Topic: if your best friend is hot... | |
I don't want to complain, but what the heck do you do when your best friend, the person you spend most of your time hanging out with, is so hot that every time you go out (bars, clubs, anywhere) every guy's eyes are on her? My best friend is awesome, dont get me wrong. We do everything together...she's the only person I "hang out" with, because I really dont have any other close friends. But I can't seem to catch a break with the guys even if I wanted to meet someone because every time - and I mean EVERY time - we go out together, even if its more than just the two of us girls, guys flock to her like moths to a flame. She's so vibrant and funny and gorgeous, so she definitely deserves the attention. But it sux for me.
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I can't imagine you would have a problem. You are a pretty girl. Be the kind that can hold the guys attention, not just get it.
My main problem is that I'm really shy and she is vey outgoing, so of course the attention is going to be on her. I can't compete with someone who always knows what to say and do and she's a terrific, not so much, lol. Not that i want to compete with her for just sux all around.
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There,s no true advice, if she,s that hot, just roll with it.
He is a fool...IMHO
I am with ATD,you are beautiful...
my advise...get a ugly friend!! LOL kidding.I have no idea.I have that prob too so hey! just keep trying .youll meet him soon!!! ![]() |
see what i mean? it's kind of a lose/lose situation.
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I used to have the same problem..had this g/f that was gorgeous, funny, outgoing, etc..i got very intimated by her at times, i quit going out with her..even got to the point where she would introduce me to a guy or two and they and i swear they would come out and say."we arent interested in her, not my type" u call that insulting?
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problem is alot of people, men and women dont want to look that beauty is skin deep..only look at the outside package..thats y so many people are single these days..
true, but hers goes beyond skin deep too, like I said, he is afool...look elsewhere.
sometimes guys will not go to the girl they really want to meet... they "test the waters" with the other one first. This way, if they screw up, they only blew it with the "other" girl.
I don't know if this makes any since. |
Let me get this right... So the problem isn't your looks (obviously), it's not that the guys are shallow, it's just that your friend seems more open and approachable than you do?
this is true can be intimidating by women and visa versa..i know if i were in a niteclub and saw a gorgeous guy, i couldnt go up to way..
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i know what you mean, sweetklp. dont get me wrong, i do look for an attractive guy when i go out, but he doesnt have to be drop dead gorgeous for me to think i'd be interested in him. if our personalities clicked and we have a good time and he makes me laugh, that would make him even more attractive to me....the problem is getting a chance to go that far...and for him to even be interested...that doesnt happen when he's staring at my best friend all night, ya know?
i understand..i think u r very pretty and maybe u just are a little more shy than your friend..alot of guys like shy too..
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im pretty sure thats part of the prob, Spidercmb, my friend is very approachable. but - and dont think im shallow or fishing for compliments - but im not comfortable with the way i look and i dont think im all that attractive and i know thats why i lack confidence and am very shy when we go out...and im sure that doesnt help with my issue.
I'm calling Bulls**t right now. Girl you are hot in your own rights. No two ways about it. Now...if you aren't getting the attention you want while you are with your friend...walk off...and work the room yourself. There is no way on God's Green Earth that you would have any trouble getting a guy to talk to you. If you are SHY....get over it. Drop that act and get with it. Dont' be a goofy ass...but don't be a wallflower either. Sooner, rather than later, the men will be hanging on your every word, too. And, I'd bet, you get to take home your choice.
Look at me for goodness sakes....I ain't nobodies pretty thang at all....(and YOU ARE)....but...I never struggle for the ladies attention. Why..because I get it...and keep it...I'm funny...a good listener...and I'll even talk about the good lookin' guys in the club...and tell 'em he's not straight....or poor....LMAO....pretty soon the wit and humor wins the looks contest...especially if he's HOOKED UP......LMFAO......Keep 'em busy......
Jeez, Sappony, im 29 years old! dont you think ive tried all of the things you've just said? its not me...i dont know how to work a room much less do it all by myself. ive always been painfully shy, but i can be fun and witty and somewhat outgoing if im just with my friends...but once i try to hook up or just talk to a strange guy that i find attractive, the shyness comes out.....and my best friend takes over, all i can do is say bye-bye to another guy.
Well....that ain't much of a friend you got there then darlin. Just my two cents, ya know. For what it's worth, I would check up on you in a club in a minute. Maybe you should go out once in a while without her to build your confidence. Might be difficult...but I think it would help.
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