Topic: I must be a magnet.... | |
Understood Sing....
I do see what you are saying. From my own perspective, I have not too long ago had a cluster of young women chicks walk past as I was in a mall and one stopped for a moment and walked up and said point blank "You are f**king sexy"...smiled and walked on while the rest of the group chuckled laughed and walked on while looking back. It made me smile for the rest of the day. Sure she was too young and it was strictly a comment on physicalities with nothing to do with the inner me. So what? No harm was done. You would be suprized how many times I have had someone in a check out line ask "Can I touch your hair?" (I let them) I am me so I can't realistically expect everyone to see things from my perspective...but, to is just someone complimenting some part of my physique. (You should thank god right now that they dont allow nude photos cause I am no joke naked) I just dont see how..."You got a great body" is insulting or demeaning. |
Which stilletoes? hehehehehehe (I got the sexiest mannequins EVER!!!!) (hanging my head in shame) Yes.....dinner is ready b!tch!!!!!!! hehehehehehe :) |
Which stilletoes? hehehehehehe (I got the sexiest mannequins EVER!!!!) (hanging my head in shame) Yes.....dinner is ready b!tch!!!!!!! hehehehehehe :) Drop and give me twenty smart *** |
Which stilletoes? hehehehehehe (I got the sexiest mannequins EVER!!!!) (hanging my head in shame) Yes.....dinner is ready b!tch!!!!!!! hehehehehehe :) Drop and give me twenty smart *** Ok but first, unleash those puppies and lay down. |
Understood Sing.... I do see what you are saying. From my own perspective, I have not too long ago had a cluster of young women chicks walk past as I was in a mall and one stopped for a moment and walked up and said point blank "You are f**king sexy"...smiled and walked on while the rest of the group chuckled laughed and walked on while looking back. It made me smile for the rest of the day. Sure she was too young and it was strictly a comment on physicalities with nothing to do with the inner me. So what? No harm was done. You would be suprized how many times I have had someone in a check out line ask "Can I touch your hair?" (I let them) I am me so I can't realistically expect everyone to see things from my perspective...but, to is just someone complimenting some part of my physique. (You should thank god right now that they dont allow nude photos cause I am no joke naked) I just dont see how..."You got a great body" is insulting or demeaning. Some men cannot handle it if they see a little cleavage, or a little leg. If they're trying to compliment you, yet cannot even look away from that body part, it's not really a turn on. It's like they've never seen a little skin before and have no clue what to do with themselves. Is that the kind of guy I want? Of course not. Kind of like the faceless guys on here sending a message (or a post like earlier in the thread) that says something to the effect of "you have nice ****." I can guess at what they're hoping to happen from that kind of "compliment" but do they really expect much? I doubt it. Maybe there are women out there who love these kind of compliments from men they don't know. Who knows. |
Oh good lord, you've let out the krupalope! Yes, you are magnet for crazy & don't scream when he's humping your leg later-it excites him
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I can understand that.
Some people are smoothe and some just got no clue. Fortunately I learned from the ultimate flirt (my dad)...I know very well, that I can get away with saying things that other fellas cant. Maybe it is just the tone or delivery or just the sense that it is strictly a good natured compliment. Perhaps the problem could be the desperation that some people exude...desperate chicks are repulsive so I assume the same holds true with guys. I have met people from here...including a mod who still wont show me her boobs (I still ask) ....I am even worse in person. By all accounts, I should have long ago been branded as a offensive pevert if you strictly look at the terms I use in conversations....yet, everyone who talks to me for more than two minutes....quickly understands that I say the things I say to make them feel good. Nothing more. The ONE chick who didn't....I laughed in her face and walked away thinking..."I bet your ex is happy" |
Oh good lord, you've let out the krupalope! Yes, you are magnet for crazy & don't scream when he's humping your leg later-it excites him ![]() Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Damn it Fly! I was gonna go and......... oh hey.....Damn your @$$ looks good tonight! |
Edited by
Tue 12/21/10 07:29 PM
I can understand that. Some people are smoothe and some just got no clue. Fortunately I learned from the ultimate flirt (my dad)...I know very well, that I can get away with saying things that other fellas cant. Maybe it is just the tone or delivery or just the sense that it is strictly a good natured compliment. Perhaps the problem could be the desperation that some people exude...desperate chicks are repulsive so I assume the same holds true with guys. I have met people from here...including a mod who still wont show me her boobs (I still ask) ....I am even worse in person. By all accounts, I should have long ago been branded as a offensive pevert if you strictly look at the terms I use in conversations....yet, everyone who talks to me for more than two minutes....quickly understands that I say the things I say to make them feel good. Nothing more. The ONE chick who didn't....I laughed in her face and walked away thinking..."I bet your ex is happy" Desperation has a lot to do with it and is always a turn off for me. I don't know you other than in the forums, but I've never been offended by you. I also don't see you as desperate. So I don't categorize you with the kind of guys I'm talking about. But like I said, I'm really just speaking about the kind of guy who might walk up to someone in a bar that they don't know, or someone on here that might email someone they've never chatted with before. Not people who know each other. |
believe me...the forums arent much different than real life.
