non patriotic hatemongering fearmongering right wing of this nation. |
I see more retardedness on behalf of the classless left. Blind or just biased? I would guess you are both. |
“If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun.” — President B Hussein Obama Get out there and “punish our enemies” — President B Hussein Obama “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry! I’m angry!” — President B Hussein Obama “Punch back twice as hard.” — President B Hussein Obama I want to know “whose *** to kick” — President B Hussein Obama “…I’m itching for a fight.” — President B Hussein Obama If only the president would have meant any of that towards the Right.. I sure wish he would have been more like that when it came to fighting for what he got voted in on. ![]() ![]() So you approve of violent rhetoric, when it comes from you ideological allies? Not surprising in the least. You call that violent? And who was he speaking of? It sure wasn't the sick delusional non patriotic hatemongering fearmongering right wing of this nation. Just like you said, you are blind and biased. Good call on that one, it's probably the only thing we agree on. |
OOoooo,,,, Really threatening. I can see the similarity to, "Reload!" NOT! ![]() So your argument is that Sarah Palin said "Reload"? The President has said worse than that! You are gonna have to do better. Sarah did far worse than reload ![]() |
Nice work on the making of links. Too bad it isn't very informative to what was asked. ![]() Can't deal with the fact that your side is a bunch of violent racist, sexist losers? Go QQ to someone else. You mean right wingers right? Cause that is who you described. I don't have to go anywhere in my thread. Yeah, the people main leftists who have posted in here are both flaming racists, but I have to be talking about right wingers. ![]() |
OOoooo,,,, Really threatening. I can see the similarity to, "Reload!" NOT! ![]() So your argument is that Sarah Palin said "Reload"? The President has said worse than that! You are gonna have to do better. Sarah did far worse than reload ![]() What's that, not abort her downs syndrome baby? I'm really not clear on what you guys view as good or bad. Killing animals = bad, killing babies = good...Sorry, I can't understand your morality or way of thinking. |
A nation of trust issues! Under God Indivisible,, with liberty and misrepresentation for all! She voted against her constituencies vast Majority belief. And some mentally challenged person takes it upon themselves to do her in? And how is that any different when John Lennon was killed by a deranged fan who thought he was becoming too perfect and like God he had to be stopped? Hell, how about the guy recently who went crazy in Europe with a longsword? And then there was that guy in Texas who took a Katana (Ninja or Samurai Sword depending on how you view the blade...) and was fighting demons (in his own mind) in front of a store. At least he didn't manage to hurt anyone but the guy with eth long sword DID! How about when the son of the President of Capital Records drove a Cadillac Convertible into a bus stop full of people and jumped out and began brawling with people screaming he was the Son of the Devil? Now let us digress to the possibility this person was really a lot saner than people give him credit for. Let us assume he wanted to make a statement about politicians who he felt abused his trust. I would say he managed to make one hell of a statement. What is more tragic about this than anything else was innocent people got caught in the attack. He was so eager to get his target he was going to go through anyone between him and his quarry. He almost got her. Our political officials believe themselves so insular from the real world the rest of us face that when one of them comes out of their ivory tower and they get hurt and killed suddenly everyone is surprised? America is in a state of turmoil that is approaching the levels of the French Revolution Circa 1600 something AD. So far our government has been trying to appease the masses WITH cake. Seals get pissed off when you don't toss them fish and they stop applauding. I think this will be more inductive of people when they begin to feel their back is shoved against a wall. They will make a personal crusade the politicians will try to take out on all of us somehow. I think the saddest thing is how gin control is rearing its head AGAIN. If there were more guns out there I bet the attacker would have been a lot more hesitant to act. Frankly Arizona is a State where Sub Machine gun ownership is legal. If he was armed with a Uzi it would have been real bad and more innocent casualties would have been caught up in this. All I can say is public service has its risks. Welcome to the real world! Oh, BTW... If the elected officials kept voting against popular opinion they are bound to piss someone off bad enough to get shot at. Who is to say he is the only one to want her dead? He might have been the one with big enough balls to take the first shot of the loonies out there! Where you find one loony you are bound to find more!!! You are right there are whole slew of loonies listening to the hatemongering of the right and getting more dangerous by the day. |
I think the left is doing this because they are afraid that the country might find some unity in all this so they are inciting hate by the nonsense they are spreading to further divide the country. It is not like the talk of hatemongering from the right hasn't been discussed for quite a while now. Nice try though. |
You are right there are whole slew of loonies listening to the hatemongering of the right and getting more dangerous by the day. We call them leftists, they can't stand when someone disagrees with them, so they have to kill them or silence them or imprison them. |
This isn't inciting violence against McCain. Everybody loves a blood thirsty warmonger.
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Hey, leftists only make posters and movies about killing President Bush, Sarah Palin said "Reload!" and words make lefties cry.
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Where have the Dems used so hate-filled violent Rhetoric. I challenged someone, any one, to show me proof. I'm still waiting. I hear the claims but no one shows me the proof. Show me an example damnit! Why? Examples abound... they are popping up all over the internet, some news services, and you could even (heaven forbid) look them up yourself... because anyone posting such a proof on here will be immediately buried under some of the very 'retorhic' and 'vitreeeeeol' that is being attributed to the side you appear not to like... examples of stupidity-in-speach exist on both sides of the political isle. Politicians are idiots. |
There are many on this site who's rhetoric sound eerily similar to what I've heard from the AZ shooter.
And, they ain't Dems. |