Topic: over 1000 blackdirds fall from sky
Fanta46's photo
Tue 01/04/11 10:36 PM

Maybe they all drank the cool aid

someone at another site said "they lived in Arkansas, they probably committed suicide..."

laugh laugh laugh

bedlum1's photo
Wed 01/05/11 06:39 AM
Edited by bedlum1 on Wed 01/05/11 06:41 AM
New theory...
The birds....flew into cow flatulence...
And the fish scared by the asain carp swam through a giant cloud of rednecks urine.
The fish being fragile ones succumbed to the high levels of THC and budweiser in it

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 01/05/11 02:54 PM
Or maybe the birds woke up one day and finally realized, that they in fact were birds. And they killed themselves hoping to reincarnate as a better creature.

boredinaz06's photo
Wed 01/05/11 10:59 PM

These are indicator species so something is going awry somewhere. The birds could be that they got sucked up into a storm and got killed there then dropped, black bird flocks are freakin huge. The fish on the other hand is no doubt due to pollution. possibly and algae bloom but that would have been reported.

lulu24's photo
Wed 01/05/11 11:03 PM

These are indicator species so something is going awry somewhere. The birds could be that they got sucked up into a storm and got killed there then dropped, black bird flocks are freakin huge. The fish on the other hand is no doubt due to pollution. possibly and algae bloom but that would have been reported.
i live like ten miles away, and my skies were clear...i guess it's possible there was a storm, but i sure didn't see one.

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 01/06/11 08:29 AM

These are indicator species so something is going awry somewhere. The birds could be that they got sucked up into a storm and got killed there then dropped, black bird flocks are freakin huge. The fish on the other hand is no doubt due to pollution. possibly and algae bloom but that would have been reported.
i live like ten miles away, and my skies were clear...i guess it's possible there was a storm, but i sure didn't see one.

The storm could have been 50 miles away, not saying that was what caused it it could have been pesticides used by farmers that did ii. Have to wait for the necropsy to find out.

willing2's photo
Thu 01/06/11 08:32 AM

The storm could have been 50 miles away, not saying that was what caused it it could have been pesticides used by farmers that did ii. Have to wait for the necropsy to find out.
How is the investigators having sex with dead birds going to solve anything???shocked tongue2:wink:

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 01/06/11 08:38 AM

The storm could have been 50 miles away, not saying that was what caused it it could have been pesticides used by farmers that did ii. Have to wait for the necropsy to find out.
How is the investigators having sex with dead birds going to solve anything???shocked tongue2:wink:

Get your head outta the gutter son, your thinkin necrobestialphillialaugh Autopsies are done on humans, necropsies are done on other animals.

willing2's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:14 AM

The storm could have been 50 miles away, not saying that was what caused it it could have been pesticides used by farmers that did ii. Have to wait for the necropsy to find out.
How is the investigators having sex with dead birds going to solve anything???shocked tongue2:wink:

Get your head outta the gutter son, your thinkin necrobestialphillialaugh Autopsies are done on humans, necropsies are done on other animals.

Da' devil made me do it!laugh laugh laugh

boredinaz06's photo
Thu 01/06/11 09:19 AM

The storm could have been 50 miles away, not saying that was what caused it it could have been pesticides used by farmers that did ii. Have to wait for the necropsy to find out.
How is the investigators having sex with dead birds going to solve anything???shocked tongue2:wink:

Get your head outta the gutter son, your thinkin necrobestialphillialaugh Autopsies are done on humans, necropsies are done on other animals.

Da' devil made me do it!laugh laugh laugh

Perhaps the baby Jesus smited theelaugh

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 01/06/11 02:33 PM
My new theory is that Lulu glared at the sky, and all the birds died from heart attacks O_O

Bestinshow's photo
Thu 01/06/11 02:41 PM
The 10 Leading Theories For Dead Birds And Fish

As the mainstream media attempts to downplay the latest die-off event, which has now gone global, it is worthwhile to keep track of the story lines. Feel free to add your own to the comments section, and we will update accordingly.

Mainstream Explanations: Lightning, hail, mid-air collision, power lines, and New Year fireworks for the birds . . . but disease for the fish. This is even rolling eyes in the mainstream media. Birds are incredibly sensitive to their environment (think Canary in the coal mine), and the thought that they were caught by surprise, or that they "fowled" up their flight pattern is patently ridiculous. And where are the roasted birds from this lightning strike? And what about fish dying in the same region? Just a "disease" coincidence. One mainstream headline has to be enshrined as the saddest attempt at sensationalism, while revealing an obvious natural conclusion Falling Birds Likely Died From Massive Trauma. Really?

Meteor showers: We are in a period of intense seasonal meteor showers, and several perennial YouTubers reported hearing sonic booms in the area that could have indicated a local shock wave. This would be one non-conspiratorial, natural cause that actually makes sense, but it is hard to connect to both birds and fish, unless it produced a disabling frequency. There were indeed other sound anomalies according to the report highlighted above.

New Madrid Fault Line: An excellent article by The American Dream collated data about the recent earthquake activity along this fault line that runs along the mid-eastern section of the U.S. Combined with gas fracking, the immense geological activity in the region, and the BP oil drilling disaster, which off-gassed the dispersant, Corexit, into the atmosphere, and we should be wondering about any mass deaths in the region. Nevertheless, this has turned into a global event, so the above could be a side effect of something larger, or a direct contributing factor.

Government testing: The long history of government testing has been exposed by many researchers. The strange component to this die-off is that only certain species have been affected, but within the entire region. And some reports have indicated that the organs of these birds were liquefied, which could indicate a possible virus. Could this implicate species-specific bio-weapons? It is on record that discussions have taken place about race-specific bio-weapons; perhaps this is a test of delivery capability?

GMO mutation: Mike Adams of Natural News sets forth an interesting theory: this latest event is local, but the die-offs are happening across species as bee populations and bats are also declining. Adams points out that Monsanto has a corporate office in Arkansas. Just wondering.

Geoengineering: Could spraying in the area have caused this type of fallout? Perhaps something new added to the mixture? Chemtrails have quickly moved from conspiracy theory to documented fact. So much so, that the powers-that-be have had to admit to the program, but a beneficial one in their view. Between cloud seeding and possible connections to HAARP, chemtrail fallout must be considered, especially as it is being conducted nearly worldwide. Rosalind Peterson has been at the forefront of connecting geoengineering to GMOs as a combined source for oxygen-depleting algae blooms that very well could affect a wide spectrum of natural systems. Furthermore, some believe that the delivery system for chemtrails can also disperse pathogens. If there is a flu or disease outbreak in the coming days or weeks among the human population in areas where the birds have fallen, the chemtrail connection could be made. If this happens, the contagion could be blamed on a new, deadly bird flu. A last possibility connected to chemtrails would be nanoparticles.

HAARP: Birds and fish can be susceptible to subtle frequency alteration. An interesting YouTube post from a long-time fisherman mentioned the "pearl" plate behind the eye of the affected type of drum fish in this event. He made a plea for anyone in the area to look for signs of damage to this plate. Both birds and fish navigate in highly coordinated ways that indicate that they move and communicate via frequencies. Could the HAARP array in Alaska have short-circuited their navigation systems? Or, perhaps this is the beginning of a cascading effect from decades of electromagnetic pollution emanating from EMF and ELF waves shot around the planet via a wide range of modern communications.

Scalar Weapons: These directed energy beam weapons can be deployed via satellite and create a wide range of "natural disasters" that can be tuned to certain frequencies. Their radius is reported to be several miles. Even crazier is that we have been told that the dead birds encountered massive trauma. One of the reported abilities of scalar weapons is to create a Tesla shield of plasma, like a bubble, that could explode anything that enters its airspace. Some have speculated that this technology is in full operation. But what if it truly is still at the testing phase? Remember, this is happening in South America, too.

Project Blue Beam: Were they testing a sound generator for the global theater of alien invasion? This one is "out there" for sure, but NASA itself has announced its preparation for such a scenario. Project Blue Beam, like its counterpart HAARP, uses the natural energy present in the ionosphere as both a visual and acoustical device. Again, perhaps they are not at the ready stage yet, but, like Tesla, have made an unintentional misstep.

Geomagnetic and other Earth changes: As anyone can see from the above range of possibilities, we are facing an array of human tampering. However, the backdrop to this are the anomalies beginning to take form with the apparent wandering of our magnetic pole, as even National Geographic reported that the north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia. Add to this a dwindling magnetosphere and falling oxygen levels, and the deaths among more delicate species might portend a larger problem. Finally, an increase in sun activity and magnetic storms might be weakening our overall natural habitat.

The widespread die-off of nature should lead us to look more intently at the world around us, and to question our relationship to it, and our effect upon it. Perhaps this is what we should have been doing all along.

* Zen Gardner is the Contributing Editor for Alternative News at Before It's News, and also posts at

no photo
Thu 01/06/11 03:25 PM

..many years ago in my home town the military sprayed teritol into the air and the blackbirds would die of exposure..i'm surprised that no one has mentioned this..the reason they did this was

because of histoplasmosis which is a respiratory problem brought on by the bird droppings..the birds would literally huddle in the trees

and as they would freeze to death fall to the ground..all these black birds falling out of the sky reminds me of this...i wondered if they have tested to see if these birds were exposed to tergitol..smokin

damnitscloudy's photo
Thu 01/06/11 06:54 PM
I wonder if the oil spill in the gulf had anything to do with it? Its obvious that it would impact the fish, but maybe the birds eat the fish that were contaminated?

Bestinshow's photo
Sun 01/09/11 05:01 PM
The birds suffered from acute physical trauma leading to internal hemorrhage and death," the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission said in a statement Monday. "There was no sign of chronic or infectious disease."

That eliminates the possibility of West Nile virus or some other avian illness.

According to NBC News, Arkansas's official state veterinarian, Dr. George Badley, stated the blackbirds died in mid-flight, not upon impact with the ground after they fell.

Either the birds ran into something…or something ran into the birds.

Bestinshow's photo
Wed 01/12/11 03:53 PM
Wednesday morning, we got a handful of emails and phone calls from viewers who said there appeared to be a massive bird kill on the side of Interstate 65 in Limestone County. That's exactly what we found when we got there.

Just south of Athens, near mile marker 347, there were around 300 dead blackbirds just off the side of the northbound lanes.

The viewers who called us said the birds seemed to just fall from the sky, but we spoke to a wildlife biologist at the scene who says there is an explanation for what happened.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 01/12/11 04:00 PM

Wednesday morning, we got a handful of emails and phone calls from viewers who said there appeared to be a massive bird kill on the side of Interstate 65 in Limestone County. That's exactly what we found when we got there.

Just south of Athens, near mile marker 347, there were around 300 dead blackbirds just off the side of the northbound lanes.

The viewers who called us said the birds seemed to just fall from the sky, but we spoke to a wildlife biologist at the scene who says there is an explanation for what happened.

hit by a car? i don't think so...not 300 anyway...

metalwing's photo
Wed 01/12/11 04:14 PM
I think they were following the "leader" and the leader was a dumbazz.

Kinda like humans.

mightymoe's photo
Wed 01/12/11 04:16 PM

I think they were following the "leader" and the leader was a dumbazz.

Kinda like humans.

lol...i still don't buy it tho...

no photo
Wed 01/19/11 06:38 PM
Here is interesting spin on this. I happened upon a link that showed this didn't just occur in the United States. It happened in one form or another in various spots all over the world.

Funny how they classify these as biological hazard. noway