( except I am more foul mouthed in person with no mods or the threat of suspension) I have friends who want to go catting with me but, I wont take them because of the fact that they are soooooooo unsmoothe and desperate. I tell them straight up..."You act like every piece of @$$ is the last one you will ever get...STOP IT! is embarrassing." I walk into every situation like I own it and I (deludedly) tell myself that I am good enough for any woman in the room. I can honestly tell a woman that she (or a body part) is looking spectacular and then migrate on my way. Almost without fail, that woman will track me down to chit chat. If she don't, no biggie...then she has to go home and suffer the anguish of knowing that some dude thinks she is fine. |
Confidence works. Many men don't have it, though.
no sh**
So yeah, what works well for you is most likely not going to work well for many other guys.
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For all the crazy people in the world!..I swear no matter the location,age or race of the guy that contacts me..they are all crazy..and they just get worse and worse with each guy!! ![]() Maybe you should quit dating for awhile? Or keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Honestly people, it is not that difficult...if something is consistently not working out...****ing quit doing it. |
Or keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Honestly people, it is not that difficult...if something is consistently not working out...****ing quit doing it. what if i have trouble breathing... ![]() |
Or keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Honestly people, it is not that difficult...if something is consistently not working out...****ing quit doing it. what if i have trouble breathing... ![]() Well...obviously it is working or I think you would hardly have the breath to use your fingers much less think of a sentence to type. |
Ha! I just re-read this thread.... Don't compliment body parts... It is immature and sexist What a load of absolute crap! If someone has beautiful eyes..should guys not compliment them? What about a brilliant smile? Really nice hair????? These are all physical traits that it is perfectly acceptable to compliment but god forbid someone thinks ya got a nice rack or we make the mistake of pointing out that you could crack walnuts with your fine @$$. If ya can't take a compliment then you definitely have bigger issues than someone having the absolute gall to check you out and make the mistake of complimenting you. I don't care if your kid fed there.....ya still got nice hooters! You got a great butt! (dont mean I have any intentions of dropping your pants and violating anthing.) Some gals should be happy to just accept a compliment for just that ....a simple compliment. Cause honestly....the self-righteous indignation is a major turn off. Remember this post when some bird posts a pic of a shirtless cowboy hunk type dude that all the chicks start drooling over. Get over yourselves and just accept the fact that you are hot and guys will always point out the obvious. The day WILL come when there are no more compliments......get em while you can. |
The long and short of it is...
a compliment is still a compliment. (albiet, some people can do it better than others....I can hardly blame those shmucks for trying) So suck it up ladies.... I like your boobs. I like your butt. I wanna stick my face in there and make the motor boat sound....bobbadabobbadbobbada There are plenty of chicks out there that the ONLY thing they got going for them is a nice body. |
For all the crazy people in the world!..I swear no matter the location,age or race of the guy that contacts me..they are all crazy..and they just get worse and worse with each guy!! ![]() Maybe you should quit dating for awhile? Or keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Honestly people, it is not that difficult...if something is consistently not working out...****ing quit doing it. Can't I just bury the crazy-azzhole? OK-anyone else, cuz I seriously doubt fear talks me outta this ![]() |
For all the crazy people in the world!..I swear no matter the location,age or race of the guy that contacts me..they are all crazy..and they just get worse and worse with each guy!! ![]() Maybe you should quit dating for awhile? Or keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result. Honestly people, it is not that difficult...if something is consistently not working out...****ing quit doing it. WOW Fear..You let this topic grow to 5 whole pages before you said anything?!..You're slacking off!..lmao |