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Topic: What's showing on your TV right now?
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Thu 04/21/11 06:37 AM


Now this one I liked a lot.

no photo
Thu 04/21/11 07:09 AM


Now this one I liked a lot.

I can see why. laugh

no photo
Thu 04/21/11 10:02 AM
Zombie Honeymoon

kc2011's photo
Thu 04/21/11 10:59 AM
Big Bang Theory :)

mightymoe's photo
Thu 04/21/11 11:14 AM

Fact or Faked:Paranormal Files on the SyFy channel-

They're going after the Chupacabra!

i've seen that video with the alien in the background while the woman was talking on youtube a few times... the people that put that on youtube said it was fake about a year ago...lol

I don't think I've seen this. Is it something like Mythbusters?

they pick videos on the internet that paranormal based, and try to prove them real or fake... it is a good show

no photo
Thu 04/21/11 01:09 PM
The Last Lovecraft: Relic Of Cthulhu

citygurl's photo
Thu 04/21/11 02:19 PM
Dora the Explorer..lol

no photo
Thu 04/21/11 02:38 PM

Big Bang Theory :)

I'm just starting to download this. Is it good?

no photo
Thu 04/21/11 02:40 PM

they pick videos on the internet that paranormal based, and try to prove them real or fake... it is a good show

Definitely sounds interesting. Will look it up. Thanks! :)

mightymoe's photo
Thu 04/21/11 02:44 PM

they pick videos on the internet that paranormal based, and try to prove them real or fake... it is a good show

Definitely sounds interesting. Will look it up. Thanks! :)

it's called "Fact or Faked- paranormal files, on the sci-fi channel

Shy_Emo_chick's photo
Thu 04/21/11 03:01 PM
The news

Cutiepieforyou's photo
Thu 04/21/11 04:21 PM
King of Queens

Sneaksintoyourheart's photo
Thu 04/21/11 04:22 PM

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 02:55 AM

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 02:56 AM

King of Queens

I like this show. :)

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:24 AM
The Dead Outside

ajagirl's photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:38 AM
Sky High
( Disney Channel)

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:48 AM


Another great one.

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 05:48 AM

The Dead Outside

Cool title, but is it good?

no photo
Fri 04/22/11 06:57 AM


Another great one.

Like this movie a lot too. :) Fido is one of the coolest zombies.

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