Topic: Men with children...
seamac's photo
Sun 12/19/10 04:59 PM
I did the 'step mom' thing starting in my early 30's, some 20 years later - not interested. Even if the man is age appropriate due to having kids with a younger woman...I am at the grandparent stage of life and wouldn't go back to parenting.

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:21 PM

I am dating a man with 9 kids. huh ( yeah, I I have met all but 4. I met those little guys once. I was scared. I thought that they all would think that I was a bad person...(the evil new girlfriend and stuff, you know..) 2 Of his boys were 18 when I met the two. Then on a visit to the x-wife's' house, I met the other 4 boys. The 2 older boys came over to visit just about every weekend.

Then all of a sudden his 3 girls were so rudely given to us. ( I am not saying that I was mad that we had to take them...It was the way the X girlfriend had did it.) After the girls were there for 2 days they felt so comfy in calling me mom. We had the girls for 2 and 1/2 years until their bio-mom decided she wanted to play mommy again and took them for a month.....mad explode grumble. We are still waiting to get them back. Have to go to court on that one. :angry:

I got so attached to his kids that at times I think about the girls and I just sit and cry. I miss them so much. I worry about them because the X's choice in fast boyfriends is NOT what is good for these little girls.

I would date a guy with kids, you never know where you will find that buried treasure. I feel that this is the best decision that I have ever made with my life and that of my 2 children.

noway Who wants all that drama???? One or two kids is fine, if he has an entire football team of kids, than I pass...Being alone isnt all that bad....

Then that is your loss. Just don't bash me again for the choices I make please?

krupa's photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:25 PM
Dont think that was a bash Fine darling....just a perspective.

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:35 PM

I was looking at a thread on another site. And the topic was about, why men don't date women with children. Trust me, since it was a man that posted it. It didn't go welllaughlaugh

But I was wondering how you ladies feel about men raising a child when it comes to dating?

Nothing wrong with a man raising a child when it comes to dating..he is doing the same thing as a woman raising a child or children when it comes to difference...this is the way it is in 2010...

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:51 PM

I am dating a man with 9 kids. huh ( yeah, I I have met all but 4. I met those little guys once. I was scared. I thought that they all would think that I was a bad person...(the evil new girlfriend and stuff, you know..) 2 Of his boys were 18 when I met the two. Then on a visit to the x-wife's' house, I met the other 4 boys. The 2 older boys came over to visit just about every weekend.

Then all of a sudden his 3 girls were so rudely given to us. ( I am not saying that I was mad that we had to take them...It was the way the X girlfriend had did it.) After the girls were there for 2 days they felt so comfy in calling me mom. We had the girls for 2 and 1/2 years until their bio-mom decided she wanted to play mommy again and took them for a month.....mad explode grumble. We are still waiting to get them back. Have to go to court on that one. :angry:

I got so attached to his kids that at times I think about the girls and I just sit and cry. I miss them so much. I worry about them because the X's choice in fast boyfriends is NOT what is good for these little girls.

I would date a guy with kids, you never know where you will find that buried treasure. I feel that this is the best decision that I have ever made with my life and that of my 2 children.

noway Who wants all that drama???? One or two kids is fine, if he has an entire football team of kids, than I pass...Being alone isnt all that bad....

...when you meet and fall for that person you do not know if he has kids or how many...when you do find's no way,who wants that drama?

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:53 PM
Kids to me are a blessing...not drama.

michiganman3's photo
Sun 12/19/10 05:58 PM

Kids to me are a blessing...not drama.

Nor are they Baggage....

My oldest daughter came to live with me after she turned 18.
I expect the youngest to do the same next spring when she turns 18.

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:03 PM
Edited by LiLBLACKMAGiC on Sun 12/19/10 06:04 PM

krupa's photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:04 PM
I donno.........I have seen some truly hellish kids who could use a viscious beating to make up for all the ones that thier worthless parents never gave them.

I LIKE kids! but no doubt...there are some little turds out there that are destined for prison.

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:07 PM

I donno.........I have seen some truly hellish kids who could use a viscious beating to make up for all the ones that thier worthless parents never gave them.

I LIKE kids! but no doubt...there are some little turds out there that are destined for prison.

Yes...and a bloody shame...when we have kids we do the best we can to bring them up...when they reach their teens we pray and keep our fingers crossed that they do not take the wrong exit.

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:12 PM

I am dating a man with 9 kids. huh ( yeah, I I have met all but 4. I met those little guys once. I was scared. I thought that they all would think that I was a bad person...(the evil new girlfriend and stuff, you know..) 2 Of his boys were 18 when I met the two. Then on a visit to the x-wife's' house, I met the other 4 boys. The 2 older boys came over to visit just about every weekend.

Then all of a sudden his 3 girls were so rudely given to us. ( I am not saying that I was mad that we had to take them...It was the way the X girlfriend had did it.) After the girls were there for 2 days they felt so comfy in calling me mom. We had the girls for 2 and 1/2 years until their bio-mom decided she wanted to play mommy again and took them for a month.....mad explode grumble. We are still waiting to get them back. Have to go to court on that one. :angry:

I got so attached to his kids that at times I think about the girls and I just sit and cry. I miss them so much. I worry about them because the X's choice in fast boyfriends is NOT what is good for these little girls.

I would date a guy with kids, you never know where you will find that buried treasure. I feel that this is the best decision that I have ever made with my life and that of my 2 children.

noway Who wants all that drama???? One or two kids is fine, if he has an entire football team of kids, than I pass...Being alone isnt all that bad....

Then that is your loss. Just don't bash me again for the choices I make please?

She was not bashing...she was just responding to your comment...just came out the wrong way I guess...and you mistook it for bashing...Not easy task bringing up children...especially when it is someone else's and not our own.

krupa's photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:12 PM
Hell......I was talking about kids in thier 30's.

Got kids that they dont support. No sense of respect, loyalty or accountability and would rather buy meth than pay to have thier electricity turned back on.

Thier parents were total failures and the resulting offspring will end up shot or imprisoned.

(referring to a couple of people I personally considered to be friends here so I am gonna stick by this statement)

krupa's photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:27 PM
This is why I am single.

Closing the door and walking the **** out. click

Gossipmpm's photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:30 PM
Won't do it!!!


Been there. Done that!!

I want only the man!! Grown and outa the house kids ok

It's me and my man time!!!!:heart:

no photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:32 PM

This is why I am single.

Closing the door and walking the **** out. click

laugh laugh ...yup laugh laugh

eileena9's photo
Sun 12/19/10 06:48 PM
Edited by eileena9 on Sun 12/19/10 06:55 PM

I am dating a man with 9 kids. huh ( yeah, I I have met all but 4. I met those little guys once. I was scared. I thought that they all would think that I was a bad person...(the evil new girlfriend and stuff, you know..) 2 Of his boys were 18 when I met the two. Then on a visit to the x-wife's' house, I met the other 4 boys. The 2 older boys came over to visit just about every weekend.

Then all of a sudden his 3 girls were so rudely given to us. ( I am not saying that I was mad that we had to take them...It was the way the X girlfriend had did it.) After the girls were there for 2 days they felt so comfy in calling me mom. We had the girls for 2 and 1/2 years until their bio-mom decided she wanted to play mommy again and took them for a month.....mad explode grumble. We are still waiting to get them back. Have to go to court on that one. :angry:

I got so attached to his kids that at times I think about the girls and I just sit and cry. I miss them so much. I worry about them because the X's choice in fast boyfriends is NOT what is good for these little girls.

I would date a guy with kids, you never know where you will find that buried treasure. I feel that this is the best decision that I have ever made with my life and that of my 2 children.

noway Who wants all that drama???? One or two kids is fine, if he has an entire football team of kids, than I pass...Being alone isnt all that bad....

''Who wants all that drama????'' Obviously Fineporcelain does because she LOVES the man she has been with for the past four yrs helping him raise and love his children. They are helping these children find out what love is all about and helping them become good people.

Just because you don't want to be with a man with this many children doesn't mean you should have quoted her to pass on your opinion of her life. She didn't ask for opinions or suggestions, she answered the OP and said she doesn't mind dating a man with children. Passing comment on her life was uncalled for in my opinion.

Seakolony's photo
Sun 12/19/10 07:20 PM
I have no problem dating a man with children

yellowrose10's photo
Sun 12/19/10 07:32 PM
I have cleaned up a few posts. Please leave the attacks off of the forums. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.


TheCaptain's photo
Sun 12/19/10 07:53 PM
I would personally never date a man with kids.

Gossipmpm's photo
Mon 12/20/10 09:03 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh :heart: